Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

operation clean & organize

Revolution of Love - Operation Clean & Organize(logo_oco_main_1)**Taming the procrastinating, ADD, mess cat within me.**

I’ve discussed in a number of previous posts (like here and here) about my battle with keeping a clean and organized house. I’m naturally messy and the amount of work I have to do to clean up and organize our house is overwhelming. However, it’s a project I want to undertake because it’s important to me.

I think there is some truth to the saying “cleanliness is next to godliness.” Someone once told me that a person’s exterior life reflects their interior life. I don’t know if that is true but I do know that after awhile I get tired, frustrated and grouchy with all the piles of papers and junk and disorganized areas of the house. A house with little kids will never look like a museum – and never should – but I could definitely use a little more order in my life and I know the difference it makes.

When I do clean up an area and have it organized it makes my life run a little bit smoother. (Who can’t use that?!) I am more at peace and feel that I am better accomplishing my mission in life – to raise a happy family and make our home a little taste of heaven on earth as we work towards entering our eternal home. It is my small way of showing God that I love him – to put aside my natural messy tendencies and find the orderly and creative woman I know is lurking in there somewhere.

So I’ve decided to start “Operation Clean and Organize.” Here are the posts I’ve made so far.


revolution of love - Organizing Bathroom Shelves & Walls - oco_bathroom_logoOperation Clean and Organize: Organizing My Bathroom Shelves and Walls



Pinterest Party & Link-up (Vol 23) and Operation Clean & Organize (vol 19): Weekly Menu Board (Revised)


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Pinterest Party & Link-Up (Vol 22): Emergency Car Bins & Operation Clean and Organize (Vol 18)

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Operation Clean & Organize Vol 17: Master Bedroom (Part 1) Meets {pretty, happy, funny, real} – vol 51

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PLEASE NOTE: When I moved over to WordPress, a number of the older blog posts had broken links and missing photos. I am working on correcting all the posts on this page but it will take me some time. Sorry about that!)

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 16 – The School File

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 15 – Bulletin Boards & Wall Photos (Part 1)

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 14 – Home Management Binder – Part 3: Meal Planning & Finance Binder

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 13 – Home Management Binder – Part 2: Household Binder

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 12 – Planner & Home Management Binder – Part 1: Personal Planner

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 11 – The Family Room Bookcase

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 10 – The Refrigerator

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 9 – Our DVD & Movie Shelf

Operation Clean & Organize: Vol. 8 – The Kid’s Bathroom Counter

Operation Clean & Organize: Spring Cleaning Review

Operation Clean & Organize: Vol 7 – Book Shelves & Desk Area

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 6 – The Cupboards/Pantry (Part 2)

Operation Clean & Organize: Vol 5 – My Desk

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 4 – The Cupboards/Pantry (Part 1)

Operation Clean & Organize – Vol 3: Shopping Lists & The Outdated Pantry

Operation Clean & Organize: Vol 2 – Weekly Menu Board

Operation Clean & Organize: Vol 1 – Intro & The Kitchen

Enjoy and Happy Organizing!

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