Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes – (12/23/11): TMI Edition

7_quick_takes_sm Hosted by Jen at Conversion Diary.

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Is it true it’s already December 23? It’s hard to believe but that’s what the calendar says. At least I’ve been able to count down the day with this really cute kitchen advent calendar.


It is a magnetic mini cookie sheet tray that I hung on the fridge. (I found it at Hallmark.) I love it. šŸ™‚


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Thankfully we are all over our colds, except for a random sneeze here and there. I usually never get sick when the kids do, but it got me this time…
It all started two weeks ago when I was going to do a quick post about making a big pot of soup and freezing individual servings so I can easily have a hot lunch on these busy days. I made a pot of one of my favorite Chicken Posole soups and froze individual servings in Ziploc freezer bags. I’ve had it numerous times but this day I forgot to take out the soup the night before to defrost in the fridge. Instead I took it out in the morning, snapped a photo for my post and then let it defrost on the sink.

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Maybe I left it on the sink too long. Or it could have been because I warmed it in the microwave then forgot about it for awhile. Whatever the reason, when I finally finished eating the soup I started to feel a little sick…then more sick…then I-hope-I-remembered-to-sign-my-will sick. I had food poisoning. Ugh!

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This all took place while the kids were sick with a nasty cold that seemed to take forever to clear up. Normally I am used to being sneezed on (usually right in the face while I’m talking so the germs can head straight into my mouth.) And I’ve learned to live my life as a human Kleenex. I’m not exaggerating. A kid will walk up to me and literally wipe his snot nose against my pant leg leaving a huge slime trail on my leg. Ah, the glamour if motherhood. Normally, I throw a fit shrug it off but with the food poisoning all my defenses were down and those nasty germs were going to make up for all the times I avoided them. The cold wasn’t too bad but I swear (TMI alert) the stuff coming out of my nose was straight from an alien horror movie.

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Thankfully the cold didn’t last too long but the plugged up nose and pressure stuffed head wouldn’t go away. On top of it all, I lost all sense of smell. Perhaps it wasn’t a huge deal but I am big on smells. I could live without smelling the Christmas delights like fresh pine and baked goods. What troubled me is that I couldn’t smell when the toast was burning. I couldn’t smell the questionable milk to see if it was still good. Matthew wore a stinky diaper for hours because I didn’t notice he stunk until Brian came home from work and told me. And have you ever tried to shop for perfume when you can’t smell?? I was in the department store snorting a bottle of fragrance when the saleslady suspiciously asked me if I needed help. I resigned to my fate and simply picked out the prettiest looking bottle hoping it wasn’t actually gag-inducing.

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Then it happened. A couple days later I woke up and heard Matthew pushing and “doing his business” in bed. As I laid in bed and waited for him to be done so I could change him, I slowly started to smell the stench. I jumped out of bed and took a big whiff of his behind. Man, I was never so excited to smell a stinky diaper in all my life. I could smell again! And the heavens rejoiced. So it seemed.

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Anyway, did I really spend all seven takes talking out food poisoning, snot, and poop? Wow. That’s sad, Bobbi. Oh, well. Let us rejoice in the small crosses in life. Compared to what could be going wrong, that is nothing. God is good!
Have a blessed Christmas!!! xoxo šŸ™‚

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