Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

CFCA & An Abigail Update

Last year I posted about Abigal, the little girl in Mexico that we sponsored through Christian Foundation for Children & Aging (CFCA).

I shared with you the first letter we received from her and I thought I’d update you by sharing another letter we received last week that truly touched my heart.

The letter translates:

Dear Bobbi,

I am writing this letter to greet you and all your family because you are helping me. Thank you! I love you very much and I pray for you everyday so that you may be healthy and you may always have a job and everyday’s bread. I have the picture of you next to my Virgin of Guadalupe so that she can take care of you wherever you are and she may cover you with her mantle.

I had a great time at Christmas because at the Foundation all the moms organized games for us so we could have fun and we could meet other sponsored children. My mom participated in the games, and then they gave us something to eat, gave us our gifts, clothes and a small bag with candies. All this is possible thanks to you who give us economic support.

On the other hand, I would like to tell you that my mom and my grandparents are very happy because you are helping me and they say that you are a part of our family now.

Let me tell you too, that I am going to receive my First Communion; my grandmother goes to the handcrafts workshops that they give at the Foundation because they teach them how to make bracelets, necklaces, earrings and now they are making a rosary and then my grandmother teaches me and I am making a rosary.

Goodbye to you, letting you know that I pray to God so that He may take care of you. I wish that with all my heart. May He bless you wherever you are!

A greeting to Bella: Hello, my friend! How are you? Do you like to go to school? Do you have many friends?
Goodbye to you from your sponsored,

I am blown away that her mother and grandparents consider me a member of their family now and that Abigail is praying that Our Lady of Guadalupe watches over me and “covers me with her mantle.” How beautiful! I love the fact that we are helping Abi financially, yet we are the ones receiving the blessings of this little girl’s love and prayers.

To be honest with you, the other day I was going over the budget and I was wondering if we could afford to have all the kids in Catholic school and still send money to Abigail as well. Reading this letter, though, reminded me of how important this money is to her life and her family’s life. I quickly found a way to make it work by cutting out some other frivolous spending in my budget. Besides, I have already been paid back tenfold by the prayers of Abi and her family.

For more information about the CFCA or to sponsor a child of your own, visit the Christian Foundation for Children & Aging (CFCA) website.

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