Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Friday Favorites & Link-up Vol 2 & #7QT

I had so much fun last week with Friday Favorites, I’m back again, although a little later in the day than expected. Here are the things that I am loving this week. 🙂

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This Week’s Fave Charity

Children of Compassion

For the last couple of weeks my boys have been raising money for Children of Compassion, which helps orphaned and disabled in Africa get a Catholic education. What I loved about the experience  was that it was more than a nameless charity. The boys had a number of Facebook Live sessions in the classroom where they met, talked and sang songs for the kids in Africa. When a financial goal was met and another scholarship was paid we knew the child’s name and saw their picture. It brought the experience to life and gave heart to the boys’ charitable endeavors.

Today, after finding sponsors to donate money (thank you, generous givers if you happen to be reading this!) they ran a mile to complete their fundraiser. It was a great way to end Catholic schools week! (I love this charity so much I’ll be writing more about it in a separate blog post.)


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This Week’s Fave Old School Activity

Letter Writing

This month is International Correspondence Writing Month (known as InCoWrMo.) For the last couple of years I have participated in the #InCoWrMo challenge in which I pledge to mail or give one letter, card or note to someone every day this month. With Valentine’s Day and numerous family birthdays in February, I’ve got a head start, which is good because except for Christmas cards, I haven’t sent out much mail this year. (Although I am happy that my Catholic pen pal group has recently turned one year old!)

mail_vs_emailSource: Unknown

But this month is my chance to make up for it! Do you want me so send you a note saying hello? I’ll send a short note/card to the first ten readers who email me their mailing address {rol (at)} or you can DM me on social media. (I’m on all the basics @bobbi_rol.) I’m ready for some happy writing!


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This Week’s Fave Book

A Man Called Ove

Last week I asked for recommendations regarding which classic book I should read next from a list of unread titles. The most votes went to Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and second place to Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I added both to my 2018 Reading List. However, I took so long to decide and check out the book, I started reading A Man Called Ove since it was already on my book shelf. I’m halfway though and really enjoying it so far. I will tackle Frankenstein once I’m done. (And thanks for the recommendations!)


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This Week’s Fave Catholic Item/ Print

Love Endures by Welcome Bee

February is here so it’s time for Valentine decor in the house. I bought a pretty frame on clearance last year but didn’t have a 11×14 print to go inside it until now. Welcome Bee is having a sale so I picked up this Love Endures print. It’s perfect!

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This Week’s Fave Snack

Kirkland Organic Nacho Cheese Multigrain Tortilla Chips

It’s Super Bowl weekend so you know what that means… the big party game! Yeah, I’m not much of a sport fan unless it’s the Packers (gotta root for hubby’s fave) so I won’t really be watching the game. However, I will make sure there’s plenty of tasty treats! In the chips department we’ll forgo Doritos and instead have these delicious new organic nacho cheese chips from Costco. Warning: grab a few then close the bag or else you won’t want to stop. (Ask me how I know.) 😉

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This Week’s Fave Kid-Friendly Song

Witness by Jordan Feliz

When I am in the car I usually listen to SiriusXM Alt Nation but it’s not always kid friendly so I stick to the Christian station when they are in the car. My boys love Jordan Feliz and they were all excited when his new song Witness came out. They ask to listen to it every time they come into the car. Luckily, I like it too so that’s ok. 🙂 


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This Week’s Fave TV Show

Young Victoria

Okay, so I’m super late to the game. Victoria, Season 1 has been sitting in my DVR for a year. When Season 2 started recording I figured I’d better get going. I don’t know why it took me so long but I’m a few episodes in and I’m loving it. I hope to finish Season 1 soon so I can catch up on Season 2. If you’re watching too, did you like the second season as much (without giving spoilers!) 😉

Okay, that’s it. What have you been enjoying this week?

If you’re a blogger, I’d love for you to link up.

And if it’s before Sun, Feb 4, then link up with Ashley for January’s Five Favorites. (She has a give-away going on too!)

If you post about 7 favorites, link up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

Source: CBS/Big Bang Theory

Have a great weekend and enjoy the big game!


PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, 😉

Are you ready to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with your Friday Favorites.

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.

3. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. Have fun!

(Visited 194 times, 1 visits today)


  • Jenny says:

    I love letter writing! I think it’s so important and seriously nothing is better then getting an actual letter.
    I also really want to watch Victoria just haven’t gotten around to it yet. It’s on the list.

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Jenny! I know what you mean – letter writing … watching great shows… sometimes there aren’t enough hours in the day. LOL. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Kathleen says:

    I Loved Victoria and I loved A Man called Ove. Made me think about all the elderly people in my neighborhood and how i need to be a better friend to them!!

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Kathleen, I thought the same thing. You never know what’s going on underneath the gruffness. I want to see the movie once I am done reading the book. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

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