Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Friday Favorites & Link-up (Vol 4) & #7QT

Happy Friday, friends! Welcome to Friday Favorites (a link-up posting every 1st and 3rd Friday.) I’m glad you could join us. πŸ™‚Β  Here are this week’s favorites…

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This Week’s Fave Roadtrip Destination


Anyone who’s read my blog or followed me on IG or FB, knows that we are Disney lovers. Two years ago, my daughter Bella and I took an impromptu girls trip to Disneyland. We had soooo much fun, we made it a regular thing! During Bella’s winter break, she and I kissed Brian and the boys good bye and spent a long weekend at Disneyland. Extra bonus, my mom and sister joined us, making it a true girls’ weekend! (More pics in next week’s Online Daybook/ Currently post.)

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This Week’s Fave Entertainer

Michael the Piano Player


I love this guy. πŸ˜‚ #rolgirlsroadtrip #roldisneyland2018 #rolroadtrip

A post shared by Bobbi Rol (@bobbi_rol) on

To go with my Disney love, is Fave #2 – Michael the Piano Player. I loved his pep and sense of fun as he played, especially when he caught me recording him. πŸ™‚

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This Week’s Fave Praying Tool

Rosary Booklet

Photo credit: Do Small Things with Great Love

I purchased this Rosary Booklet from Do Small Things with Great and it is great companion to praying my rosary this Lent. Each mystery has a short Scripture passage, a virtue, fruit and reflection. It helps me to go deeper into the rosary without being overly complicated or too long for my busy day. Love it. Available in digital and printed form.

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This Week’s Fave Soundtrack

The Greatest Showman

I finally went to go see The Greatest Showman a couple weeks ago and loved it so much I wanted to see it again once more on the big screen so I watched it again last weekend with my Mom, sister and Bella. We all loved it and spent the rest of the weekend listening to the soundtrack. If you are a fan, I’d love to know which song is your favorite. Mine always changes but today it’s “Come Alive.”

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This Week’s Fave Decor

The Letter “B”

I am a sucker for items monogrammed with the Letter B – coffee mugs, stationary, wooden B’s. You’ll find a few in my house and most recently this one I purchase on sale at Michael’s. So pretty with reminders of spring. πŸ™‚


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This Week’s Fave Snack

Coconut Granola

Yesterday Brian asked when I was going to make his favorite coconut granola again (it’s been months) so I pulled out my recipe and started cooking. I forgot how good this tastes! Although, I think I’ll have to wait until Saturday to eat it since Friday should be a day of sacrifice. πŸ˜‰


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This Week’s Fave Journal

Every Sacred Sunday Journal

I have been using the Every Sacred Sunday Mass Journal since it came out at Advent. I’ve gotta tell you, it has changed the way I attend Mass on Sundays! I get there a little early to pray and write in the journal about what I’m grateful for and my prayer intentions for the week. I follow along while the readings are being read and underline anything that stands out to me. During the homily I take notes and try to see what God wants to teach me. It’s not that I wasn’t an active participant at Mass before using the journal, but it has brought me into a deeper level or praying and meditating on the readings and promptings of the Holy Spirit. It has truly been spiritually beneficial.

* Note to moms/dads of little ones. You may roll your eyes at the thought of being able to read along or take notes during the homily. You may simply be happy when you make it through Mass with your sanity intact. I remember those days of crying babies, flying cheerios, evil-eyes given by impatient parishioners and being almost in tears wondering why I even bother… but have hope! One day your munchkins will be old enough to sit quietly and pay attention (relatively speaking) and you will have entered a new phase in parenting at Mass. It’s a game changer. So hang in there! You could always use the journal after Mass (or before) to read the words you couldn’t hear because you were wrangling kids or chasing toddlers out in the garden. πŸ˜‰

Well, that’s it for now! What have you been enjoying this week?

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Also, a big congrats to Kim R for wining theΒ  Welcome Bee Prints contest. Thanks to everyone that joined the fun. πŸ™‚



I’m linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.


with Ashley for Five Favorites, even though I technically have seven. Ashley also does some fabulous monthly giveaways and this month’s is especially lovely. Go check it out!

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify. πŸ˜‰

Are you ready to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with your Friday Favorites.

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.

3. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. The link-up will be open for two weeks. Have fun!

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  • Jenny says:

    We love The Greatest Showman soundtrack! My and kids have it on repeat in the car. My fav is This Is Me.

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Jenny, my daughter and I love the soundtrack but my boys complain whenever I have it on in the car. LOL. Not sure what they’ll do once I download the movie when it is out next week! Thanks for stopping by! πŸ™‚

  • Jen @ Surprised by Marriage says:

    I have 3 kids 5 and under and Every Sacred Sunday has still changed Mass for me! My husband and I read the readings together beforehand, talk about what stuck out to us, and fill in the prayer intention part. I don’t always get to take notes during Mass, but I still keep it in my bag to grab real quick if I feel a prompting to write something down!

    My fave Greatest Showman song changes too but right now it’s A Million Dreams πŸ™‚

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Jen, That’s a perfect way to use the book! I love that you and your husband read it together. // Glad you are enjoying The Greatest Showman too. I can’t wait to download the movie next week! Thanks for stopping by! πŸ™‚

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