Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Friday Favorites & Link-up (Vol 6): A Collection of Catholic Graphic Novels Reviewed

Happy Friday! Today we have a special edition of Friday Favorites. It’s about Catholic graphic novels. As a kid, I remember reading comic books about Pope John Paul II, Mother Teresa and Maximilian Kolbe. (I just found a copy of that one! I added a link below.)

I remember how fascinated I was by these remarkable people and their stories stayed with me in my heart. Now that I have children of my own, I wanted them to experience that same thrill of reading about the saints in a  fun, visually engaging way. I started collecting Catholic graphic novels to build out home saint library. Here is what is in our collection so far. If you have other suggestions for Catholic graphic novels, I’d love to hear about it!

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From Pauline Kids (Sized 6 x 8)

(The smaller 6 x 8 sized graphic novels from Pauline Kids are written in more traditional Japanese style comics such as Shoujo, Shounen and Manga. See book descriptions for specific styles.)

Saint Clare of Assisi: Runaway Rich Girl

  • Author: Kim Hee-Ju
  • Age range: 9-12 years
  • Grade Level: 4-7
  • Length: 200 pages
  • Publisher: Washington Square Press; Reprint edition (June 7, 2016) Originally published in October 2015.

Amazon Summary:

Saint Clare had everything a young girl could want: wealth, a loving family, and her faith. Her father desired the best for her and planned that she would marry according to the family’s position in society. Not only was the suitor her father chose for her handsome, he was also of noble birth. Clare wanted to please her family; but she had heard St. Francis speak of the love of Jesus. Her heart longed to share in the poverty of Christ, live among the poor and serve them in her daily life just like Francis, but she could not do that as the wife of a nobleman. In this book you’ll discover how Clare ran away from the only life she knew to start a radical new adventure in holiness for women, following Francis in his love of the poor Christ. The Order she founded is known today as the Poor Clares. Vibrantly illustrated Shoujo-Manga style graphic novel tells this amazing story for children ages 9 to 12.

My Thoughts:

This graphic novel is beautiful illustrated in vibrant colors with a Shoujo-Manga style (notice the big eyes.) This book tells the story of St. Clare but it also interweaves the story of St. Francis of Assisi since he was an integral part of her vocation story. The story is well written and easy to understand. The graphics of Clare’s beauty with her wide eyes and long, flowing golden hair makes her similar to a Disney princess and will attract female readers. Her courage to follow God and renounce what the world expects of her drives home the draw of her vocation and what can be accomplished by the grace of God. Although this is about a female saint, the presence of St. Francis’ story and the scenes of the soldiers attacking the convent towards the end, kept my three boys interested. This was one of my favorites of the graphic novels I reviewed.

Sample Pages:



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Saint Teresa of Avila: God’s Troublemaker

  • Author: Song-I Yun
  • Length: 188 pages
  • Publisher: Pauline Books and Media (October 1, 2014)

Amazon Summary:

The Shoujo-Manga style graphic novel opens with a young Teresa running away from her home in Spain to convert the Moors and be a martyr for God. As she gets older, Teresa continues to be a troublemaker for her family, this time placing social life and status before her relationship with God. Her father and older sister send her to study with the Carmelite nuns in the hope that she will learn obedience and discipline. When Teresa comes home from the convent, they realize that they have received more than they had bargained for: Teresa had heard Jesus’ call to follow him. She was ready to leave home so that she could do his work as a Carmelite sister. Teresa causes trouble now in Spain, but in the name of Jesus’ mission. She creates a reformed Carmelite Order that spreads all over the country. Young readers will be captivated by St. Teresa’s conversion to the heart of Jesus and her bravery in the face of great adversity.

My Thoughts:

This book is similar in style to the St. Clare graphic novel. Beautifully illustrated and an intriguing story. I’ve gotten so used to thinking of St. Teresa as an amazing mystic saint and doctor of the Church that I forgot her background story and how she had to overcome her love of the world, parties and having fun. Again we have a beautiful princess type girl turning her life over completely to God. Towards the end of the story, we are also introduced to St. John of the Cross since their stories are also intertwined. This was a beautifully written story that also glimpsed at St. Teresa’s spunk and determination. Note that there is a scene where Teresa helps a young priest remain faithful to his vocation and encourages him not to be tempted by a lay woman. There is nothing explicit but be aware that your kids may ask about the priest being tempted. There is also the scene when the Saracens attack Clare’s convent and the soldier exclaims, “Drag everyone out and kill them all!” It may be scary for the younger or sensitive child.

Sample Pages:


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The Legend of St. Christopher: Quest for a King

  • Author: Lee Hyoun-Ju
  • Age range: 9-12 years
  • Grade Level: 4-7
  • Length: 168 pages
  • Publisher: Pauline Kids (March 15, 2017)

Amazon Summary:

This action-packed Shounen-style graphic novel tells the legendary story of St. Christopher for children ages 9 to 12. Known as the patron saint of travelers, St. Christopher had a burning desire to serve only the greatest king. A giant among his peers, he left his home to begin his quest. His journeys led him down many wrong paths to false leaders. Yet once he found what he was searching for he became a model of true Christian strength for us all.

My Thoughts:

This was a fun book, especially for my boys. The illustrations are edgier than the cuter St. Clare and St. Teresa novels. My boys also appreciated the touches of humor. It’s a fun read but my biggest concern is how much of the story is actually true since some of the “legends” of St. Christopher have been questioned. I made sure my boys knew that while many saints have verified miracles or amazing things that happened in their lives, with St. Christopher we think these things happened but we won’t know for sure until we (hopefully) meet him in heaven. Regardless, it is still a great story about searching for God, finding Him, serving our neighbors and being faithful to God, even to the point of death. Thumbs up from my boys.

Sample Pages:



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Philip Neri, the Laughing Saint

  • Author: Hyon-Ju Yi
  • Length: 158 pages
  • Publisher: Pauline Books & Media (April 1, 2015)

Amazon Summary:

The story of St. Philip Neri, patron of joy and of laughter, is told in a full-color, graphic novel biography for children ages 9-12. The Shounen-Manga style graphic novel highlights the humorous spirit of Philip Neri, a son of nobility. When he goes to live with his uncle to learn business skills, he experiences a religious conversion. Full of enthusiasm, Philip moves to Rome to study under the Augustinian rule, dedicating his time, money, and energy to helping the poor. It was then that he co-founded the Confraternity of the Most Holy Trinity, which helped millions of the poor in Rome. Prayerful as well as active, Philip popularized the 40-hour devotion of the Blessed Sacrament. After being ordained a priest, he became a beloved confessor for many, and he founded the Congregation of the Oratory for diocesan clergy. This loveable saint comes alive for young readers as they are introduced to the challenges he lived as he served Christ and the poor in the streets of Rome. His story is a fun and engaging way to give young readers a view of the priesthood. Saint Philip’s self-sacrifice and his unique use of proverbs will inspire all readers to live out Christ’s call in their own lives.

My Thoughts:

After reading this book, I thought to myself that my boys would really enjoy it. It had a what I call boy humor – stuff that makes me roll my eyes while they roll around in laughter. However, having their boy humor coupled to the teaching of a saint was just fine with me. The graphics were vibrant, colorful and Shounen-Manga style, unlike the wide-eye doe looks of the female saint books.  The story displays virtue and the Gospel teaching but adds humor and exaggerated graphics to keep the story light and funny with St. Philip’s antics. (Although there was one scene were the teasing seemed mean.) After I was done with the book my 10 year old eagerly took it from me to read it next. There were moments when he literally laughed out loud. Another time he asked me something about God and the faith. Afterwards I asked him what he would rate the book on a scale of 1 to 10. He exclaimed, “A ten! I loved it.” So there you go.

Sample Pages:



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From Pauline Kids (Sized 8 x 10.5)

(The larger 8 x 10.5 sized graphic novels from Pauline Kids are written in the American comic style.)

Saint Bernadette: The Miracle of Lourdes

  • Author: Brunor & Dominique Bar
  • Age range: 8-12 years
  • Grade Level: 3-7
  • Length: 43 pages
  • Publisher: Pauline Books & Media (July 1, 2010)

Amazon Summary:

What on earth was going on in the small town of Lourdes, France, in February 1858? In a small, rocky grotto near the Gave River, a fourteen-year-old girl named Bernadette Soubirous had seen a beautiful young woman surrounded by light. Bernadette promised the lady to return each day for fifteen days. Mobs of people were gathering near the river, praying and waiting. The authorities were furious, the priests disbelieving. “I am the Immaculate Conception,” the lady told the simple peasant girl. What could it mean? Using historical records and beautiful artwork, this graphic novel tells the exciting story of Saint Bernadette and Our Lady of Lourdes.

My Thoughts:

This graphic is beautifully illustrated and more realistic looking than the Japanese style novels. The book is also packed with historical information and “What Happened to Them?” section at the end. This is a wonderful introduction to the story of St. Bernadette. Did my boys like it? I was looking for the book this morning and couldn’t find it only to see that one of them was reading it as he was eating his breakfast. He gave it two thumbs up.

Sample Pages:



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Mother Teresa of Kolkata : Saint Among the Poor

  • Author: Didier Chardez (Author), Mary Leonora Wilson (Translator)
  • Length: 66 pages
  • Publisher: Pauline Books & Media (September 1, 2016)

Amazon Summary:

This full-color graphic novel of Mother Teresa’s life and ministry includes entertaining and inspiring stories from a priest who traveled with her for seven years. It begins with her early life learning true works of mercy from her parents and her first call to religious life. After her heartfelt yes to Jesus as a Sister of Loreto, she serves in India as a Catholic educator. This eventually leads her to start her own congregation to work with the poorest of the poor on the streets of Kolkata.

My Thoughts:

Mother Teresa’s story is familiar to me but I was still fascinated to read this book. Colorful, realistic graphics added beauty to the story and gave you a touching glimpse into the life of Mother Teresa. Fr. Leo Maasburg, a companion who travels with Mother for seven years, worked with the authors of the book. I loved the little anecdotes that I had not heard before reading this. Besides conveying Mother’s deep prayer life, charity and generosity it also showed her power house determination and sense of humor. I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to reading it together with my boys. The only parental caution is the mention of abortion, and Mother speaking against it, if your children are not already familiar with the word and its meaning.

Sample Pages:



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Saint Joan of Arc: Quest for Peace

  • Author: Brunor & Dominique Bar
  • Age range: 8-12 years
  • Grade Level: 3-7
  • Length: 43 pages
  • Publisher: Pauline Books & Media (August 1, 2010)

Amazon Summary:

“Originally published in French under the title Jehanne d’Arc: gagner la paix, by EDIFA-MAME … Paris, c2008”–T.p. verso.

My Thoughts:

This book of St. Joan of Arc is similar in style to the St. Bernadette since they share the same author and illustrator. The book is lovely to look at but better suited for a little older children since there is a lot of historical information and characters to keep straight. The faith, courage and humility of Joan are well portrayed but reading her story always upsets me. The treachery of the “men of God” makes my blood boil. However, it is still a story worth reading, particularly in this format.

Sample Pages:



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Saint Francis of Assisi: Messenger of Peace

  • Author: Toni Matas
  • Age range: 8-12 years
  • Grade Level: 3-7
  • Length: 60 pages
  • Publisher: Pauline Kids (August 1, 2013)

Amazon Summary:

Using historical records and beautiful artwork, this full-color graphic novel for children ages 8-10 tells the exciting life story of Saint Francis of Assisi:

My Thoughts:

After reading the novel about St. Clare, we read this one next to get more background on the life of Francis. The book is beautifully illustrated, informative and engaging. My boys really enjoyed it and asked many questions about St. Francis, the faith, the stigmata and religious life. Well done.

Sample Pages:




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From Deo Gratias (Sized 9×12, Hard covered)


Our Lady Of Fatima: The Graphic Novel

  • Author: The Deo Gratias Company
  • Length: 48 pages
  • Publisher: The Deo Gratias Company; 1st edition (2017)

Amazon Summary:

In this 100th-Year Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima, we are honored to release the Graphic Novel based on the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Fatima Graphic Novel is packed with attractive full color pages of the miraculous events. The reader will take a trip back in time with Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia to re-discover the events that took place when Our Lady appeared to them in Fatima, Portugal in 1917. This commemorative, hardbound book helps the reader to not only visualize the heavenly apparitions, but challenges them to apply the messages of Our Lady in this day in age. Let us take to heart the call of Our Lady to repentance and reparation, for we know that the message of Fatima is “relevant now more than ever” (Pope St. John Paul II, May 13, 1982). Our lady Of Fatima: The Graphic Novel is an essential edition to every Catholic home library

My Thoughts:

This was one of my favorites of the graphic novels I reviewed, especially since the graphics will appeal to the younger ones but the content of the Fatima messages is sure to touch the hearts of all ages. The book’s narrator is Sr. Lucia, who is telling the story of Fatima to a young student waiting for his catechism class. The book does a fantastic job of relaying the story and touching on Catholic teaching such as the seven deadly sins and about Reconciliation. This would be a great gift for someone making their First Reconciliation or First Communion.

(Note: If you purchase this book from DeoGratias directly, the book costs $20 but comes with a free Our Lady of Fatima coloring book. Also, the company is doing a Kickstarter fundraiser to publish an Our Lady of Guadalupe Graphic Novel.)

Sample Pages:


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From Ignatius Press (Sized 8 x 5.5)

The Shadow of His Wings: A Graphic Biography

  • Author: Max Temesou
  • Length: 128 pages
  • Publisher: Ignatius Press; Ill edition (May 25, 2016)

Amazon Summary:

Here is the astonishing true story of the harrowing experiences of a young German seminarian drafted into Hitler’s dreaded SS at the onset of World War II. Without betraying his Christian ideals, against all odds, and in the face of Evil, Gereon Goldmann was able to complete his priestly training, be ordained, and secretly minister to German Catholic soldiers and innocent civilian victims caught up in the horrors of war. How it all came to pass will astound you. Father Goldmann tells of his own incredible experiences of the trials of war, his many escapes from almost certain death, and the diabolical persecution that he and his fellow Catholic soldiers encountered on account of their faith. What emerges is an extraordinary witness to the workings of Divine Providence and the undying power of love, prayer, faith, and sacrifice.

My Thoughts:

I was particularly interested in reading this book since a few years back I enjoyed the original biography The Shadow of His Wings. The first part of the book is a condensed illustrated narration of Fr. Goldmann’s story. The second part is the text about his life after WWII. My oldest son especially enjoyed this book since he is currently intrigued with WWII. Because of the violence/war scenes in the story, I think this book is best for tween and up.

Sample Pages:



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From Ignatius Press (Sized 8.6 x 11)

The Adventures of Loupio, Volume 1: The Encounter and other Stories

  • Author: Jean-Francois Kieffer
  • Age range: 6-7 years
  • Grade Level: 1-2
  • Length: 44 pages
  • Publisher: Ignatius Press; New edition edition (November 30, 2010)

Amazon Summary:

In the days of knights and castles lived an adventurous young troubadour named Loupio.

Orphaned and on his own in 13th century Italy, plucky Loupio meets Brother Francis of Assisi and his friend Brother Wolf, and so begins a new life of joyfully trying to do good, while still getting by in a dangerous world.

The youthful and colorful comic- book style presents to young readers the exciting challenges of growing up in the Middle Ages, which often look very like the challenges of growing up in any age. Like the Tin Tin and Asterix comics, this series, never before available in English, is sure to entertain young readers. But more than that, the seeds of faith, hope and charity taking root in Loupio, might grow in their hearts too.

My Thoughts:

My younger boys have been fans of the Loupio comics that appear in the Magnificat’s kids’ missal – Magnifikid. They were eager for me to get them the Loupio book set. They bring them to church and read them as they wait for Mass to start.  The collection of stories in each book are sweet and teach about virtue and living your life for God in a simple way that the younger set can understand. Although this book is listed with an 6-7 age range, my 8 and 10 year old have been enjoying them too. (When I was looking for a missing volume, I found it under one of their pillows.)

Sample Pages:



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After reading Volume 1, you are going to want to buy the next ones in the series. They are just as good. The other volumes include:

The Adventures of Loupio, Volume 2: The Hunters and Other Stories

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The Adventures of Loupio, Volume 3: The Tournament

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The Adventures of Loupio, Volume 4: The Inn and Other Stories

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From Magna Hero (sizes vary)

Paul: Tarsus to Redemption

  • Author: Matthew Salisbury, Gabrielle Gniewek and Sean Lam (Illustrator)
  • Length: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Manga Hero; 2 edition (January 1, 2017)
  • Size: 6.6 x 0.9 x 10 inches

Amazon Summary:

Paul is a young Jewish firebrand who kills or captures anyone who follows the new sect of Christianity. His closest friend, Septus, is a renegade Roman officer who helps Paul dominate the countryside. Paul gains a mentor, but loses his friends when he finally embraces truth. He faces death at the hands of his closest companion, betrayal, and constant danger. Then, after spending years in solitude in the desert, he is finally ready to begin his epic mission to Rome. The missionary finds new allies in Stephanus, a zealous young Christian, and Phoebe, a spunky, street-smart firebrand. Paul scratches out a foundation for the underground community of believers. Along the way, he fights to protect his young followers and his Church from constant danger at the hands of thieving merchants and murderous mobs. When on his way to his trial in Rome, Pauls prison ship gets lost in a storm at sea and the whole crew, including the disbelieving centurion, Julius, is shipwrecked on the island of Malta. Meanwhile, Stephanus and Phoebe follow after Paul, hoping to free him before the new Caesar, Nero, launches his persecution against all Christians. Little do they know, it might already be too late. Testifying his faith at his trial might be Pauls last and final Act as an Apostle of God. This manga style story is based on the actual happenings of Paul the Apostle

My Thoughts:

This book was the first that I read from The graphics are excellent in black an white and really have the look of a magna novel. I only wish there had been a bit more text or background info. If you didn’t already the story of Paul and his life, it could be a little confusing. For my sons, it was a great beginning point and then I filled in the greater details. The Mangahero Rating for this book is Tween. I agree. You’ll want to preview some of the more violent content to make sure it’s suitable for your younger kids. (I had no problem with my 10 year old reading it but my 8 year old is more sensitive to violence.)

Sample Pages:


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Judith: Captive to Conqueror

  • Author: Gabrielle Gniewek (Author), Sean Lam (Author, Illustrator), Regina Doman (Editor)
  • Length: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Manga Hero; Second edition edition (February 15, 2013)
  • Size: 6.6 x 0.8 x 10 inches

Amazon Summary:

The Jews have returned to Israel after the Babylonian captivity, but now a new threat looms on the horizon. Holofernes, the wicked and conniving general of the Assyrian army, is sent to conquer all the world’s temples, and now heads toward the Promised Land. But in Bethulia, the one city that stands between the Assyrians and Jerusalem, is Judith, the only woman with enough faith and courage to defend the Temple with her life. With her people dying of thirst, and the Assyrians stationed outside Bethulia’s gates, Judith leaves the safety of the city and infiltrates the enemy camp to find and kill the sinister Holofernes. But the scheming lieutenant has his own plans for dealing with her and the Israelites – even if it means disobeying the Assyrian king. Only five days remain before Bethulia surrenders and Israel falls – within that time Judith must find the strength to overcome her past if she is to ever outwit Holofernes. A battle of wills is about to take place that will shape Israel’s future forever. Rated tween. Be sure to read Manga Hero’s other graphic novels including Habemus Papam! Pope Benedict XVI by Regina Doman and Sean Lam, Paul: Tarsus to Redemption by Matthew Salisbury, Gabrielle Gniewek, and Sean Lam, and edited by Regina Doman, and Many Are Called, also by Gabrielle Gniewek and Sean

My Thoughts:

I went into this book with only a vague notion of Judith’s story. At first I was confused – are these flashbacks she’s having? Is her husband dead? What is this Holofernes guy up to? But as I moved along, I couldn’t put the book down until I found out how the story ended. It was especially illuminating once I finished the novel and then read the book of Judith in the Bible. I also had to laugh when a couple of days later my Blessed Is She Lenten Journal talked about Judith. Now I know her story! I really enjoyed the graphic novel but again, the book is rated “Tween” due to the content and violence so I wouldn’t chose this for the young ones. Lastly, I am not sure how many of these books are still available but the version I bought on Amazon was written in the traditional Manga style, meaning that you read it from back to front and the pages from left to right but it wasn’t hard to get used to.

Sample Pages:



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Many Are Called

  • Author: Gabrielle Gniewek (Author), Sean Lam (Illustrator), Regina Doman (Editor)
  • Length: 208 pages
  • Publisher: Manga Hero; Second edition (August 1, 2012)

Amazon Summary:

The palace is astir, preparing for the long-awaited wedding of its beloved Prince, who leaves the safety of the kingdom borders to fetch his bride, now missing in exile for 7 years. But the Prince is not the only one searching for the lost princess. Lord Richter, and his army of Raiders, scour the countryside for her, turning the noblemen of the land against their King in the process. With old and new enemies before him, and disorder among his own ranks behind him, the Prince must overcome all obstacles to find his betrothed before Richter does, and bring her safely back home. Though whether the bride wants to return to the very place she fled from is an entirely different story. A past will be revealed, a score will be settled, and a future will be formed, all before the night is over… This graphic novel, written by Gabrielle Gniewek and illustrated by Sean Lam, weaves several Gospel parables into an adventure story set in a steampunk world. Rated tween.

My Thoughts:

This was an interesting read and not what I expected! It is a modern retelling of the parables of Jesus set in a “steampubk world.” Okay, so I actually had to google what the heck that meant! LOL. Basically it’s a genre of science fiction that has a historical setting and typically features steam-powered machinery rather than advanced technology. The graphics were excellent but I think it needed a bit more backstory as to the history between the Prince and Princess, why Princess Tatienne left and what was motivating Lord Richter, the antagonist? It was hard to connect with the characters’ stories and I had to rely on the visual’s appeal. However, I still think it is worth a read for Tweens and up.

Sample Pages:



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Pope Francis: I Believe in Mercy

  • Author: Regina Domain (Author); Sean Lam (Illustrator)
  • Length: 64 pages
  • Publisher: Manga Hero; 2 edition (January 1, 2017)
  • Size: 7.2 x 0.1 x 9.8 inches

Amazon Summary:

Told in the wildly popular manga style, Pope Francis: I Believe in Mercy tells the story of Jorge Bergoglio and the journey that led him to become Pope Francis. This Christian graphic novel – full of engaging illustrations and fascinating content – is perfect for the whole family and is a great gift for First Communion, birthdays, or any special occasion! It explores his extraordinary life and the many times he experienced Gods mercy.

My Thoughts:

This is a brief but informative look at the life of Pope Francis with engaging graphics. There were a number of stories and facts that I did not know about him and I enjoyed reading it. Included were selections of the Holy Father’s writings and homilies. However, I would recommend this book only for teens and up due to some of the content. The story mentions topics suitable for older ones (tortured priests, raped nuns, abortion, prostitution, etc.) There is nothing graphic and it reflects the country and times, however, it is not what you want your younger ones reading until they are mature enough to understand.

Sample Pages:




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Other titles I haven’t read yet, but have added to my Reading List.

Habemus Papam-Pope Benedict XVI from MangaHero

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Soldier of God from Marytown Press

(I haven’t read this book since I was a kid but found copies of it available again.)

The Life of Pope John Paul II

(I just found a used copy of the book and want to read it next.)

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Do you know of any other Catholic graphic novels I should read?

Which of these do you want to read yourself (or already love)?

Lastly, I’m linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, 😉

Are you ready to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with your Friday Favorites.

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.


3. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. The link-up will be open for two weeks. Have fun!

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