Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Sharing in Sam and Nia’s Joy & Loss: Every Life Matters - scrip_rom_8_28

(I wrote this last night, although I didn’t get a chance to post it until now.) It’s just past midnight and I can’t sleep. Earlier today I saw vloggers Sam and Nia’s video of Sam announcing to Nia that she’s pregnant. (Don’t ask how. It makes sense once you watch the video.) The video is cute, crazy and hilarious and it made me cry happy tears each time I watched it. (I may have watched it more than once.) I wasn’t the only person who enjoyed it. It went viral with almost 10,ooo,ooo views in a couple days.

After watching it I thought to myself, they are brave to announce the pregnancy this early. I’d be scared that I’d lose the baby. I know I shouldn’t think like that but it was a knee jerk reaction of my own fear.

The following day their daily video was them sharing the news with family and friends.

However, two days later a parent’s greatest fear happened. They lost their little one in miscarriage. I was sobbing as I watched. It reminded me of the joy Brian and I experienced at our six pregnancies, with the expectations, hopes and dreams we had for our babies and our growing family. It also reminded me of how painful it was when two of our babies were lost in early miscarriage. My heart ached for them. I didn’t want them to go through this but all I could do was pray that God would give them the strength to endure and eventually make them stronger and closer to Him (and each other) in the end.

Nia says in the video that she was upset that she waited so long to take a pregnancy test (she didn’t want to be disappointed if she wasn’t pregnant) and if she had taken it sooner she would have had more time to bond with her baby. Those words broke my heart because it reminded me of my earlier fear. It was if God was whispering to me that I can’t let worry of what might happen stop me from enjoying the present and the blessings that stand before me. It was a reminder that I can’t let fear stop me from truly letting go and putting my life in God’s hands.

joan_imprint_1These footprints belong to my little niece who died the day she was born.

I can’t help but think about what has happened because of Sam and Nia’s openness in sharing their experience with us. Thousands of people saw them rejoice in the life of this new little baby. (They felt their bay was a girl.) Their daughter’s life brought countless laughter and happy tears to not only family but virtual friends and complete strangers. She gave us a glimpse of the miracle of creation and how new life can bring hope and joy to the world.

The loss of this little girl has also allowed us to grieve and mourn. She reminded us that just because a baby is tiny and may be unacknowledged by some people, it doesn’t change the fact that she was alive with a beating heart. She had purpose and her short life has meaning.

Sam said in the video, “We’re so hurt but we’re so thankful God used us like this.”

I do hope their daughter’s short life continues to touch the hearts of others. I hope it is a reminder that all life is precious. I hope it is an encouragement to parents who have lost a child that they are not wrong to grieve their babies nor are they wrong to celebrate the short time they did have together.

Let’s make a special effort today to pray for those who have lost a child and to give some extra love to those closest to us and never take the life we share for granted.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads Letterboxd, Spotify or Instagram. šŸ˜‰

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  • I *just* watched their video yesterday morning, and, like you, cried each time I watched it. Such a beautiful story! I had no idea of the miscarriage until now, reading your post. How devastating. Prayers for them – and for you and Brian, too – as you all grieve and heal for the rest of your lives. You’re loved, mama.

  • Oh no! I didn’t know about their miscarriage either! I will definitely pray for them. I still think about my 2 babies in heaven all the time. <3

  • Jennifer says:

    Wow, what a story. It is amazing how God can bring good out of such difficult situations. I would have been thinking the same thing about announcing early– we always wait until we make it through the first trimester. How brave they are to let people into their lives so that God can work through them.

  • Laurel Muff says:

    I saw their announcement video last week but hadn’t heard of their miscarriage. So sad for their loss. šŸ™ Praying for all those who undergo the loss of a child. So heartbreaking.

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