Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Sisters Speak in the #BISsisterhood at Blessed Is


Each week Blessed Is She features one of the team members for Sister Speak. This week it was my turn to answer questions such as who is my favorite saint, what virtue am I working on, what is my biggest struggle, what keeps me Catholic, what is my favorite motto and what prayer is on my heart. Here is a snippet:

Do you have a special Saint that you feel a strong connection to? How so?

When I was younger I had a love and devotion of St. Anne. She was my patron saint and I shared her name. (My middle name.) I prayed to her often, especially when I was looking for a holy spouse and later when I was dealing with fertility problems. However, another saint has made her way into my heart these last few years — St. Martha. The busyness of motherhood and my natural tendencies helps me to identify with Martha who was busy and worried about many things. I find myself turning to her often for guidance.

Which virtue do you find yourself working on the most throughout your day?

Patience and acceptance of God’s will. Throughout the day there are numerous times when things don’t go the way I want them to go — someone spills juice all over the table, the washing machine breaks down, a driver cuts me off on the road or a project deadline is moved up. There is always something. My first instinct is the flare up and get mad or frustrated. I am trying to learn how to calm down, be patient and accept that little crosses are a part of life. More importantly, God uses these crosses to help me grow in virtue and they can be prayer opportunities to “offer it up” for the special intentions of loved ones and the world at large.


I am honored to be a part of this ministry! To find out more, visit Blessed Is

Also, please keep the Blessed Is She team in your prayers. We are meeting in Wisconsin this weekend for a retreat/conference/get-together. Thanks to my wonderful husband, I will be attending. Yay! The last time I went on a plane by myself was literally 10 years and three babies ago.

Please pray for all our safe travels and (for those of us who are married) please pray for the sanity of our hubbies and for unbelievable calm in the kiddos we leave behind.

I’ll be posting about the trip on Instagram and you can follow the team using the hashtag #bisteamretreat. I’ll share more about it when I get back. 🙂

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, 😉

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