Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Five Favorites, Vol 5: Organics, Zombies & Nuns

I’m joining supermama Hallie at for this week’s Five Favorites.

~~ 1 ~~

Avalon Organics Lotion

It may be spring, but my skin is still suffering from winter dryness. Avalon Organics Lavender Hand and Body Lotion has worked wonders. I love it.


~~ 2 ~~

New Catholic Mom Blogs

I love when I come across a new Catholic mom blog but it’s especially fun when I know the person writing it. My friend Amy started a blog called Cheap and Natural. Her tagline is: Discovering new and healthy ways to parent, eat, and live on a budget while being mindful of God’s creation and intended purpose. My favorite post so far? Household Tornado – Part 1: Prevention. (Hint it has nothing to do with the weather and all to do with messy toddlers!) Amy is sweet, smart and striving to be holy yet very down to earth. Go check out her blog and tell her I said hi. 😉


~~ 3 ~~

 Catching Fire

Last week I started rereading The Hunger Games and a couple days later I saw the new trailer for Catching Fire. I can’t wait to see the movie in November. (For any non Hunger Games fans, make sure you read the book BEFORE you watch the movie. You’ll get so much more out of it.)


~~ 4 ~~

The Walking Dead

Brian and I have been looking for some new shows to watch on Netflix and a number of people recommended The Walking Dead and Mad Men. We started watching Mad Men and I hate to say it because I know a lot of you are fans, but I just don’t get the hype. We got through two episodes and all we could muster is “Eh.” Maybe we should have waited to get more into it but it’s hard to get past the fact that everyone seems to have “I-can’t-keep-it-in-my-pants-itis.” So thanks, but no thanks.

On the other hand, The Walking Dead has sucked us in. I normally will not watch slasher movies but since the ones being slashed here are not humans, I went ahead and gave this a try. Wow. Now, this is a gripping show. It is certainly not for the squeamish (a few times I had to say to Brian, “Close your eyes, Sweetie”) but the storyline is gripping. So far we have seen about 4 episodes of season 1.

Any other past shows you can recommend?

~~ 5 ~~

Catholics Who Know Their Bible & Sisters Who Rock

Source: Dominican Sisters of Mary Facebook Page

Okay, I saved the best for last. Brian was flipping the channel and came across the Christian game show The Great American Bible Challenge and imagine his surprise to find the Dominican Sisters of Mary as contestants. They not only won the game, they then won the semi-finals and are now on to the finals. (Date yet to be determined.) Way to go, Sisters! 🙂

Here’s the intro to the team.


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Catholic Woman’s Almanac (4/16/13)

Hosted by Jenny at Suscipio.

Moments of Gratitude…

Today I am especially thankful for

  • Blue skies and spring weather
  • Morning walks
  • Giggles
  • Cuddles on the couch


Beauty in the Ordinary…

I was reading a book to Matthew on the couch and when I was done I closed my eyes to rest for a moment. He then got up and kissed me on the cheek. It was one of those “Aw…” mom moments.


From the Kitchen…

  • M – Italian sausage, corn on the cob and Greek pasta salad
  • T – Tyler Florence’s  Meatball and Tortellini Soup (One of Brian’s favorites.)
  • W – Chili beans and cornbread
  • TH – Grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches and salad
  • F – Leftovers
  • S – Pizza and salad
  • S – Picnic or BBQ (not sure yet)



  • For the tragedy in Boston & all involved
  • For all those suffering tragedy or hardships



That is was on this day 14 years ago that Brian and I had our first meeting and date. (We met online 5 months prior.)


Around the house…

There is still A LOT of spring cleaning still to do. Maybe I ought to fly up my mom to help me. 😉


Listening to…

Peep and the Big Wide World, the boys’ current favorite DVD.


On My DVR…

  • Call the Midwife, The Voice and the 1946 movie The Best Years of Our Lives.


On the blog…

I am thinking about which Pinterest pin I want to make for next week’s Pinterest Party.


Posts I’ve Liked on my Bloglovin



Plans for the Week…

Tonight we have our little family celebration for our First Date Anniversary and on Thursday night I am going out to dinner for our local Catholic moms’ night. I’m soo excited it’s ridiculous. 😉



a view from my morning walk.


Have a blessed week!

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Theme Thursday: Growing


This week’s photography challenge for Theme Thursday is Growing. Since Matthew’s 2nd birthday is tomorrow I have been thinking a lot about how fast he is growing. Here are some photos showing his growth. (The last one is today’s shot.)

One day old.

2 months old

6 months old

8 months old

10 months old

1 year old

15 months old

18 months old

20 months old

Happy 2nd birthday, Matty!!

Tanks to Cari for being a fabulous host!

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Five Favorites, Vol 4


~~ 1 ~~

Flor Larios

One of my favorite etsy artists is Flor Larios. I love her colorful, Mexican style. I have this cross hanging up in my kitchen. I wanted to get my newly engaged sister one for the kitchen of her future home so I bought her this one since she and her fiance have a devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe.


Here is some of her other artwork I’ve purchased.

(Photo Credits: Flor Larios.)

~~ 2 ~~

Crunchmaster Multi-Grain Crackers

I picked up a box of these crackers at Costco on a whim and the family and I fell in love with them. Even my picky Andrew enjoys them. Add a little hummus or slice of low-fat cheese and you have snacking deliciousness. Plus, they also happen to be Gluten -free if that is a concern for you.

~~ 3 ~~

The Voice


While I am snacking on my cracker goodness, I like to watch The Voice. In the past I have watched two or three seasons of American Idol but it got old, especially after Simon left. And now that Nicki Minaj is on it, I certainly won’t watch. (I like to relax in the evening, not be annoyed.) I saw the first season of The Voice but let the other seasons pass. Then the other night I was came upon the show again and was hooked. All the singers are actually talented. I like the two new judges and the playful banter between all the judges is fun to watch. It’s a nice little diversion from the busyness of life.

~~ 4 ~~

Inside Out Bag

I saw this bag being modeled on Instagram by Karianna over at (who sells Thirty-One Products) and I couldn’t wait to order one. I had been looking for a simple bag that size and the colors are so spring-ish, it’s perfect. The fact that it is reversible is an added bonus!

~~ 5 ~

Succulent Plants

I love that we live in such a green area. I love taking photos of gorgeous spring flowers. I’d also love to plant flowers and herbs in the spring. What I don’t love? That I forget to water my plants and garden every freakin year and my lovely flowers die and my luscious herb garden soon becomes a bed of dried herbs. I finally gave up the gardens for now and instead invest in nice succulent plants that are forgiving of my forgetful nature. I just picked these three up at Trader Joe today. Score one for Bobbi Green Black Thumb.

Thanks to Hallie and sweet Baby Charlie for hosting!

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Pinterest Party & Link-up, Vol 1: Strawberry Coconut Cake

Welcome to the new RoL Pinterest Party (formerly Making It Count.) Join me every 2nd and 4th Tuesday as we link up and share how we made, cooked, baked, crafted, did, or created one of the pins on our Pinterest boards.

Not on Pinterest? No problem.  Link-up your own creation to inspire us so we can pin in to our own boards. It can be a recipe, sewing project, Catholic craft, homeschool project, organizing/ homemaking tip, themed birthday party,  whatever you’d like.

Don’t have a post ready? The link-up will be open for a week so there’s still time. Plus, feel free to link up a new post or an older post that hasn’t had much traffic lately. 🙂

* * * * *

For my contribution this week I wanted to make the family a dessert where I wasn’t worried about calories or fat content. I wanted to make something to celebrate Easter and the warmth of spring and give them a special treat. My father-in-law always goes to to the Farmer’s Market on the weekend and brings us back a big bag of fruit and veggies. This weekend he brought us three containers of fresh strawberries and I knew which pinned recipe I would try to make. It was the Strawberry Coconut Cake I had on my “What’s Baking” Board. The recipe is originally from Candy Jammies and I followed Michele’s recipe, except that I did not have any coconut extract so I just used extra vanilla.

Michelle lists the following Ingredients & Directions.

1 (18.5 ounce) box white cake mix
4 T. strawberry gelatin powder
2 T. all-purpose flour
1 t. baking powder
2 T. granulated sugar
3/4 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs
1/4 c. water
1/2 c. pureed strawberries
1 t. vanilla
1/2 t. coconut extract
1/2 cup fresh strawberries, finely diced
1 c. coconut, finely shredded in food processor
several strawberries to fill cake and garnish

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Combine dry ingredients in mixer bowl and stir together. Beat in oil, eggs, water, strawberry puree, vanilla, and coconut extract. Mix well. Stir in diced strawberries and coconut. Pour into two 8- or 9-inch round pans, greased and floured. Bake for 25-35 minutes, or until a tooth pick inserted into the center of the cakes comes out clean and the cakes are pulling away from the sides of the pans.

Put pans on wire racks and cool for 10 minutes. Remove from pans and leave on racks to cool completely. While cooling, make icing.

Spread some icing on first layer, then top with sliced strawberries. Place second layer on top and ice the rest of the cake. Cover entire cake in shredded coconut and garnish with fresh strawberries. I don’t tint my coconut pink like in the original recipe, because I think it’s so pretty to cut into the white cake and have the surprise of bright pink inside. I like the contrast of the white icing/coconut and pink cake.

The first time I made this, I did cupcakes. They’re really pretty with a small strawberry on each one.

Cream Cheese Frosting

8 ounces cream cheese, softened
2 sticks (1 cup) butter, softened
2 16-oz. boxes powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Beat butter and cream cheese until smooth. Add vanilla. Slowly beat in powdered sugar until desired consistency. Add a tablespoon or so of milk if icing is too thick.

* * * * *

Originally I was going to make a sheet cake or cupcakes like Michelle mentioned because the one time I tried a two layer cake it was so bad, I had to erase it from my memory. I didn’t want my debut post to be a total flop but I figured heck, go big or go home. So I went big. I got my first layer done.

And my second layer done.

It was very amateur, somewhat sloppy and looked nothing like Michelle’s fabulous photo but if you took a few steps back and squinted it didn’t look half bad for a rookie. Best of all, it tasted delicious.

* * * * *

Now it’s your turn.

1. Choose your creation, share about it and snap a photo if you can.

2. In your post, link back the original blogger/idea, rather than your Pinterest pin. That way credit goes to the proper person. 🙂 (But feel free to add your Pinterest profile link so we can follow you!)

3. Add a link back here so others can play along. Here is the html code:

<a href=”″><img title=”Revolution of Love Blog – Pinterest Party &amp; Link-up” src=”×240.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”240″ /></a>

4. Link up below. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address.

You have a week to post your link, so if you can’t get things done by Tuesday, no worries, put it up when you can. We’ll be here. Have fun!

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