Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

2015 Recap (Part 1): Entertainment & Social Media Faves of the Year


2015 Recap (Part 1): Entertainment & Social Media Faves of the Year

2015 Recap (Part 2): 5 Lessons God Taught Me in 2015

2015 Recap (Part 3): 2015 in 12 Photos & Link-up

2015 Recap (Part 4): Top 10 Posts of 2015

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I love End of the Year recap posts that review the things we loved over the past twelve months. Today’s post is a just-for-fun post with all my entertainment faves of 2015.

PLEASE NOTE – The movies, shows or music listed here are simply things I enjoy but I am not necessarily recommending to you. Everyone has their own level of what they feel comfortable watching, especially my Catholic readers. If it doesn’t seem like something you would watch, please don’t!!

My 5 Fave Movies

Star_Wars_Episode_VII_The_Force_Awakens1.  Star Wars: The Force Awakens – The movie was good but the emotions attached to it made it great. 

2. Far from the Madding Crowd – I don’t know exactly why but I love this movie. It may take the long, less traveled road but a happy ending finally arrives.

3. Cinderella – It was like watching a modern day saint story showing us how to have heroic virtue with a romantic twist.

4. (Tie) American Sniper AND Avengers: Age of UltronAmerican Sniper was hard to watch but I couldn’t look away. Heart rending. I think I enjoyed Avengers because I got to see Hawkeye’s secret family life.

5. (Tie) Insurgent AND The Intern – I’m a sucker for YA movies and The Intern was a surprise hit for me. Robert DeNiro was cool even as a grandpa.

I thought for sure that Mockingjay: Part 2 was going to be on this list. In fact, I finally was going to see it tonight but the theater pulled it from the roster at the last minute and I missed the last showing. So now I have to wait until it comes out on blu-ray. Boo.


My 5 Fave Songs

If I listened to the Top 40 radio station I may have listed Uptown Funk or Shake It Off  but I prefer a little alt music instead.

X Ambassadors – Renegades

Death Cab for Cutie – The Ghosts of Beverly Drive

Silversun Pickups – Circadian Rhythm (Last Dance)

Florence + The Machine – Ship To Wreck (Live on SNL)

Atlas Genius – Molecules


My 3 Fave Books

I’ll admit it. I don’t read as much as I should! I like to read in bed but more often that not I fall asleep before I can turn the first page. As such, my reading goal of 12 books was not met. I only hit 8. So in this category I am counting the top three of those eight.

book_something _other

1. Something Other Than God by Jennifer Fulwiler

2. Dad Is Fat by Jim Gaffigan

3. Dear Mr. Knightly by Katherine Reay


My 5 Fave TV Shows

10_sherlock1. Season 3 of Sherlock Holmes (Masterpiece Mystery) – It’s Sherlock. It’s Benedict Cumberbatch. Need I say more?

2. Season 5 of Downton Abbey (Masterpiece) – Two words: Maggie Smith.

3. Daredevil (Netflix) – I think this has been my favorite of all the super hero shows on TV. Dark, thought-provoking and edge of your seat exciting.

4. (Tie) Agent Carter AND Season 2 of Blackish – I love Agent Carter‘s retro feel, ruby red lips and feminine butt-kicking. Blackish brings up some touchy subjects but the dialogue and humor can’t be beat.

5. Jessica Jones – After the first show we debated whether to continue watching or not. It is rated Mature for a reason. I would never outright recommend it because there are too many variables of what the readers of this blog consider “appropriate.” It was much darker than we anticipated, Jessica was as anti-hero as they come and there were a couple scenes we fast forwarded. However, the story completely sucked us in (thanks to David Tennant) and it caused serious binge addiction.

Honorable Mentions: FIRST – Fargo, Season 2 (Ditto everything I said about Jessica Jones.) Not as good as season 1 and more violent but once we got into it we couldn’t wait to see what happened in the next episode. SECOND – Quantico – There are moments when the show is trying too hard and gets annoying (particularly with the romantic relationships and casual sex attitude) but solving the mystery of the real terrorist makes up for it. THIRD – Hallmark Channel Movies. They are predictable and at times cheesy but I can’t NOT watch them and have seen practically every one made this year!

Social Media

Anyone that knows me knows I also love social media! I love to post, tweet and gram all over the place. Here are your faves of my contributions.

My Top 9 Instagram Posts // IG_bobbi_rol_800_2015

My Most Liked Facebook Post

cwbnca_movies#‎cwbnca‬ Perfect way to start the weekend? With these lovely ladies – Meagan, Kendra, Emmy and Micaela.

(May 2015)

My Most Popular Pinterest Pin and Tweet - How I Use My Bullet Journal // planner_bujo_pin

What were some of your entertainment faves this year??

Come back tomorrow for my Top 5 Lessons of 2015. 🙂

Blessings to you!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, 😉

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In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo 🙂

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