Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

31 Days of Gratitude 2015 (Day 29) & Theme Thursday - 31 Days of Gratitude 2015logo_31_days15_B_500The 31 Day of Writing Challenge continues. It’s Day 29 of my 31 Days of Gratitude 2015.

I’m linking up with Micaela for Theme Thursday: Silhouette.

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Two days ago I woke up to find that there was no electricity, for the second time is just over a week. If you happen to send your children to a traditional school, you know how crazy the mornings can be to get everyone up, fed,Β  lunches made, kids dressed and backpacks packed. It’s tough on a normal day, let alone one with no elecricity. I was freaking out a little as I scrambled with a flashlight and made breakfast without opening the fridge – peanut butter sandwiches and apple slices, kids.

As we ate breakfast, we waited for the sun to rise and give us a little light.

Andrew called me over to look at the pink sky. We all ran out on the deck in our pj’s and I grabbed my camera to take a few shots. Despite the chill of the morning, there was a calming warmth as the light spread and you felt like no matter how dark it may seem, God’s light will always penetrate and break the darkness. We went back into the house and a few minutes later, power was restored. Hooray! We quickly got ready and made it out the door in record time.

For that moment of seeing God’s beauty, for the reminder to trust in God’s light to illuminate the darkness, for the blessing of electricity, I am truly thankful! - Theme Thursday - sillhouette_1The photo I took that day was perfect for this week’s Theme Thursday. Since it was still dark there was a natural silhouette as the sun was rising. I opened up the photo in PicMonkey (the paid subscription) because it is fast and easy but I didn’t think it needed much editing. I just cropping out a tiny bit of a neighbors roof. I also moved the shadow levels two notches to the left so the trees would be a bit darker but other than that, this is pretty much how it came out.

A big thanks to Micaela for hosting! πŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, πŸ˜‰


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