Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

31 Days of Gratitude (Day 3): My Soul, Be at Rest in God Alone

The 31 Day of Writing Challenge continues. It’s Day 3 of my 31 Days of Gratitude.

* * *

Today has been “catch up on computer stuff” day – finish spread sheets, answer emails, respond to comments, work on school fundraisers, pay bills, browse Facebook when I should be washing the breakfast dishes, look up a recipe on Pinterest… and the list goes on. When it was time to take John-Paul to speech therapy, instead of sitting in the car for 1/2 an hour and playing on my iPhone, I grabbed my camera and strolled the therapist’s gardens. I caught this little guy in a flower.

I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to turn off the electronics, even for just a half hour, and take a moment to quiet my racing mind, feel the warmth of the sun (although it’s unusually blazing) and enjoy the handiwork of our Creator. šŸ™‚

What do you like to do to quiet your soul?

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd or Instagram. (It’s set to private but I’ll approve you.) šŸ˜‰

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  • Heather says:

    wow that’s an impressive shot. šŸ™‚

    for the quiet…i must get up early, before everyone else in the house wakes. that’s the only time i can get my whole cup of coffee to myself and get my prayer/devotional time in. that morning quiet is the best quiet. it is different kind of quiet. and though it is a small change that i have made, the difference is a huge one.

    • bobbi says:

      That is one area I am always trying to improve – walking up earlier for prayer time. I am a night owl and hate getting up early so it is a constant struggle. It’s not impossible, I just need to re-examine my priorities! Your comment is a swift kick in the rear to take it more seriously. THx. šŸ˜‰

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