Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

31 Days of Gratitude (Day 9) (vol 89): A Day on the Farm

The 31 Day of Writing Challenge continues. It’s Day 9 of my 31 Days of Gratitude.


Linking up with Like Mother, Like Daughter for {p, h, f, r}


Yesterday, John-Paul’s class went on a field trip to a local organic farm/ pumpkin patch. We had so much fun! Here are a few photos of the festivities.


The Farm is located in Salinas, CA.

They have great fresh, organic produce.

There were little nooks of loveliness tucked away everywhere.

We passed these fields of wildflowers while on the hay ride.


John-Paul was happy to…

Walk through the fields and pick vegetables…

Pet chickens…

Go on a hay ride…

And pose for mama. Okay, maybe not that one so much. 😉


The kids were cracking up that the goat was kicking it on the roof. They thought it was even funnier when he came down to see them.


Okay, do you want me to be real? I had so much fun with JP but I was not made for country life.

I hate livestock.

I hate animal smells.(Yet I had no problem with the kids’ potent diapers. Weird.)

I hate the flies that are buzzing around everywhere.

I love that there are people made for this kind of life and I will do my best to support them…

Including buying their amazingly fresh and delicious produce…

And spending money in their cute stores.

So I’m a city girl who like a touch of country life. So be it.

I do however, have an appreciation of all those who labor in love on their farms and for

the migrant workers that toil in the fields so I can put fresh produce on my family’s dinner table.

For all the hard workers of the harvest, I am most grateful.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd or Instagram. 😉

PPS – This post may contain affiliate links.

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  • Haha…I am laughing! You got Mom’s “country for me is buying jelly in a bonnet.” It looks like you had a fun day. Maybe by the time you come to visit, we will have some chickens the kids can pet.

  • Heather says:

    So pretty!! Yeah, I wasn’t made for too much country life. I need my civilization. I need my Target on “every corner” and my coffee in a disposal cup from whatever coffee shop I pass! A visit to the farm is nice. But, I couldn’t live there… Though, I’m not a fan of being super close to my neighbors. Hmmm maybe I can have a farm with a Target across the acres 😉

    • bobbi says:

      LOL, Heather, I couldn’t handle being too far from my Target either. I don’t want a farm buuuuut I wouldn’t mind not being so close to our neighbors. I freak out every time the boys are loud outside (and when aren’t they, right?) because our neighbor gets made at their noise. no bueno!

  • Amy Caroline says:

    What a beautiful day! We are hoping to get to the pumpkin patch before I have this baby. Every group we belong to is planning their for the week after I am to give birth, so it seems out of the question, lol.
    I do love this time of year!

    • bobbi says:

      Amy, I just checked your blog to see if you had the baby and you did! Congratulations!! I’ll be looking forward to next Fall when you post photos at a pumpkin patch with your little sweetie. 🙂

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