Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

31 Days of Gratitude & Online Daybook (10/20/15): Gratitude & A Brian Update

Revolution of Love - logo_daybook_4The 31 Day of Writing Challenge continues. It’s Day 20 of my 31 Days of Gratitude 2015.

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Grateful for…

  • An hour to myself after some very busy days.
  • For Brian’s good doctor’s report.
  • That my stomach bug has passed.
  • Electricity (When it is gone you realize how much you rely on it!)

Praying for..

  • The intentions of many friends.
  • Victims of the recent floods and fires.
  • Victims of abuse and domestic violence.
  • The conversion of hearts back to God.
  • All pregnant moms, those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies and for moms contemplating an abortion.
  • The souls in purgatory, especially family, friend and those most forgotten.


My selfishness. Let’s face it, we are all selfish to some degree, some of us more than others. I know that I am especially guilty. I’ll admit that I really like helping people. I like making them smile and brightening their day BUT I have to want to do it or be in the mood to do it. I don’t like when my plans are interrupted or I have to stop what I am doing for the hundredth time to clean up spilled milk, wipe a dirty rear end, stop a fight or pick up meds for my in-laws. God gives me ample opportunity to chip away at that selfishness and to surrender my will to Him.

Yesterday, God must have been pouring out the grace on me because I was able to stop, drop and roll with the punches and without the usual grumbling and eye rolling. (The power of Confessional grace, baby!) However, by late afternoon I could feel myself being pushed to the limit and my impatience was bubbling up. I was thinking to myself, yeah, this Pollyanna trying to be grateful and looking on the bright side of things is starting to suck. I could feel my selfishness and “woe is me” attitude trying to claw its way back to the top. I had to remind myself to turn back to God…to utter a prayer for more grace in the midst of the noise. I had to squelch the desire to just yell and lose it. Thankfully, more grace came and I pulled through.

I sometimes wonder, is it always going to be this hard? But as I look back on my life I realize that I am at a place when it actually matters to me. I am actually working on it and trying to grow. That is a lot better than the days when I didn’t care. I will most likely always struggle as long as I am human but I’d like to think that I am making progress and and at least realizing the key to getting through – continuously relying on God’s grace.


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Around the House…

I washed the breakfast dishes (although now that I think about it, I think I left last night’s dirty pan in the oven) and there’s a load of laundry washing so I’d call that progress. πŸ˜‰


Family Chit Chat…

Yesterday Brian had his 3 month appointment with his oncologist to check his blood work. Everything checked out and was in the normal range (although I think his red blood count was on the lower side of normal so we can work on that) and his organs looked good so, for now, there are no signs of the cancer returning. He’ll go back in another 3 months for routine scans and if he passes those, he’ll be one year cancer free.I am so, so grateful that Brian is continuing to do well. Frankly, I can’t think about the cancer too much or I’ll start freaking out with the “what ifs.” We’ve just got to keep on moving forward and re-committing to do all we can to live healthy.


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revolution of love blog - od_logo_kitchenIn the Kitchen…

Sunday – Whole wheat pasta, turkey meatballs and salad.

Monday – Breakfast Dinner

TuesdaySlow Cooker Lentil Soup with Kale

Wednesday – Pork Tenderloin, brown rice medley and green beans.

Thursday – Leftovers

Friday – Tuna Melts and broccoli.

Saturday – (Treat Night) Chipotles


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(At the Movies)

bridge_of_spiesThe other night I saw Bridge of Spies with Tom Hanks. The reviews I read were raving and I was intrigued. I went into the movie wanting to love it and while I enjoyed it, it didn’t move me as much as I thought it would. To be complete honest I was feeling tired (and nearly 2 1/2 hours was pretty long for a movie) so that could have affected my judgment or maybe I was just not in the mood for a drama but it just didn’t grab me. That being said, the movie is still definitely worth watching and it made me want to read more about the time and the struggles of people living in East Berlin. It also made me wonder how I would act if I were in situations like the characters – the lawyer defending the spy, his wife, the pilot. It’s thought-provoking. Did you see the movie? Did you like it? What other movies have you seen lately?

(On Youtube)

The Star Wars trailer. Naturally. (I refuse to say Natch.)


Listening to …

Make You Mine by Family of the Year


America’s Test Kitchen: Slow Cooker RevolutionΒ  – I know it’s a cookbook and not a “real” book but now that the cooler weather is coming, I need to use my slow cooker more!


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There are too many posts to list since my last Daybook because I’ve posted every day this month for the #write31days challenge but here are some highlights…


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In the blogosphere…

A number of my blogger friends are participating in the #write31days writing challenge. Go check them out!


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The latest on Instagram (since my mom’s not on there and she wants to see.) πŸ˜‰ (cwa_collage_10_20)

1 – Power outages on the Monterey Peninsula have made grocery shopping an interesting adventure.

2 – John-Paul lost his first tooth.

3 – Caught in a surprise autumn storm.

4 – Today was Bella’s first try at babysitting the boys so Brian and I could go out to lunch. She did great and we had fun. GAME CHANGER!

5 – It was 16 years ago today that Brian asked me to marry him.

6 – I just found the gift card I got for my bday. It’s been months since I’ve been to the movies, so tonight is mama’s night out!

7 – Happy October! It’s the beginning of my favorite time of year

8 – Despite, the Carmel Mission being vandalized this morning, the celebration is going on as planned. St Junipero Serra, pray for us.

9 – #projectblessed – L is for… The little touches that add loveliness to a somewhat messy and chaotic house.


So that’s what I’ve been up to lately! What about you? What’s currently happening in your life? Do share.

Have a great week!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, πŸ˜‰

PPS – This post contains affiliate links.


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  • Hey, nice to meet a fellow 31-day challenge participant! (Are we only 20 days in??? Yipes!) I love the idea of focusing on something to be grateful for every day. I seriously need to do this more often. And hurrah about Brian’s cancer! That’s awesome news. I’ll pray that it continues to be good news for him. πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing!

  • Ooooh, I am so with you on the bubbling-up selfish self thing, especially in the late afternoon. Tomorrow, when mine surfaces, I’ll pray for you, ok? She’s pretty reliable, so you can count on the prayers! <3

  • Laurel Muff says:

    My husband wants to see ‘Bridge of Spies’ so I think I will be seeing it in the near future. I’m intrigued by it, but I always have a hard time sitting through movies that long. I’ll let you know how it goes. πŸ™‚

    My mom is the same with my Instagram posts so she jumps on to my brothers’ accounts for the latest (a few still live at home). πŸ˜‰

    • bobbi says:

      Did you ever go see Bridge of Spies? Did you enjoy it? I still have some younger siblings at home and my mom also goes to them to see things on Instagram and Facebook. But they are not always available so I like to keep her posted on the blog. LOL. πŸ™‚

  • realcatholicmom says:

    I’m so excited to see the new Star Wars movie!!! See how I avoided the “I can relate to your self stuff” comment first? Ugh … gonna have to re-read that, Bobbi. So good. Thank you. πŸ™‚ And thanks for including me in the blog line-up!

    • bobbi says:

      Yay! It’s exciting to see another Star Wars mom fan! As for struggling with my selfishness, well, I think that will always be my struggle! I wrote that almost a month ago (dang, I’m replying super late) but I can still relate. Oh, well. The fight continues!

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