Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Friday Five: The Love Edition

I only have 5 minutes left to bring you this week’s edition of the Friday Five.

fri_five1. How many times have you truly been in love?

Only once to the man I married. The previous were infatuations – something I didn’t realize until I tasted true love.

2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most?

That I know with all my heart that he is the one meant for me – an answer to many, many prayers. There was always a “hole” in my heart as I prayed for my future spouse but after meeting Brian it became  “whole.” (Yeah, people in love tend to say corny things.) 😉  He is God-loving, spiritually strong, tenderhearted, funny and handsome to boot. What more could I want?

3. What qualities should a significant other have?

I believe the most important quality is that he/she should be a prayerful man/woman of God who lives his/her faith each day. Right there you eliminate some major vices/problems. You should have some things in common and be best friends with them. Although you need some “chemistry,” looks are subjective and when you fall in love that person becomes very attractive in your eyes.

4. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

Um, I think I’d have to say yes. In my BC (before Christ) days, I drove one guy to the bottle and another became a crazed ex (complete with stalking and vandalizing my car.) Wow, does that seem like a lifetime ago! Thank God for his mercy.

5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be?

That love does not equal emotion/feelings nor sex. Love is a decision and you can still love even when you don’t “feel” it. Love should draw you closer to God and two people in love should be working together towards heaven and eternity with God. Love is also the cross, it takes sacrifice and self-giving to work, but the payoff is a “glorious resurrection” in that, mutual love is the closest happiness we will ever experience this side of heaven.

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