Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Downton Abbey Quick Takes: Season 3, Episode 4 & Fun Downton Links


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It’s always a joke around here that when I link up with Jen’s 7 Quick Takes, I am usually around #150, and that’s on a good day. I swear there are bloggers that never sleep who post their Takes before I’ve even finished my Thursday night viewing of something intellectually stimulating like Duck Dynasty. So I am going extreme and posting on Wednesday afternoon! I am officially #0! Although, knowing me I’ll post this and forget to link up until Sunday morning. Oh, well. Let’s get on with it.

Spoiler Alert! – If you have not watched Sunday’s Episode 4 of Downton Abbey, skip to # 3 or 4!

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Last night I was finally able to watch Sunday’s episode of Downton Abbey. Everyone warned that it was a heart breaker. Oh. My. Gosh. They were not exaggerating. Let’s just say I was finally able to have that good cry I needed!

I will have to go back and rewatch the episode to remember the storylines that were shown because Sybil is dominating my memory right now. And seriously, as I sit here and think about losing your spouse, I am crying again… and then when Cora was sitting alone with Sybil and told her lifeless body, “You will always be my baby,” I could hear my mom’s voice telling me that. I could hear my own voice as I say it so often to Bella. Oh, boy and now the tears are flowing freely again. I’m making up for lost time.

Since I obviously can’t handle a commentary right now, I will instead share a few Downton Abbey links that you may enjoy.

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 Here is a video tribute to Sybil and Tom with the song “The Weight of Us” by Sanders Bohlke.



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Yesterday the Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 3 Blu-ray and DVD were released. I ordered my copy and I’m debating whether I will watch the remaining episodes right away or wait and enjoy the suspense as I watch with my friends on PBS. Since I know this is not the end of sad storylines maybe small doses will be better.


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The other night Downton Abbey won Sag’s Cast Ensemble Award. Here is a photo of some of the cast. You can hardly recognize Ms. O’Brien and Daisy!

Photo Source


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My sister sent me this link, knowing that I would love it.

10 Downton Abbey Inspired DIY Crafts & Printables from

My favorites are…


…the Downton Abbey inspired headbands and…


…the Downton Abbey bingo.


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Lastly, for those of you that love Facebook and Downton, you may enjoy these DA episode Facebook recaps from

Here is the recap for  Season 3, Episode 1. The rest of the recap links are below.


Facebook Recap for Season 3, Episode 2

Facebook Recap for Season 3, Episode 3 

Facebook Recap for Season 3, Episode 4


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I hope you enjoyed these! I’ll meet you Sunday night for the next #DowntonPBS Twitter party. (9 PM PT) 🙂 (You can find me here.)




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  • jen says:

    What is this sleep thing that you speak of? 🙂 I’m a couple hundred miles north of you so the link-up goes live at 10 p.m. PST.

    Actually, I write my Quick Takes over a few days and set them to publish at 9:45 p.m. Once the clock hits 9:59, I refresh the Conversion Diary page until Jennifer’s takes appear. There are several of us who vie for the #1 spot.

  • Ann-Marie Ulczynski says:

    That Facebook recap is hilarious. Yes, I cried and cried too. So sad.

  • Sarahlcc says:

    That Downton Facebook recap is too funny!

    Oh, I was so mad they killed her off! They were such a cute couple. *sob* I couldn’t stand the sadness ~ such great actors/actresses. I had to distance myself emotionally or I would have cried for hours.

    O’Brien IRL is always so surprising.

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