Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Posts in 7 Days (Day 1): Mommyhood Butt Kicking & Spiritual PMS

The other day the marvelous Jen challenged fellow bloggers to take the 7 Posts in 7 Days Challenge. I wasn’t going to do it but after I read her post I could not help but laugh because all her reasons why you should are things that I have thought to myself many, many times. Then when I saw my sister join in and so many of my favorite bloggers join in, I wanted to be a part of it too. The only problem is that I made that decision early this morning but I have not had a chance to get on the computer until now…11:29 PM to be exact. My eyes are heavy and my pillow is calling my name so I will allow myself exactly 11 minutes to write then I am calling it a night.

Here we go…

It’s been a weird couple of weeks for me, interiorly, I mean. There were a few days when mommyhood was giving me a serious butt kicking and I just could not take another minute of it. I love being a mom but there are moments that I just want to shut the bathroom door and have a good cry. Thankfully, those days are few and far between but I always enjoy hearing when other moms say that they are having a tough time with motherhood too. Not because I relish in their struggle but because I look up to these moms and I sometimes feel inferior to them and if THEY have struggles, then I feel like it is okay that I do too.

Sometimes we just need a break away from it all. A couple weeks ago Brian could see that I was struggling and he told me that he’d put the kids to bed and that I could go out to the movies. Instead of playing the martyr (like I sometimes do) and complain that I couldn’t possibly get away I gave him a big kiss, grabbed my jacket and ate popcorn while I watched zombies try to take over the world. That little break was just what the doctor ordered.

Other times it’s not a movie I need but it is quiet time with Our Lord. When I was really struggling I also knew that my date for monthly confession was coming up. It is like I have spiritual PMS. The week before my scheduled monthly visit to the confessional I get extra cranky, impatient and generally difficult to live with. (I have even checked my chart to make sure it wasn’t real PMS but no, it did not coincide. ;-)) Plus, after I’ve gone to confession I can feel a weigh come off me and my spiritual cramping subsiding. (Okay, this is getting weird. I am more tired than I think and my time is up.)

So I guess my point is – don’t feel guilty if you don’t always feel bright and cheery in the midst of the battlefield. Sometimes you just need a break to recharge. Also, make sure you are getting to Confession at the very least once a month, more if needed. That along with prayer and extra Masses when you can (I could use improvement on that score) will do wonders to give you the grace to not only survive but thrive in your vocation.

Okay, that’s it for tonight. Have a blessed sleep! xoxo

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1 Comment

  • Katherine says:

    I began the year going to confession once a month and I noticed the same thing: the week before I’d be awful. So this summer I bumped it to every 3 weeks instead of 4. I think it had helped but then our parish cancelled confession on my scheduled date and I forgot and well… Time to go again. 🙂

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