Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (10/16/15): Gratitude, #write31days & Theme Thursday - (logo_7_quick_takes_c)

The 31 Day of Writing Challenge continues. It’s Day 16 of my 31 Days of Gratitude 2015.

I’m linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes and Micaela for Theme Thursday. (Scroll to #5)

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Happy Friday, everyone! I am feeling a little better today (I have a stomach bug), the kids are off of school today and they are playing relatively quietly with their Legos so I have about 20 minutes uninterrupted time until I have to break up a fight or tell them to stop jumping off he bunk beds. So let’s get this done! (Warning, I will be listening to copious amounts of Silversun Pickups while writing.)

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It is day 16 of #wrtie31days and my theme of 31 Days of Gratitude. I have actually posted every day so far and that in itself is an accomplishment for me. Usually I am all gung-ho about something and then a few days into it the novelty wears off and I’m ready to leave and jump into a new shinier project. Yeah, it’s not a pretty trait but it is something I am constantly working on. Thankfully God has been giving me the grace to learn how to persevere and follow through. It is not easy and I have a long way to go but for God’s grace and the baby steps and progress I’ve made, I am truly thankful!

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I finally got my #write31days tee in the mail yesterday. Cristina over at challenged us to take a selfie with our tee so here it is. πŸ˜‰ - Bobbi (31_days_2015_ba3)

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contestSpeaking of the #write31days challenge, each week they have a giveaway for the bloggers who are participating. From now until October 30th, they are hosting a giveaway for all the READERS of 31 Days. That means you! You could win a $500 Dayspring Shopping Spree. Enter here and good luck!

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Theme-Thursday-4-1024x683I was catching up on some blogs yesterday and I saw that Micaela has taken over hosting duties of the Theme Thursday photo challenge. I will miss Cari’s hosting but I can’t think of a better person to carry on. Micaela is one of those people that amazes me with her talents. πŸ˜‰ (I also got to meet here at the CWBNCA in spring. Heck, when is our next conference?? I am missing you guys!)

This week’s theme is sun flares. The sun is not out now so I’ll post this one I took the other day. - (31_days15_day16)

I don’t really like the way it came out (too dark) but it has the sun flares.

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And speaking of awesome blog link up hosts, Kelly’s Link-toberfest continues! This week’s question is “Who is your favorite blogger that you discovered through Quick Takes?”

best_bibTo be honest with you, it’s hard for me to remember who I originally met through 7 Quick Takes but I do know that a favorite blogger I started reading regularly because of 7QT is the awesome Karianna Frey! Back then she blogged at Caffeinated Catholic Mama. She has since started a new blog Best Bib and Tucker.

revolution of love blog - cwbn_amigas_1Karianna, Amber and Me πŸ™‚

I love Karianna’s energy and style but when I met her in real life in spring at the CWBNCA Conference 2015 then that sealed the deal! I love reading her blog and watching her Periscopes. πŸ™‚

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(Updated Take)


I just saw these in the Blessed Is She shop. There are so many new products – Tees, mugs, phone covers, kiddo clothes. Go check it out!

Okay, my time is up and there were only two minor brawls to break up. πŸ˜‰ Have a great Friday! I’ll be back tomorrow with a recap of this weeks #LoveYourLettering challenge. (Um, I better catch up on my assignments first!)


PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, πŸ˜‰

PPS – This post contains affiliate links.

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  • realcatholicmom says:

    I’m sorry you have a stomach bug! Amazingly, though, you just keep on ticking. πŸ˜‰ Good job, Mama! I am glad you’re still plugging along with #write31days. I am, too, which is also a pretty big deal for me, although I don’t have the t-shirt. Y’all look good! Feel better, and have a great weekend. <3

  • I hope you’re feeling better. I’m excited that Micaela took over Theme Thursday. I didn’t catch the link up this week, but I hope to next week.

    • bobbi says:

      Thanks, Nicole. The illness hung around for awhile but I was finally back to normal. I recognize your name but I am trying to remember which blog is yours. I will find out and visit. πŸ™‚

  • Beautiful photos, as usual. And WISTERIA with SUN FLARE? Could it BE any more California? πŸ™‚ I love it, and thanks for linking up.

    I hope you feel better today. I had a stomach bug a couple weeks ago and it was no bueno. Muy malo. Hugs, and some chicken soup. <3

  • Annery says:

    Such a pretty sun flare! Love all your glimpses of California. I’ll relish them as we head into the dead of winter.

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