Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (2/8/15): The Weekend Edition


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Hey there! I’m linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes (two days late). I am following Bonnie’s footsteps with a song of the day. I recently added this song to my walking playlist and I’m kinda addicted to it. It’s Rollercoaster by The Bleachers. (I don’t care much for videos anymore but the music is cool.) It’s from the alt music station so if that’s not your cup of tea, move onto the next one.


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Revolution of Love Blog - plant_budThe rain clouds were clearing up this morning and the flowers were blooming but then a second storm came.

After a lot of warm weather here we finally had a change of pace with some stormy, rainy weather. Right now the rain is pelting, the windows are rattling, and the lights are flickering so let’s see if I can get this done before we have to pull out some flash lights.

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revolution of love blog - opa_kids_2_2015The kids with Opa.

A number of you have been asking me how my father-in-law is doing. I’m happy to report that after two weeks at Stanford, on Thursday night he was able to be moved closer to us. (Now he’s 30 miles away, instead of 90.) He is in an acute therapy center where they are helping him with his walking and physical movement but he is doing really we.. In fact, we just got back from visiting him. This was the first time the kids were able to see him since his stroke. He was over the moon with happiness! And he looked great. He talked coherently and clearly. Except for being in the wheel chair and looking more tired, it was as if nothing had happened to him. It brings me to tears because the last time I saw him, hours after the stroke, I sincerely thought he would not be able to pull through. Thank you, thank you for all your prayers!!! 🙂


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Valentine’s day is on Saturday and taking another cue from Bonnie (I’m a fan girl today 😉  Oh, and if you are reading this, Bonnie, I haven’t forgotten your package!) I put up a few decorations around the house. revolution of love blog - val_collage_1WOur welcome door sign, a heart platter for our table, a heart wreath for the wall and a vase of red and white flowers in a red polka dotted vase. I love the festive touch it adds to our home. 🙂

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With Valentine’s Day almost here it also made me think more about Brian and how much he means to me. For fun I started a hashtag on Instagram #ilovemyhubby2015. From this Saturday until next Saturday (2/14) I’ll post a photo of something I love about my husband. Here are the first two.

revolution of love blog - beach_benchDay 1 of 7 – I first sat on the bench 15 years ago on a weekend birthday trip to Monterey. I remember Brian and I deciding to move up our wedding date from Spring of 2000 to December of 1999. The 400 miles distance was more than we could bear and we wanted to be together. There’s an emptiness in my heart when Brian is not with me. He fills my life with love. #ilovemyhubby2015

Revolution of Love Blog - food_eggsDay 2 of 7 – I love my hubby because he not only works hard for us, he insists that he cooks us breakfast after Sunday Mass.#suchasweetie #ilovemyhubby2015


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 We are getting ready for the AT&T National Pro Am at Pebble Beach. We aren’t golfers ourselves, but Brian works at PB and will be working extra hours. Plus the kids’ school is involved with providing day care for the children of the golfers so I’ll be busy there. Sometimes if you are lucky you’ll see a famous actor or athlete around town but so far in all these years I’ve only seen one. Kevin James sat in front of me at Mass a couple years back. However, someone in my family did meet someone famous recently!

Here is my brother-in-law Mick who is currently serving in the Middle East. Guess who he bumped into?!

Revolution of Love Blog - mick_tatum_edMy sister (his wife) told him to bring Tatum back home as a souvenir for our single sister. LOL.


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Okay, time to call it quits because Downton Abbey is about to start. I’ll add my DA post about the episode sometime tomorrow. Have a great night! (or day!) 😉

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

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