Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (3/1/13): Spring, Mumford & Sons and Unplugging

~~ 1 ~~

Good bye, Holy Papa – It was so odd yesterday seeing Our Holy Father knowing that it would be the last day he’d ever be our Pope. But it’s even stranger today – the first day without a Holy Father at the wheel. I know some people are completely freaking out over end times but the Holy Spirit has been guiding the Church this long, I know He will continue to guide us. However, we still need to pray for the upcoming conclave, for our new Holy Father, and the Church in general. If you like novenas, check out the one Brian put together – Novena for the Papacy.

And if you haven’t seen it already, Dorian Speed put together a great website explaining the process of electing a new Pope. Check it out at

UPDATE: I just saw the website for Adopt A You can sign up and you’ll be given the name of a Cardinal that you will pray for before and during the conclave. I picked one for our family and we will be praying for Cardinal Backis form Lithuania. 🙂


~~ 2 ~~

Spring Is Here. So Are My Allergies. – Happy first day of March! (Although, I’m still trying to figure out what the heck happened to January and February.) My blooming flower photo that I posted  yesterday was pretty but it also came with a price. Everything, and I mean everything, is covered in yellow pollen – the trees, the plants, the deck, our driveway, our cars. Oh man, the cars! I wash the car and the next day it is completely covered again. Don’t believe me? Here is the photo of my car window.

No bueno. I’m going to sneeze just looking at it.


~~ 3 ~~

National Day of Unplugging – I was listing to the radio this morning and they were talking about today (actually tonight at sunset) being the National Day of Unplugging. The website says:

The National Day of Unplugging is a 24 hour period – running from sunset to sunset – and starts on the first Friday in March. The project is an outgrowth of The Sabbath Manifesto, an adaption of our ancestors’ ritual of carving out one day per week to unwind, unplug, relax, reflect, get outdoors, and connect with loved ones.

And from

 The Sabbath Manifesto is a creative project designed to slow down lives in an increasingly hectic world. The Ten Principles:

  1. Avoid technology.
  2. Connect with loved ones.
  3. Nurture your health.
  4. Get outside.
  5. Avoid commerce.
  6. Light candles.
  7. Drink wine.
  8. Eat bread.
  9. Find silence.
  10. Give back.

Hmmm…that sounds exactly like what we Catholics are supposed to be doing on the Sabbath Day! (Although our bread and wine taken at Mass also becomes the Body and Blood of Christ) but I for one needed the reminder and think I will join the day of unplugging!

~~ 4 ~~

Thou Shall Not – It’s also funny that I saw this just after I wrote this morning’s post – The 10 Commandments for the Digital and Social Media Age. Here are the first three.

  1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or blogging before Me.
  2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God as OMG.
  3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day and dare to unplug. (Coincidence?? I think not!)

(Read the rest of the commandments here.)


~~ 5~~

Better Late Than Never – I’ve been craving some new music lately and I asked Brian for Mumford & Son’s Babel for Valentine’s Day. Usually I just download music but I knew he wanted to get me something tangible that I could open. First of all, I’ve heard a few of M&S’s songs and enjoyed them but it was not until “I Will Wait for You” that I was truly blown away. (Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m always a day late and a dollar short but I eventually get there.)

Seriously, the song can still bring me to tears. I was reading an article by Cathleen Falsani and she talked about the emotional effect the song had on her during a difficult time in her life. She says:

In the midst of a roiling sea of emotions, I find myself clinging to faith like a life raft, while simultaneously wondering desperately what God’s up to in all of this tsouris, as my rabbi friend might say.

Perhaps that’s why “I Will Wait” put a lump in my throat and filled my still-sleepy eyes with hot tears. The author Frederick Buechner says that we should pay careful attention to the things that bring about such reactions, because they are signs that the holy is drawing nigh.

Wow. I don’t know what the lyrics meant to M&S but it can be seen as a prayer by the listener. Either way, Babel is played continuously in the house. I’m completely taken. 🙂 (NOTE: There is some bad language on a couple of songs, I usually skip those.)

My other point about their album is that I forgot how much I used to loooove getting a new CD and getting cozy while I read through the CD booklet and pondered over the lyrics and how the artist chose to express themselves. I used to fondly read over the dedications and credits… (Now, that I think about it, maybe I didn’t have much of a life back then.)

Anyway, when I opened the CD and saw all the words and the photos I ran to the couch and got cozy as I read through some pretty amazing lyrics, particularly poignant if you are a believer. It was like relieving my youth, except that this time there was a kid trying to color on me with a marker, another kid spilling his milk on me and another kid waving his stinky diaper in front of my face. Good times. Good times.


~~ 6 ~~

I Prefer My Mac with Cheese – Speaking of music, the kids are now at an age when they are paying attention to the music I have playing in the car or in the house so I have to be extra careful that it is family friendly (not that I really listen to anything “bad” but you know what I mean.) I’ll often have the local Christian station on and one of the artists they particularly enjoy is TobyMac. I have never really been into his music but for the sake of the kids I downloaded his newest album Eye on It. Okay, I’ll have to admit that the album has grown on me and I actually love many of the songs. The one we all love right now is “Me Without You.”

(Not an official video but you get the idea.)

So if you see a gold minivan in Cali with singing occupants consisting of a mom, three little boys and a tween girl pretending not to love it, you may just be passing by us. 😉

Oh, and if you have a favorite artist you think I should check out, let me know!


~~ 7 ~~

If You Aren’t A Regular (Why the heck not? ;-)) – Okay, time to get off the computer. I’ve got a serious pile of laundry waiting for me. It’s actually been a big posting week for me.  If you haven’t been around, here is what you missed.

Meatless Meals: Matthew’s favorite minestrone soup and the chance to link up your post where you brought a Pinterest idea to life.


Theme Thursday: Happiness is a photo journal of things that bring me joy. (Hosted by the infamous Cari.)


Lenten Ideas we are doing in our home.


The 10 Commandments for the Digital and Social Media Age (But I already mentioned that one, so never mind.)

Have a blessed weekend and dare to unplug tonight!


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  • EML @ Barefoot and Sometimes Pregnant says:

    3. I find this funny since it is very common in our house to go a day or more being unplugged by accident and not really thinking about it. I guess that is what happens when your internet connection isn’t always reliable, you only get a few channels over the TV and most of the time there isn’t anything worth watching, and we avoid the phone like the plague. Haha!
    6. I think JC used to like him when she was little!
    Have a great weekend!

  • Rebekah Es says:

    I actually love Toby Mac. We listen to the “positive hits” station a lot in the car and every once in a while I run across a keeper. Actually, “Made to Love” has brought me great comfort just when I needed it.

    Ever tried local raw honey for the pollen allergy? Has worked wonders for us here in heavily pollenated Central Florida.

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Rebekah, yes, Made to Love is another great one. Every time I hear that song it reminds me of the old Baltimore catechism question about why did God make us. :-)The more I hear his music, the more I like it. And you can’t help but hear the words and have them touch your heart.

      I have never tried raw honey. I’ll have to look for that. Thankfully last night we’ve had our first rain after a long time so it finally washed everything off. Thx for the suggestions!

  • jen says:

    According to the news, it’s been one of the driest January/February on record which is messing with pollen counts.

  • Beth Anne says:

    When I lived in Dallas every year they had a 1-2 day christian music festival put on by the local christian radio station and it was christian bands all day from 9am-10pm. I went a few years and I remember I went one year to see Casting Crowns? I can’t even remember now and Toby Mac was one of the “big” name performers performing that night before or after and I had never really heard his stuff. I remember his set was really cool. I like a lot of his music.

    I feel you I still have Christmas decorations that didn’t get put in storage the first round still in my trunk!

    And thank you for linking up to meatless monday! Loving all the recipes!

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Beth Anne, The concert sounds like fun! I think we have one like that in Monterey during the summer. I have been having fun with the recipes too. There are so many new ones I want to try but not enough time to do it! LOL

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