Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (3/15/13): Pope Francis, Google Reader, & Oz

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What a week for Catholics! I don’t think non-Catholics really understand the love we have for our Holy Father and the sadness we felt when the Chair of Peter was empty and the jubilation we felt when we saw the white smoke.

When I saw Pope Francis walk out and give his little wave and then just stand there and stare,  I was uncertain what to think. Was he overwhelmed? Shy? (Are there shy Latin Americans?) Stern? But as soon as he opened his mouth and particularly when he bowed his head asking for our prayers, well, he completely won me over. I loved him already.


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So thanks to the Holy Spirit for guiding the Cardinals.

Thanks to the Cardinals for prayerfully voting.

(And thanks to Catholic Meme for keeping the smiles coming.)

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I went to Target the other day (which has the surprise element of the statement “I breathed the other day”) and I was tempted to buy this for the boys’ Cars collection but I couldn’t deiced if it was sacrileges or not. LOL.

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The other big piece of news for me was that Google Reader is officially shutting down this summer. I had heard rumors but hoped it wouldn’t actually happen. I am really bummed because I love the clean, organized simplicity of GR. I have been looking at a few others including Feedly and Bloglovin but it’s not as easy to keep track of all my subs. I’m working on a post  here of the pros and cons so I’ll keep you posted.



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Over the weekend Bella and I went to see Oz the Great & Powerful. It was such a fun movie and we enjoyed it but I hope parents realize that it is not really a “kid” movie. Bella is 11 and although she was not scared, she had trouble sleeping that night thinking about it. It is on the darker side and the flying monkeys can be overwhelming for little guys. And I must say that I was really disappointed in some of the trailer choices for the movie. I could rationalize most of them but the Great Gatsby? Seriously? I handed my purse to Bella and told her to dig out the candy at the bottom to keep her eyes off the screen.


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Okay, my time is up but I have to leave you with one more Pope Francis meme. 🙂



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Have a blessed and restful weekend!

(Visited 335 times, 2 visits today)


  • EML @ Barefoot and Sometimes Pregnant says:

    1. The more I hear about him the more I like him. I think great things are going to be happening in the Church.
    3. I think you forgot 3.
    4. WHAT?????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    5. I sort of wanted to see that movie. I can’t decide if I should just wait until it comes out on DVD.
    7. Have a great weekend!

    • bobbi says:

      EML, Oops I left off #3. Thx for telling me. I fixed it. I was so bummed about GR but I am really liking Bloglovin now and I since I just got an email that you are following me, then I guess you are trying it too! It was a fun movie and the visuals were cool and a lot more impressive on the big screen. I also liked the backstory as to how the wicked witch became wicked. 🙂

  • Rebekah Es says:

    The Pope car is ridiculous! Why had I never seen that? Hilarious!

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