Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (3/22/13): Movies, More Movies & HolyLens and Theme Thursday: Rich

I’m a little late but I’m linking up with Jen for 7 Quick Takes and Cari for Theme Thursday: Rich. (Scroll down to #7 for that.) πŸ™‚

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Well, I took a blogging break this week. Not by choice but more by circumstance. It has been such a busy week that I haven’t had the time, particularly since I am trying to get to bed a little earlier at night. Plus, what spare time I do have I’ve been trying to work on the Restore Workshop. It has actually been going well even though there were a few days I didn’t even touch the material. However, I have been making up the days I missed so I’ll be on track by Monday. I’ll share more of what God’s been teaching me next week.


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The other day my little brother sent me an invite to join IfΒ  you are unfamiliar with it, the same way Goodreads is for those who like to share what they are reading, Letterboxd is for those who like to share what movies they watch. It’s fun for me to see what my brother is watching and get recommendations for my Netflix queue. In the next couple of weeks I’ll be putting together some lists such as – My Fave Hitchcock Movies, Fave Classic Movies, My Fave Literary Adaptations, Fave Religious Movies and Movies Bella and I Enjoy Watching Together and more. If you have a Twitter or Facebook account you can link them together. (People can follow you just as they do on Twitter.) If you do join let me know so I can add you as a movie friend. πŸ™‚ You can find me here.


~ 3 ~

Waiting for the movie to start and eating popcorn with missing teeth. (Note to self – the boys need a haircut.) πŸ™‚

Speaking of movies, Friday night it was Family Fun Night at the kid’s school. The kids bring their sleeping bags and blanket to the gym and watch a movie with popcorn and a light dinner provided. The movie was Frozen, which Bella and I already saw but the boys hadn’t seen it yet. Bella was eager to sit with her friends but the three amigos stuck together with me and Brian and the popcorn. It was actually a lot of fun. πŸ™‚

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Oh and speaking of Frozen, have you seen the video of the guyΒ  singing “Let It Go” in the voices of 21 Disney and Pixar characters?? If you haven’t seen it yet it is worth watching! Very impressive. πŸ™‚


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When we got home Friday night we put the kids to bed then Brian and I settled down for a Friday night movie. I rented two and we chose to watch The Great Gatsby. Did you like it? I couldn’t stand it. After about 20 minutes or so I looked over at Brian’s uninterested face and said, “This is so boring!” He agreed. Maybe it was the stylized way it was filmed or the depressing storyline. I don’t know. We turned it off and I decided to read the book instead. Good thing I also rented The Amazing Spiderman. Maybe that says something about my intellect, but I actually really enjoyed that one and will most likely watch the upcoming The Amazing Spiderman 2 coming to theaters on May 2. πŸ™‚


~ 6 ~

So you don’t think I only watch movies, there was also an interesting post my sister had on her Facebook page – BBC Believes You Only Read 6 of These Books… The average Goodreads member has read 23 out of 100 books on this list. I need to read one more to hit that since I’ve only read 22 so far. How did you do?


~ 7 ~

Lastly, I feel like I dialed it in for this week’s Theme Thursday: Rich since I remembered about it late Thursday night while I was in line at the theater to watch Divergent so I had to use the photos I had on my phone and some apps to make this collage before the movie started. But the sentiment remains the same. These guys make me RICH!


And since my mom isn’t on Instagram, here are some of the other #holylens photos I’ve posted. (Enjoy, mom.) πŸ™‚


I pass this cute house when I take the kids to school.



My little master of disguises is still on his superhero kick.



It was 14 1/2 years ago that I entered into a marriage covenant with this amazing man.



“Do not thou, O Lord, withhold thy mercies from me, let thy steadfast love & thy faithfulness ever preserve me.” Psalms 40:11.



We’re teaching the kids God’s laws with the help of Surfer Dude Jesus.



I’m reconciled to the fact that my fun Friday nights now involve staying in, choosing a movie from our movie bins and maybe even sneaking in a bowl of cereal. #partylikeamom



This morning I wrote an apology note to Brian. I was feeling contrite for expecting him to read my mind instead of me coming straight out and telling him what’s wrong.



This is one of my favorite places to sit and talk to my Father. The beauty and majesty of his creation is a constant reminder that if he can do *anything*. Likewise, in his eyes, we are his beautiful creations.

Happy Sunday!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram.Β  πŸ˜‰

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  • I have read 24 out of the 100. It could be 25 if I made myself finish Wuthering Heights.
    I am looking forward to reading about how God is speaking to you through the Restore Workshop.

    • bobbi says:

      Ha, someone else mentioned about not being able to finish Wuthering Heights. I should be working on my Restore post right now but I was trying to read through some comments first. I am sure you understand that as a fellow blogger. I never know if it is better for me to put up new material or respond to the comments! Anyway, thanks for stopping by, Erica. πŸ™‚

  • aleighanne says:

    I am so glad I had finished eating when I read the “Surfer Dude Jesus” or my laptop would have been wearing food.

  • Jen K-M says:

    #5: I wasn’t enamored with it when I read it during my junior year of high school.

    #6: 28/100 counting books that I had read even a small part of for something. I’m amused that “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” is counted separately from “The Chronicles of Narnia”.

  • Marcia says:

    Such wonderful thoughts and pictures! Thanks you for sharing… My kids need popcorn to see a movie. ‘You think there is a scientific explanation?

    • bobbi says:

      Hi, Marcia, I don’t know about the popcorn. I am not a huge fan of it but as soon as I smell is popping I’ve got to have some! When my boys watch a movie at home I have to make popcorn and they close all the curtain and darken the room so they get the whole experience. LOL. Thanks for stopping by. πŸ™‚

  • Nikki says:

    I read 26, I have a few others that I have started but never finished reading and few I don’t know. I think I may have read the Count of Monte Cristo and Gone With The Wind but I can’t remember so I didn’t count them. I have always been a big reader but not everything sticks with me. I remember Wuthering Heights because my mother got for me when I was 8 to slow me down and then I had to read it for class in High School but didn’t re-read but still got a distinction in that class. I have a love/hate relationship with that book so it’s burned into my brain.

    • bobbi says:

      Hi, Nikki. The book that burned into my brain was Jane Eyre. I loved that story from the first time I read it. My mom said it fed into my overly dramatic tendencies. πŸ˜‰

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