Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (3/8/12): Conclave, 80’s Music & Daylight Savings Time


The kids are home today and need some lovin’ so I need to make this short and sweet.

~~ 1 ~~

Come, Holy Spirit – It seems that all Catholics have on their mind right now, besides Lent, is when will the conclave start and who will be our new Pope. There is to be an official announcement in Rome at 7 PM their time. EWTN will be live at 2 PM…(hold on)

Okay, how crazy is this. I was checking twitter to see what time zone it was and up popped that the Vatican has officially announced that the Conclave will start on March 12th. How is that for up to the minute breaking news? And you thought I only shared recipes, photographs,  and random useless pieces of information. (Don’t fret, you’ll still find that in QT #2-7.) 😉


~~ 2 ~~

I Love Waking Up Early, She Never Sayeth – This weekend is Daylight Savings Time. I would like to share with you exactly how I feel about DST but I am going to confession tomorrow and I already have a hefty list of sins and don’t want to add swearing to the list.

So forget what I think and hear it from medical professionals instead.

Study Shows Daylight Saving Time Change Increases Your Risk for Heart Attack


~~ 3 ~~

Happy Day – Bonnie over at A Knotted Life is having an awesome O Happy Day Giveaway. I don’t know what I am more excited about – the mix tape or the chocolate chip cookies. And the scarf is muy bueno! (Yeah, I’m a Mexican that can’t actually speak Spanish. Go figure.) I debated whether or not to tell you about this contest because I want to increase my chances of winning by having as few entries as possible, but Lent calls for sacrifice so there you have it. Go over and enter!


~~ 4 ~~

Flashback Weekend – Speaking of mix tapes, do you remember those, children of the 80’s?? My sister BC and I would put together the most awesome mix tapes! We had a mellow mix that we’d play as we went to sleep in our room with posters of The Smiths smiling down on us. Sigh. Now, instead of mix tapes we have playlists, which I also love. One of the songs on my flashback playlist just turned 30 this week. It’s New Order’s Blue Monday. Remember that? Although, my favorite New Order song remains True Faith. Don’t believe me? Just call my cell phone and listen for the ring tone. (Unless you are BC, then your ring tone is “Suedehead.” ;-))

 The video is bizarro, even for the 80’s but the song still rocks.


~~ 5 ~~

On Repeat – And speaking of electronic sweetness, I heard this song in a movie I saw last week and I can’t get the tune out of my head. (It also doesn’t help that I am listing to it as we speak.)


~~ 6 ~~

Is That Funny…or Sad? – I just realized that every post I’ve made this week – and I posted each day! – is a link up. That’s right.

So when I say that I love me a link up, you know I am not exaggerating! 😉


~~ 7 ~~

Down for the Count – Well, the next post I make will not be a link-up. I still want to do some Downton Abbey news and share some of the things I’ve been learning on my Lenten journey, including getting up earlier for prayer time. I think my desire to sleep and my need to pray is going to have a knock out brawl once DST hits. We’ll see…

Have a great weekend! xoxo!





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