Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (4/10/15): Easter, Siblings & 20 Facts

I’ve got a small block of time so I am doing a quickie post, linking up with Kelly for Friday’s Quick Takes .


~ 1 ~

Song of the Week (Part 1)

One of my faves from my walking playlistTojans by Atlas Genius.

~ 2 ~

He is Risen!

revolution of love blog - easter_2015

Happy Easter week! The kids are psyched that they can celebrate Easter for an entire week with no school and desserts every day. Although they were warned that come Monday, they are back in school and the sweets are getting thrown out. A person can only take so much celebrating. šŸ˜‰

We did have a really nice Easter. We were hoping we could bring Opa home to visit but he is too weak to travel and is just handling walking from one room to the next, let alone going to another house. So instead we came to his place and spent Easter afternoon with him. It was weird not doing the usual Easter festivities and big dinner at my in-laws but we are adjusting as best as we can. šŸ™‚

~ 3~

No Mamarazzi this year.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take photos this year! However, I did get to snap one photo after Easter Mass when we got home.revolution of love blog - kids_4_5_15

I love the way Matthew grabbed his brothers hands and they let him. (They started wrestling soon after but the peace lasted for a few minutes at least.) šŸ˜‰

~ 4 ~

Happy National Siblings Day!

revolution of love blog - car_fam_1_2015_WI’m so proud to be the big sis of 5 brothers and three sisters. Here we are at my brother Jake’s wedding where we welcomed a sweet sister-in-law Amanda. (I am the second on the left and Elena is the second on the right. šŸ™‚

~ 5 ~

Memory Lane

Speaking of siblings, Elena and I were talking the other day and we were remembering how when we were kids, every Easter morning my mom would play this Easter song to wake us up. We couldn’t remember the band or the name of the song so this afternoon I was asking my mom about it. As we were chatting, she went in the garage and found her old record collection. She found the album. It was an old one from the 80’s when the folk Mass was popular, although this particular song wasn’t folk. The album was called The Love of God Will Rise Before the Sun. I looked up the song titles and tried to see if any were available online. I found a few but none of them were the one I remember her playing on Easter morning. Then finally, the last song I looked up, there it was on Youtube! For years I had been looking for this song and now I feel like a missing piece of my childhood puzzle was found.Ā  Sniff.

~ 6 ~

Song of the Week (Part 2)

It is Jesus Is Life by Carey Landry. Elena, this song is for you since I know you have been looking for it too. šŸ™‚


~ 7 ~

20 Facts

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On Instagram, there is “About Me” game where you take a photo of yourself then list 20 facts about yourself and tag 20 friends. Well, I have been tagged four times this past week so I figured I’d better get my IG post up. I’ve already done this kind of fact list in the past here and here so some of these are repeats but it may be fun for new readers.

  1. “Bobbi” is not a nickname but my actual name. The first born child was going to be named after my dad, boy or girl.
  2. I’m the oldest of 9 siblings so having 4 kids of my own seems like a smallish family.
  3. As a kid, I loved desk items and school supplies and always wanted to be a writer. (Office supply stores still make me giddy.)
  4. I am impatient, nosey, messy and I’m always running late.
  5. On the other hand, I am caring, Ā a good listener and I love doing little things to brighten a person’s day.
  6. I hate cats.
  7. My mom often told me I was a drama queen. (Sooo exaggerated.)
  8. I prefer daisies and sunflowers over roses.
  9. I can easily be moved to tears – both happy and sad.
  10. In school I was always the peacemaker who tried to bring arguing friends together.
  11. For a time, I was a sucker for guys with bald heads, tattoos and eyebrow rings yet I fell in love with a guy as clean cut as they come.
  12. After Brian left the seminary he did a novena to find his wife. The last day of the novena, we met on a Catholic online dating site.
  13. We did the long distance relationship for a year then I moved to Monterey one week before we were to be married.
  14. Fifteen years later, he still makes my heart skip a beat when he smiles at me.
  15. I love my four kiddos and my greatest (sort of irrational) fear is that they will be hurt while I am forced to watch.
  16. I de-stress by going to the movies after everyone is in bed.
  17. My movie candy of choice is peanut M&M’s.
  18. When I laugh my eyes water and I always bring a handkerchief to the movies when I see a funny movie…or sad one. (A real handkerchief. It is very Downton Abbey of me.)
  19. I’m an introvert that also needs to get out and mingle with people at times.
  20. I hate being mad at someone and I am eager to make up.

Okay, now it’s your turn. Tell me 5 (or more) facts about you in the comments! šŸ™‚

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. šŸ˜‰

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  • Jen says:

    #7: I lovelovelove office supply stores! Staples is my idea of heaven. šŸ™‚

    As for the 5 facts about me…

    01. I’m the younger of a set of twins. My twin brother is 6 minutes older.
    02. I’m a convert to Christianity. It was my teenage rebellion.
    03. I’m a UC Santa Cruz alum and quite proud to be a fighting banana slug.
    04. I’m terrified of heights.
    05. I’m a native northern Californian.

    • bobbi says:

      Ah, Jen, a paper nerd. A girl after my own heart. LOL. I loved the fun facts – I didn’t realize you were a twin or a fighting banana slug…is that really the mascot??

  • Oh that was awesome! It brings back so many memories. I may have to start playing that for the kids on Easter morning. haha! Thanks!!

    • bobbi says:

      Elena, isn’t it weird hearing that song again after so many years! I downloaded it and play it whenever I get a little homesick for the family. LOL.

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