Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (8/3/13): OJ Baths, Penpals & Catholic Posts

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I’m linking up with Jen for this week’s Saturday Morning Quick Takes. I wasn’t going to write a Quick Takes this week but I could use 30 minutes of destressing time so I’ll set the timer and punch out some really quick Quick Takes. Ready, Steady, Go!

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I can tell it is going to be one of those mornings. I opened up a new orange juice and just as I was about to serve it I had to stop and help Matthew with something. Later I went back to the orange juice and without thinking gave the container a good shake…with the cap off. Yeah, so I had a nice orange juice bath and the counter top and everything on it got a lovely OJ spray. Everything else just went downhill from there.

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It’s funny but as I was going through a particularly difficult moment yesterday, you know when you are feeling like you going to lose your mommy mind, and I thought about an email I just wrote to another mom and sharing how all these little mommy crosses we have to carry is the road to our sanctification. As I was stomping around the house mad at something I kept repeating to myself, “This is my road to sanctification, this is my road to sanctification…” Funny that it is a lot easier to offer this advice to someone else rather than to actually live it yourself! Luckily my harried moment ended and all was good again. πŸ˜‰

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I was reading a post from Call Her Happy which led me to the blog The Big White Farmhouse. Ashely of BWF has this cool blog with a homey feel that makes you want to be a better homemaker. She is also a lover of old school mail and has set up the Pen Pal Cirlces where participants are grouped together with 3 other moms and you exchange letters with each other. Real letters – stationary, stamps, an envelope in the mailbox that is not a bill or junk mail. Swoon! I signed up and if you are interested go over and sign up too! The form will be online until Aug 4. After that you can just email Ashely directly and join. πŸ™‚Β  Fun!

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I was looking at my calendar and it said that it is now August. Is that possible?? The kids will be back in school in a couple weeks and this month I will turn another year older. Ugh. (Let’s not think about that. The OJ bath was enough fun for one day.) Well, a new month means the Holy Father has new prayer intentions for us to focus on during August.

GENERAL INTENTION: That parents and teachers may help the new generation to grow in upright conscience and life.

MISSION INTENTION: That the local Church in Africa, faithfully proclaiming the Gospel, may promote peace and justice.


Today is also the First Saturday of the month so it is time for Convert Journal’s New Evangelist Monthly.

This is an informal, dynamic, crowd-sourced β€œmeta-magazine” showcasing the best posts faithful Catholic bloggers publish each month. Here you will find many different, but faithfully Catholic viewpoints, insights and perspectives.

You can link up your favorite post of last month. It can be about the faith, family life, motherhood, whatever. The main thing is for it to be from a Catholic perspective. This month I linked my conversion story My Journey to God. If you are a Catholic blogger, add your best/favorite post too! πŸ™‚

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Okay, my time is up so I better say good bye. Have a great weekend. I’ll leave you with a recent photo I took. (The photo challenge theme was “wildlife.” I think a bee could be considered wild. ;-))


PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

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  • RAnn says:

    We moved a lot when I was a kid so I remained pen pals with old friends. When I was in college my mom wrote to me every week. When I got out of college, I’d write to old friends. I loved getting mail and knew that to get it you have to send it. Well, not long after I graduated, the price of long distance went way down and my mom and I started speaking weekly rather than writing. Now I email and facebook, but I have to admit, I miss getting good stuff in the mail.

    My daughter is getting ready to head to college and I told her how everyone used to go to the PO a couple of times a day. Somehow I can’t see her doing that–but then she’ll be on her phone constantly checking for texts

    • bobbi says:

      That’s funny, RAnn. I was the same way, writing all the time. Although I don’t think I could give up my texting and emailing, it is still nice to get that old fashioned letter or card in the mail. πŸ™‚ As for checking the PO box all the time, now we have phone notifications that ping for every latest text, email or update. Which could be a good or bad thing! Anyway, thanks for stopping by! πŸ™‚

  • Ashley says:

    Thank you so much for sharing the Penpal Circles with your readers! So excited to have you. πŸ™‚

  • Maria says:

    Did someone say penpals?! I would LOVE to join in and get some REAL snail mail, BUT the problem is I don’t qualify – I am not a Mom (Husband and I were married late in life and we have been trying for six years to be able to conceive with no success. I was diagnosed with endometriosis stage four at age 41 and newly married. I just turned 47 and I think I’m only a year or two away from menopause.). Boy, would it cheer me up to send some mail to someone and maybe receive a letter or two in return! I’ve had pen pals since I was nine or ten years old and when I was a teenager I had a penpal ad in “Tiger Beat Magazine.” I would dearly LOVE some Catholic friends and penpals! If anybody is interested and you don’t mind I am not a Mom, please leave me a message on my blog or send me some email. I’d love to hear from you! Thank you so much! I am in the process of updating my website and just wrote some new posts, but haven’t had any visitors yet.

    Maria In Mass <—could send some cool Mass postcards too! πŸ™‚

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