Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (2/13/15): Hubby Loving, Heartfelt Words & 50 Shades of Grey


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Happy Friday! I am gleeful because the kids are off school today and I have no pending appointments or errands so I am not stepping out of the house today! Instead I am going to catch up on all the things that have been neglected this busy week. You know it’s bad when no one has clean underwear and we each own at least 10 pairs…) 😉 But before I start cleaning, let’s do a quick 7 Quick Takes, linking up with the sweetheart Kelly over at This Ain’t the L… (Um, yeah, I can never remember how to spell or pronounce that word so just go there and see for yourself.)

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Your Mess Is Mine

My song of the week is Vance Joy’s Your Mess Is Mine. It seemed perfect for Valentine’s Day. The official video was weird so I’m adding this lyric video instead.

I especially love this line

You’re the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that I’m hanging on…

Hold on, darling
This body is yours,
This body is yours and mine
Well hold on, my darling
This mess was yours,
Now your mess is mine

After the last couple of years Brian and I have had a number of crosses we’ve had to carry. It is said that when couples face very difficult situations it either drives them apart or brings them closer together. Thankfully, it has brought us closer together.  The “mess” of our lives belongs to both of us and we fully accept it and go hand in hand as we walk through it. I know that we can both say to one another honestly, “You’re the reason that I feel so strong, the reason that I’m hanging on.” (Happy – early – Valentine’s Day, my love!)

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Lovin’ my hubby.

I’m still doing my week of Instagram with the hashtag #ilovemyhubby2015. Here are the last four days’ photos.

revolution of love blog - qt_homeworkDay 3 – I love my husband because after a long day at work he comes home and helps the kids with their homework.

revolution of love blog - qt_angrybirdOkay, so I having a really rough day when I posted this one…

Day 4 – I love my hubby because when I have a bad day and feel like an angry bird he knows just what to do – don’t talk to me, don’t touch me, just leave me alone. When he sees I’ve cooled off, then he hugs me and comforts me and all the world is right again.

qt_tbt_kids_packerThis was Throwback Thursday from before Matthew was born. The other kids look so tiny!

Day 5 – Brian and his Packer fans. I love my hubby because he is an amazing father!

qt_boys_prayerDay 6I love my husband because he’s an example of a holy man to the kids. On his lunch break he stops at the chapel by Matthew’s preschool. Now the boys want to stop by the chapel after school to talk to Jesus just like daddy. (Matthew likes to sit on the kneeler and close his eyes in fervent prayer.)

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She Died, But She Also Lived

ec_coverPhoto Credit  – Barefoot and Sometimes Pregnant

This morning, despite having the opportunity to sleep in, I automatically woke at 6 AM. Everyone was still sleeping and the house was quiet, the bedroom window was open a little and I could hear the breeze rusting through the trees. Ah, it was a moment of bliss. I took advantage to snuggle up in my bed and read on my phone.

I wanted to catch up on my sister’s blog since I haven’t had time to read anyone’s blog. Oh, my goodness! Yesterday’s post She Died, but She Also Lived had me in tears. Elena spoke about little Joan (who died just before birth.) Her words were so beautiful and heart felt. She also mentioned the memory book I made for her. Inside it were the prayer bouquets and notes of condolences that you asked me to give her. Thank you again for caring so much for my sister, including those that did not know her personally. Go read it for yourself, especially if you ever lost a little one of your own.

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Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

11mueller-master180Photo credit – Mueller Family

Speaking of heart felt, this week it was confirmed that Kayla Mueller died while being held captive by ISIS. Whether they killed her or she was a victim of the Jordanian airstrikes remains unclear. However, Kayla smuggle out a letter to her family. I don’t know how much of the letter was influenced by her captors but this line really touched my heart:

I have been shown in darkness, light + have learned that even in prison, one can be free. I am grateful. I have come to see that there is good in every situation, sometimes we just have to look for it.

Read the whole letter here.


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Share the Lenten Love!

Can you believe that Lent is next week!! More poor sis Bridge celebrates her birthday that day. I’m guessing she’ll celebrate a day early on Fat Tuesday! Have you written any Lent-related posts?? If so you should link them up!!

Revolution of Love Blog - pinterest_lentFirst come on over to my Pinterest Party: Lent Edition. (Open until Easter Sunday.)


BISSISTERHOODThen head over to Blessed Is She for the #BISsisterhood: Lent. (Open until Mon 2/16)


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50 Shades of Grey

Everyone has been talking about 50 Shades of Grey. There have been some great articles about the movie. Some of them serious (putting a spotlight on domestic violence) and some funny (Hello, Dave Barry.) I’m including some of my favorites. The final link, a movie review from the Today Show pretty much sums it all up.

— “Some of the Red Room stuff was uncomfortable. There were times when Dakota was not wearing much, and I had to do stuff to her that I’d never choose to do to a woman.” – Jamie Dornan, Glamour, January 30, 2015

— “The first day [of filming] was kind of an out-of-body experience. I got there and they said, “Action!” I’m like, “What the f—k is happening? I’m a dad. What?” – Jamie Dornan, Glamour, January 30, 2015

— (On visiting a sex dungeon.) “It was an interesting evening. Then go back to my wife and newborn baby afterwards … I had a long shower before touching either of them.” Jamie Dornan, Elle UK, January 2, 2015

— “Filming a sex scene is not a sensual or pleasurable environment. It’s really hot—not in a steamy, sexual way. It’s just sweaty and it’s not ver y comfortable. And on top of that, my hands and legs were tied, and I was blindfolded, and I was being hit with this bizarre tool. … It was emotionally taxing. At first I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is the worst thing ever,’ and then I was like, ‘All right, let’s get on with it.'” – Dakota Johnson, TIME, February 2, 2015

— “I still can’t look at it objectively or wrap my head around it. The parts of the movie that are difficult to watch were even more difficult—and emotionally taxing—to shoot.” – Dakota Johnson, Vogue, January 20, 2015

My only question is why do it in the first place? Maybe they didn’t realize until they were already too into it. Well, I can only hope the movie fizzles out..

UPDATE – I am adding this post here that I just read. It really touched my heart.

Also, if you are looking to add a little spice to your marriage without the 50 shades, then check out Hallie’s post.


You know I am a movie lover but I definitely won’t be going near this one.  These are my sentiments, even though I technically have a soft spot for Mr. Knightly.

darcy_vs_grayPhoto Credit –

Instead of watching 50 Shades,

Kingsman_The_Secret_Service_posterI will be watching action movie The Kingsmen

The Secret Service KSS_JB_D01_00106.tif…with Colin Firth, thank you very much. (Read a review from Verily here.)*

UPDATE: A number of my friends saw The Kingsman and they all said that they wish they had not seen it. I read a many more reviews, which also did not recommend the movie so I decided to skip it and watch the old Pride and Prejudice instead. 😉

Have a great holiday weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd or Instagram. 😉

PPS – This post may contain affiliate links.

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1 Comment

  • Jen says:

    My Quick Takes were things I was going to do this weekend instead of watching (or reading) “50 Shades of Grey”. After all, friends don’t let friends read bad Twilight fan fic. (“50 Shades” started out as fan fic for Twilight.)

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