Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (11/2/12): Halloween Round Up, Links & Once Upon A Time

Hosted by Jen at Conversion Diary.

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Out of It – I am so out of it today. I got a stomach bug on Halloween night and thankfully it only last 24 hours but it was enough to knock me out. Heck, I haven’t even had a single piece of Halloween candy! I know! (Hmm…maybe that’s a good thing.) I am feeling better now but I’m tired and a little lazy. And before you ask, no I am not pregnant.

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Call Me Aunt B – BUT……someone near and dear to me is. I am going to be an aunt again! My amazing sister EML is pregnant with Baby #5. (She’s going to have 5 little ones under the age of 5.) Check out the adorable photo she made to announce the blessed event and then send her some prayers and congratulations!

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Tricks of Treats?
– Did you have a nice Halloween? We had a lot of fun at the various school parties and then we went trick or treating at our local outdoor mall, which took all the hassle out of it. By 4pm we were home ready to relax and dig through bags of candy. (Well some of us were.) Here is a photo of my three superheroes. Andrew was Spidey, John-Paul was Captain America and Matthew was Thor. Matty was loving that hammer!



“Don’t worry about that locked gate, Mama. I can break it down with my hammer.”

My tween Bella, on the other hand, donned her Allie shirt (from Austin and Allie), her headphones, a pen and her lyrics journal and was “a songwriter.” (Why is my baby growing up so fast??)


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Avast! – Bella also enjoyed her first overnight class field trip without me as a chaperone. They are learning about California history this year and she went on this neat program called The Age of Sail. They went “back in time” to 1906 and became the crew on a historic ship. All the guides/teachers were in full character and the kids had to do everything on the ship – from swabbing the deck, to tying the ropes, to cooking the meals on a wood burning stove and even 2 hour shifts of night watch, only to wake up the next morning at 5:30 AM. It was hard work but she had a lot of fun.

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Tick Tock – Have you been keeping up with Once Upon A Time? The previous week’s episode with the introduction of Captain Hook was one of my favorite episodes of both seasons. Last week’s episode was Halloween ready with Dr. Whale as Dr. Frankenstein. (The creators said they would be branching out to other characters, not just fairy tale ones.) What do you think of the Regina situation? Will she redeem herself and will Cora become the new big baddie? How about Rumple and Belle? I have a bit of a soft spot for Mr. Gold myself. As much evil and mischief Rumpelstiltskin may cause, I still want Mr. Gold to find true love that will melt his hardened heart. As for future episodes we get Hurley as the Giant next week and in the horizon we will possibly see Ariel and Herbie the Love Bug?? (ie. Emma’s bug) Plus August will be returning and the creators are open to possibly bringing the huntsman back.
This weekend I’ll catch up on Grimm, Elementary and Call the Midwife. (That show has been requiring a fair amount of Kleenex!)

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Links – Hmmm…what else?? How about some links.
~~ Do you need some help in the meal planning department? Leila over at Like Mother, Like Daughter has posted all her worksheets in one convenient place. Visit: Menu-Making Roundup — all the Worksheets!


~~ Over at I read a review on an intriguing book – Price to Pay: Shocking True Story of Muslim Convert to Catholicism. This may be the next book on my nightstand (or downloaded to my kindle.)

(Update 11/3/12 – This is an add on because I forgot to post the link yesterday.)

~~ I LOVE Dawn’s idea of an altar for saints and souls in her post In Remembrance. I’m updating our family prayer altar for the month of Nov to do the same thing.

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Blast from the Past
– Lastly, when Brian and I were dating we found it amusing that we both used to publish B&W mini magazines (zines). His were about the spiritual life. Mine were about music, bands, poetry and my faith journey. After we were married we started putting together a zine about our Catholic faith. After a couple issues however, we thought it would be wiser to expand our audience by started a website instead. Hence, it was ten years ago on the feast of All Saints Day that Brian and I started Revolution of Although we don’t post on it anymore, we still get hits and emails from it so we haven’t taken it down. Over the next few weeks I’ll be reposting RoL items here on the blog. It should be a fun little blast from the past.
And with that I must bid you a good evening! Have a great weekend.


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1 Comment

  • 1. I hope you feel better. I must say the whole “morning sickness” thing is getting old.
    2. Thanks, I can use all the prayers I can get!
    3. Oh my, they are too cute!!
    4. That sounds like so much fun.
    6. I remember that zine!

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