Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (2/24/12): Floods, Lent & Thomas Parties

Hosted by Jen at Conversion Diary.(Welcome back, Jen!)

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When It Rains It Pours – Yesterday was a crazy day with everything happening at once! First, as you may have seen in this week’s {pretty, happy, funny, real}, we had a problem with the drainage of our washing machine. The water flooded the laundry room and poured out onto the carpet. On a “normal” day I would be in the kitchen and could see/hear if something was amiss in the laundry room but Matthew just happened to have (excuse the TMI) an explosive diaper and it was so bad he had to be put in the bath tub immediately. So while I was busy in the back of the house taking care of that, the flooding happened. Luckily Brian came home soon after and between the two of us we were able to fix the drained clog and clean up all the water but the carpets were still sloshy.

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Plug Your Nose – Yesterday I woke up and as I walked down the hallway I was met with a horrendous stench – it was the smell of “wet rags” but multiplied since that whole section of carpet that was waterlogged. We called the guys who have worked on our carpets before and they just happened to be in our area and came over within an hour. They pulled up the carpet and inspected the damage. We have to replace the carpet padding but thankfully the floorboards weren’t damaged and the carpet doesn’t need to be replaced. We have to keep the blowers running over the weekend, which will be interesting with little kids in the house. On Monday they’ll be back to clean the carpets and get the smell out. I hope it works because right now it stinks to high heaven in here. Ew.

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My sweet JP.

What? – Yesterday, I also had to take John-Paul to get his hearing tested, a normal procedure when you start speech therapy. It turns out that he is having trouble hearing from his right ear. There is fluid in his ear and they are not sure if it is because he’s been nursing a cold for a couple weeks or if it has been there for awhile. I have to go back in a month for him to take another test. If the fluid has drained then it was most likely from his cold. If the fluid is still there then they’ll have to insert tiny tubes to help it drain out. It could also be part of the reason he is not speaking well. He may be having trouble hearing correctly. Either way, we just have to wait and see what happens at the next test.

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Patience, Please – There were a number of other mishaps to happen yesterday but it would take too much time to explain now. Suffice to say that I am glad it is Lent because every time I was about to lose it and go postal get slightly perturbed I turned my mind to Christ and begged for his grace. It was a good lesson for me to have a better attitude while carrying these little crosses.

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More Lent Ideas – Speaking of Lent, my sister EL had some fabulous Lenten projects and ideas. I especially love the Lent wreath she made. If you need a little inspiration, go over there and check it out Lent Crafts for 2012 and Portable Outdoor Stations of the Cross.

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Bella at her 4th Birthday Thomas the Train party.

The Martha Stewart of Party Planning– And speaking of my sister EL and great ideas, she also posted about my nephew’s Thomas the Train birthday party. I did a Thomas party once for Bella when she going through her Thomas phase but it was not nearly as cute as this one. So if you are thinking of a Thomas party, then visit Thomas the Train Party for some great ideas.

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I Heart Magazines – Lastly, I was so bummed when Faith and Family stopped publishing their magazine and I was unconvinced that Catholic Digest would be just as good. This week I received the new Catholic Digest and I’m happy to say that I looove it! I haven’t finished reading it yet but what I have seen so far is great! There are articles from some of my favorite Catholic women – Hallie Lord, Danielle Bean, Simcha Fisher, Rachel Balducci, Lisa Hendey, Kate Wicker, Daria Sockey and many more. Brian was a little bummed because he said it was a women’s magazine, even though I told him there were some articles for men. I don’t think he was convinced but in the meantime I’ll be enjoying it. If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can do so here. (By the way, Mom, if you aren’t already subscribed I’m sending you and the fam a gift sub. šŸ™‚

That’s it for today. Have a wonderful weekend!!


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  • houseunseen says:

    I’m so glad Danielle has “revived” Catholic Digest. And I totally feel for you and the wet carpet. Disasters like that make me go BATTY!

  • I love number #5, the Lent ring. Such a good idea. I remember doing the same thing for my kiddies, I am a mom of four, no longer babies, and it was such a good way for us to pray and focus on Lent.
    I often wondered why some enterprising Catholic mom didn’t create an Advent like Lent calendar and Lenten ring?
    I found you on 7 Quick and had to read your list, it was the name: bobbi @ revolution of love that drew me in.

  • mamabearjd says:

    And yet, in spite of it all, you were able to post to give us all a laugh! I flooded my house shortly after my last baby was born, the fans did make us almost crazy. I feel for you!

  • bobbi says:

    mama bear – Thanks! We finally got rid of the fans yesterday and we are just about 100% dry. Yay!

  • bobbi says:

    spiritual lives – You said: ā€œI often wondered why some enterprising Catholic mom didn’t create an Advent like Lent calendar and Lenten ring?ā€
    You don’t know how often I’ve thought the same thing! Every year I am looking to see if someone has put one together for Lent that I can purchase.
    And glad you stopped by, especially because of the name. My husband picked the name out when we started our website 10 years ago. Hard to believe time has passed that quickly! I am sure you see the same thing watching your grown children. šŸ˜‰ God bless!

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