Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (5/4/12): American Idol, Sex, & Contests (& Bonus Takes) Edition

Hosted by Jen at Conversion Diary.

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Better Late than Never – It’s been a busy week, but May is usually a busy month anyway! I was late posting yesterday’s {pretty, happy, funny real} but I posted them this morning. They are photos from Matthew’s first birthday. šŸ™‚

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That Sex Book – I have been working on rereading the book Style, Sex & Substance by Hallie Lord and I have been posting my thoughts on each chapter online. When some of my family members heard that I was posting about the book, they were a little concerned and a little opposed to “that pink Catholic sex book.” I tried to explain that it wasn’t actually a “sex book.” After reading my thoughts on chapter 1 (Catholic womanhood), chapter 2 (style & modesty) and chapter 3 (prayer) I think I finally convinced them that just because “sex ” is in the title, that is not what the whole book is about. Although I may have to have them skip my blog next Wednesday since Chapter 4 is about sex. (So concerned family members, be forewarned! šŸ˜‰

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Mother’s Day Giveaway – Speaking of the scandal causing Hallie, she is having a Mother’s Day Contest and the prizes rock! They include:
–A copy of “Style, Sex, and Substance” signed by all 10 contributors.
–A Moleskin Journal in which a woman could-if she pleased-journal her answers to the questions provided at the end of each chapter.
–A Zebra Ballpoint Pen-which is the single best pen ever created by man (don’t even try to debate me on this one)-to use for said journaling.
–A Lavender Aromatherapy Candle to provide pretty lighting and a sweet scent.
–Lavender Bath Salts if she chooses to read her new book in the bath.
–A copy of Audrey Assad’s new CD, Heart, to play while she reads, journals, and/or soaks.
–A small collection of Sephora beauty samples that I’ve collected over the last few months.
–And some sort of sweet treat.
She will send the gift to the winner directly or you can request that it be sent to a relative or friend instead. Sorry, guys, but if this mama wins it, I’m keeping it. šŸ˜‰

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Dim the Lights, Please – Are you an American Idol fan? I have watched it for a few years then skipped the last two seasons. However, when my mom was here two weeks ago to help Brian with the kids while I was away with Bella, we recorded the show for her on our DVR. After I returned we sat up together and watched and I started getting sucked back into the show. Although towards the end I was falling asleep on the couch (still tired from all the camping) as my mom told me about each contestant and their background and what Jimmy had to say about them, etc. I just kept thinking to myself that I needed to go to bed…and who the heck is Jimmy? LOL! Well, this week I actually watched Wednesday’s episode. (Although I sort of cheated and fast- forwarded commercials, Ryan, the judges, and any song that didn’t grab me in the first 10 seconds. I easily fit the two hour show into my allotted Ā½ hour viewing time.) I did think that each contestant did an awesome job, at least with their first songs. I even found myself texting “vote” for Phil Philips, which is my mom’s favorite. Yesterday I was shocked that Skylar was voted off. I thought her country kick #$% attitude and talent would have put her in the top 3. Oh, well. We’ll see hat happens next week.

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Flashback Friday Five – Since I am running out of quick takes to mention, here is an RoL Birthday flashback from the first year I started blogging. This Friday Five was posted on Aug 22, 2003.
1. When was the last time you laughed? Last night with Brian. It doesn’t take much to get me laughing.
2. Who was the last person you had an argument with? Myself. Sometimes I am just sooo exasperating.
3. Who was the last person you emailed? My sister BC.
4. When was the last time you bathed? About an hour ago. (I assume showers count. Actual sit-in-the-tub bathing?…who knows. A little thing called reality prevents that.
5. What was the last thing you ate? The last bite of Bella’s banana that she was about to throw on the floor. (No, I wouldn’t have eaten it if it actually hit the floor.)

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DĆ©jĆ  vu – You know what is funny about that Friday Five? It is almost a decade later and if I answered those questions today it would be almost identical!
1. The same! He is my joy, šŸ˜‰
2. The same! She is still exasperating.
3. Almost the same. Just change “email” to “text” and switch it from my sister “BC” to my other sister “JC.”
4. The same!
5. Almost the same. Just change “Bella’s banana” to “Matthew’s strawberry.”
Wow, I don’t know if that is really sweet…or really pathetic.

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Only 7 Days Left
– Don’t forget that you can still sign up for the RoL Birthday Contest. A winner will be picked on May 11. You can leave a comment on this post or just email me your name to join. Here are the 5 gifts you could win in your care package:
Gift 1 – Choose one of the following Catholic books below. (These are all books I’ve read and loved or I’ve heard great reviews and want to read soon.)


Style, Sex, and Substance: 10 Catholic Women Consider the Things that Really Matter by Hallie Lord


The Catholics Next Door: Adventures in Imperfect Living by Greg and Jennifer Willits


A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms: 52 Companions for Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul by Lisa M. Hendey


The Catholic Girl’s Survival Guide for the Single Years: The Nuts and Bolts of Staying Sane and Happy While Waiting for Mr. Right by Emily Stimpson

Gift 2 – Choose one of Carmen Marcoux’s books.


Arms of Love




The Parish Picnic (A Children’s Book)

Gift 3 – A Small (4×6) Divine Mercy Icon


Gift 4Mystic Monk Coffee or Tea (Your Choice)


Gift 5 – Chocolate (What’s A Care Package without Chocolate?!)
Good luck and have a great weekend!


WAIT! THERE IS A P.S. – After I posted this and added my link to Jen’s site, I just remembered two other quick takes I was supposed to mention! So I’m added on some bonus quick takes.

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Once Upon A Time – The first is trivial but have you been watching Once Upon A Time? I never got to post my Monday’s TV Talk and I barely caught up with the last episode. We were right. August was Pinocchio! But is Emma ever going to believe? Would you have denied a baby the care of her mother in order to save your own child? There are only two shows left. What do you think the cliffhanger will be??

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Chen – The second is more serious. Have you been keeping up with the story of Chen Guangcheng, the forced abortion opponent? I have been following his story for awhile and I heard about his escape a few days ago. My mind immediately thought of the apostle Paul when he escaped prison. (Acts 16:26) Keep him in your prayers, as well as his family who are being punished because of his escape. He has done incredible work in promoting the value of all life as well as condemning the horrors of abortion and infanticide. ( has been a great job at keeping us up to date on the situation.)
Okay, this time I am really going. šŸ˜‰


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