Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Catholic Baby Shower Ideas

There are numerous cute baby shower activities available but here are a few that are geared more towards the Catholic mom.Ā 

Catholic Baby Shower Activities

Here is a rosary you can say during the baby shower or print up and give as a gift to the mom-to-be.

Activity – The Catholic Baby Shower Rosary – Joyful Mysteries

The First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation

The angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph. The angel said to Mary, “Hail full of grace! The Lord is with you. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:26-29, 38)

Blessed Mother, through your humility and obedience God’s plan of salvation was put into motion by a simple “yes.” May (NAME) be given the grace to say yes to God in the small and big things of her life, so that she, too, may participate in God’s plan of salvation through her vocation as a wife and mother.

The Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation

Mary entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! (Luke 1:40-42)

Blessed Mother, when Elizabeth heard your greeting, the baby leapt in her womb and she rejoiced that the mother of her Savior would come to her. May (NAME) be continuously blessed with your presence in her life, as you rejoice in her joys and comfort her during her struggles.

The Third Joyful Mystery: The Birth of Jesus

They were in Bethlehem when the time came for Mary to have her child, and she gave birth to a son, her firstborn. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger. (Luke 2:6-7)

Blessed Mother, on the day your son Jesus was born, the heavens were filled with songs of praise. May you protect and strengthen (NAME) as she prepares for the birth of her (SON/DAUGHTER/CHILD) and may she be blessed with a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery.

The Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation

When the day came for the purification according to the law of Moses, Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord. Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, “He shall stand as a sign of contradiction, while a sword will pierce your own soul.” (Luke 2:22, 34, 35)
Blessed Mother, in the temple you presented the Child Jesus and trusted that God would guide you in caring for Him and raising Him to live out God’s will. May (NAME) be granted the grace to raise her (SON/DAUGHTER/CHILD) in God’s love so that (HE/SHE) may also love God and desire His will above all else.

The Fifth Joyful Mystery: The Finding in the Temple

When Jesus was twelve years old, he went up to Jerusalem with his parents, according to the custom for the feast. After the festival was over, Mary and Joseph returned, but the boy Jesus remained in Jerusalem and his parents did not know it. On the third day, they found him in the Temple sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. (Luke 2:42-43, 46)

Blessed Mother, after finding Jesus in the Temple, you and Joseph returned to your home in Nazareth and lived your lives as a family united in God’s love. May (MOM’S NAME) and (Dad’s NAME) be strengthened in their love for you and each other, so that together they may raise a holy family seeking to live each day with heroic charity.

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This is a game that tests your knowledge about the guest of honor.

Activity – The How Well Do Your Know The Mama? Game

Directions: Each person fills out the questionnaire about their guest of honor. The one with the most correct answers wins.

1. When is her baby due?
2. What is her middle name?
3. Where was she born?
4. What is her favorite dessert?
5. Is she a morning, afternoon or night person?
6. Where does she go to church?
7. Which image of Our Lady is most special to her?
8. Is she a cradle Catholic or a convert?
9. What year did she get married?
10. If she could do anything for 3 hours (with NO children), what would it be?
(Thanks to Katie S. for the idea!)


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I always did well on this game because my purse/diaper bag is always packed with way too much stuff. LOL.

Activity – The “Catholic” Purse Game

Needed: Pencil/pen and paper for each player.

Directions: Call off the items. If the player has that item in her purse then she adds the points to her total. The one with the most points wins.

Note: Here are some ideas of items someone may have in their purse. You can cater the items to the crowd. If there are more ladies without kids then have less mom-orientated items etc.

5 Point Items

Photo of your kids
Key chain with a religious theme
Receipt for baby supplies (diapers, clothes, etc)
Prayer card
Tissue pack

10 Point Items
Photo of your husband
Church Missal
Calendar/Planner (paper or electric) with the baby shower date scheduled
Something with a bible scripture on it.
Brush or comb
Kiddie snack (ie. cheerios, fishy crackers)

15 Point Items
Appointment card or receipt for a mani/pedi
Church bulletin
Mini screwdriver, scissors or pocket knife
Five or more keys on your key chain
(Thanks to Katie S. for the idea!)

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Shower Ideas to Benefit the Mom-to-Be

Personal Notes for the Mom-to-Be

At one shower for a friend (who had a miracle pregnancy after years of infertility), the guests wanted to thank her for all the ways she touched their lives. There was this frame on a table with blank note cards for the guests.

The words in the frame reads: Over the years, (Name) has blessed us with her tremendous gift of “spiritual motherhood.” We want to honor her for the countless times she has nurtured us. If you recall an instance when you felt especially blessed by (Names)’s friendship (be it through her prayers, her listening ear or her encouragement), please use these cards to write down a quick note for (Name). We’ll present her with everyone’s cards and she’ll have these as a beautiful keepsake for years to come!

If notes of thanks aren’t really suitable, you could also do notes to a new mom having guests write down their top suggestion or words of encouragement to a new mom. It’ll be a nice reminder to her on those early frazzled days.

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Pre-Addressed Thank You Cards

At one shower, the host had a great idea of purchasing a box of blank thank you cards for the mom. Each guest addressed the envelopes with her own address. Then when the new mom was ready to send her thank you notes they were already addressed for her. As an added treat you could also put stamps on them for her.

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Meal Sign-Up Sheet

Have a sign up sheet for guests who would like to bring a meal to the mom-to-be after she has the baby. You can decorate your own sheet on the computer or buy a sheet of baby theme cardstock at the craft store. The guests can sign their name and info (phone number or email address if you don’t already have them.) After the baby is born the meal coordinator can contact the volunteer chefs.

There are great online services such as and that allows you to organize everything online and sends out all the necessary family info (ie. dietary restrictions, best times to call, what nights and meals other people are cooking etc). It helps this group act of kindness run a lot smoother!

As an added suggestion, when a friend brought me a meal after I had John Paul, she included her delicious soup/stew in a number of small disposable containers that I could put in the freezer. They were perfect individual servings for those days when I was too busy to make a hot lunch. I loved it!

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Gift Suggestions for the Catholic Baby

(I am always looking for a cute and unique Catholic baby gift. Let me know if you have a suggestion! )

Saint Softies

This is the original “Saint Softie” from Saintly Silver & Saintly Sewing at There are not only the usual saints such as this cute St. Therese but lesser known saints such as St. Liliane and St. Peregrine. (Note: These are handmade to order so you have to order 3-4 weeks in advance of when you need it.)


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Holy Baby Plush

The Rosary sells the Holy Baby Plush Toys.Aavailable are Baby Bosco, Puppy Grigio, Baby Scholastica, and a Holy Baby Ball with rattle.

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Gift Suggestions for the Mom-to-Be

(Some of these ideas aren’t necessarily Catholic but they are things I have received in the past and still love.)


Prayerfully Expecting: A Nine-Month Novena for Mothers to Be
by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

This book is a beautiful compilation of prayers with the pregnant mom in mind. Each month begins with a summary of how your baby is growing and then various prayers and novenas that can be said for you, your baby and your family. At the end of each chapter there is a space for you write your own reflections. I have really enjoyed this book during my last two pregnancies.

NOTE: Since first posting this, there are a number of Catholic pregnancy books that have come out. I will add their links soon-ish.

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Pregnancy Calendar by Russ

When I pregnant with Bella, a friend gave me the Pregnancy Calendar by Russ. I loved using it and had bought another one for each child since. You fill in the calendar with your own dates and each week tells you something about your baby’s development and each month has helpful hints for your pregnancy. There are also plenty of stickers to record things such as when you told your family or when you felt the first kick or when you had your baby shower. I hung the calendar in the kitchen and the kids loved to see what day we were on and what was happening to the baby that week. We’ve had a lot of fun using it.

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When I was first pregnant with Bella, I started a tradition of keeping a pregnancy journal addressed to “my little one.” It was nice to have “conversations” with each child and share what I was going through with their pregnancy and what I hoped for their future. After their births, I try to update their journals on their birthdays so they can get a glimpse of how they are progressing and how our family is growing. I am not sure when I will give the journal to each child but I am hoping that one day they will really enjoy reading it.

(Above is a pic of my journals: Bella’s, Andrew’s, John-Paul’s and the latest – Matthew’s. You can also read my journal to Bella here. Excerpts of Andrew’s will be posted soon.)

For a mom who does not normally journal, you can start her off easily by getting her the Mom’s One Line a Day: A Five-Year Memory Book. Instead of a daunting blank page, there is room for just a sentence or two to record a highlight of the day. I have one and I love it! This is especially great for new moms to record the highlight of their week, “Today I showered! Hoorah.” šŸ˜‰

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Basket of Goodies for the Mom-to-Be

Baby showers are filled with beautiful gifts for the precious little one but Mama needs a little pampering too! You can fill a basket (or a pretty organizer bin like this that can be reused later) with items such as Mama Bee products, lotions, bath soap, a book, chocolate (or other favorite treat), gift certificate to a maternity store, to the movies or for a pedicure or whatever else she would enjoy.

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For the Guests – Votive Candle with Birth Prayer

Gift Item for the Guests – Votive Candle with Birth Prayer

When my sister-in-law and brother were expecting their first child I wrote a short prayer for them and printed it on blue cardstock (since they were having a boy.) I purchased a pack of blue votive candles and glass holders and wrapped them in tulle. The prayer was attached to the candle with yellow ribbon and a cute diaper pin. (You can also use tea candles if you want to cut the cost.)

The candles can be given to the guests as a parting gift. When the mom-to-be goes into labor have someone call, email, or text the others to light their votive candle and say a prayer.

You can use the following prayer (fill in your own names) or another prayer, a poem, scripture verse, etc instead.

Prayer for the Votive Candles

Heavenly Father, We place (MOM’S NAME) & (DAD’S NAME) into your hands as they prepare for the birth of their child (BABY’S NAME IF KNOWN). Give (MOM) strength of body, mind and spirit. Calm her fears and bring peace to her heart. Protect her and (BABY) from all harm and may they have a safe and healthy delivery. St. Joseph, protector of the family, give (DAD) strength, courage and compassion as he helps (MOM) during labor. Mother Mary, watch over (DAD), (MOM) & little (BABY) today & always. May they grow in their love for God & forever be a shining light of Christ in the world. Amen

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I hope you enjoyed these! If you have some of your own ideas you’d like to share, post it in the comment box or email me at
PS – Here are links to other ideas:
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