Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (12/14/12): Baby Jesus, Santa & Star Wars

Hosted by Jen.

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Oh, Never Mind – My little spitfire conked out on me so now’s the prefect time to catch up on my one-handed blogging.

Well, it is Friday afternoon and I still haven’t posted my Quick Takes. Yesterday I thought to myself, “I’m tired of being #285 on Jen’s link-up. I live in Cali for goodness sake. I can post at 9 PM Thursday night and it will officially be Fri on the East coast…” So I started writing my QT after I tucked the kids in bed and I knew Brian would be busy for ½ an hour or so but I didn’t get very far. Brian finished early and I abandoned the QT’s and cuddled on the couch with him and watched an old episode of Parenthood. (We are just finishing Season 2.) Oh, well.


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Trending Topic – Last night Twitter and Instagram were buzzing about Jen’s show Minor Revisions. I’m really bummed I missed it but frankly if I can’t DVR it, then it ain’t gonna happen. Maybe someone will post a play by play account of the episode so I won’t feel so left out. 😉


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Han Still Rocks – Do you know what online video HAS been played on my computer (and iphone and iPod)? This Angry Bird Star Wars video.


I finally got wise and when the boys ask me if they can watch it I say they can AFTER they clean the (fill in blank with the messiest room at the moment). Boy, do they get hopping!  Between Santa and video rewards, I’ve got the most polite, semi-behaved kids in town! I just hope these good habits last after Christmas.


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Hey, and if you’re looking for one of the Angry Bird Star Wars plush dolls, they have them at almost ½ price at for around $7. I’m partial to Princess Lea and Han Solo. 😉

Or if you have a hubby or older child who loves Star Wars, they may enjoy this funny book I saw at the store yesterday – Darth Vader and Son. Here is a sample page.

It’s funny. It reminds me of another favorite Good Night iPad. LOL


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More Than Just Santa – Okay, back to Take #3 about Santa vs Jesus,  the other day I had a talk with the kids about the importance of being “extra good” not so Santa will bring them presents but because they want to show their love for Baby Jesus. They should want to do these things for Him. Andrew piped up, “Of course we know that, Mommy!” Okay, I was just checking.

Today I also posted Part 2 of Keeping Christ in Christmas Ideas. They are suggestions that were sent to me from various Catholic families. I love the suggestion about writing a letter to Baby Jesus instead of Santa. The mom says:

An old Catholic custom is the writing of “Christmas Letters” by the children. These letters, addressed to the Child Jesus (NOT Santa Claus) are written or dictated by the little ones some time before Christmas. They contain their wishes concerning Christmas presents, petitions for various intentions, and a promise of sincere effort to please Our Lord in preparation for Christmas. When they go to bed, the children put their letters on the windowsill, from where “angels” take them during the night to bring them to the Child Jesus in heaven.

This charming custom helps the parents to impress on the minds of their little ones the importance of a sincere spiritual preparation and at the same time great confidence in God who is concerned with our temporal and spiritual needs. Parents who favor this custom will often be deeply touched when they discover that some of their children put more stress on spiritual graces than on material gifts even on an occasion like this. I t can also alert parents to the need for more guidance and direction toward this goal.


I really love that. We were never really big on writing to Santa but I will have the kids write their Jesus letter this weekend and then work on their birthday cards to Baby Jesus next weekend. You can read the rest of the ideas here.


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Oh boy! – Speaking of babies, my sis found out today that she is having a BOY! She has three girls and one boy so this will even things out a bit. I am so happy for her! Stop by and send her some congrats. 🙂


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No Words – Lastly, I heard a little while ago about the horrific tragedy in CT. I am still in shock. I had to turn off the news because I couldn’t stop crying and I was freaking out the kids. Even now I can’t think about it without starting to cry again. But for now, go hug your kids! Kiss your hubby or if he’s not home, text him and tell him that you love him. Call that family member or friend that you are arguing with and apologize. Because you never know if the last word you said to them is the LAST word you will say to them.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Have a blessed weekend.

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