Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

{pretty, happy, funny, real} – vol 31: Mexican Mother’s Day Edition

Two Quick Notes:
First – I wasn’t able to do this week’s book discussion of Style, Sex and Substance. I should have the next post on Wednesday, 5/16.
Second – Today is your last day to enter the RoL Birthday Care Package Contest! The winner will be announce tomorrow. Good luck!
Okay, now we return to our regularly scheduled post…

round button chicken

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~


Today is Mother’s Day in Mexico so Bella’s Spanish class made cards for their madres. Here is the cover of Bella’s card to me. (She didn’t notice her “typo” until after I took the photo. šŸ˜‰ Today was also the boys’ preschool moms’ party. Each made me a wooden flower frame with their photo in it. So cute!





A quick pic from my iphone at Andrew’s party.


It was a little tricky to be at both parties at the same time (and also try to keep Matthew quiet in my arms), since they are in different class rooms, but I made it. šŸ™‚


The other day I invited my in-laws over for dinner. My mother-in-law brought over a cake she made for dessert. There was enough cake left over for Brian and I to share for dessert the following night after the kids went to sleep. Well, John Paul must have heard about our plan. The next day I was putting Matthew to sleep and after I put him in bed I went into the kitchen and found that JP dragged a chair over to the counter and helped himself to our dessert…


I told Brian that there were two large pieces of the cake left but this is all I found on the sink…

31c2.JPGThe guy didn’t even have a stomach ache! I can’t imagine what JP’s bottomless pit appetite is going to be like when he is a teenager!



Speaking of Mother’s Day, in the animal world it is the harbor seals’ pupping season. Where I take my morning walk, they have part of coastline fenced off for the mama seals and their pups.


Looking for the seals against the large rocks feels like playing a game of “Where’s Waldo.”


But as you get closer you can see the seals resting on the rocks and frolicking in the water. (Although the frolicking seal went down in the water just as I snapped my photo.)


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