Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

A Look at My 2015 (Erin Condren) Planner

Note: For the update version of this post, click A Look at My 2015-2016 (Erin Condren) Planner & Favorite Planning Tools

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Revolution of Love Blog - A look at my 2015 Erin Condren plannerlogo_planner_2015

I planned to do a post about my new planner in January but life happened. So, I better get it posted before February is over. πŸ˜‰

Anyone that follows this blog knows that I love making lists and using planners. Not because I am organized but because I am scattered and have the attention span of a two year old sometimes. If I don’t write it down, I won’t remember it five minutes later. Literally. If I am not within reach of my planner then I’ll writeΒ  a note on my phone (which is usually in my pocket) and at the end of the day the notes get written down before they are also forgotten.

Β© Revolution of Love Blog - planner_weeklyLast year I was using a Martha Steward Discbound planner and I loved everything about it except that it was too big to carry around with me everywhere. Because I spend a lot of time out of the house, I needed something that was more portable. I heard a lot of people rave about the Erin Condren planner but I was doubtful and they were pricey. However, I had a coupon and decided to give it a try.revolution of love blog - planner_2015_p

The delivery of it became an “event” because it came in such a pretty box with special treats.


Revolution of Love Blog - planner_2015_eI looked through their selection and chose an Erin Condren Life Planner with the Favorite Things cover. (I bought my planner in later 2014 so the new 2015 versions may look a little different.)

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I love that you could choose the words that filled your cover. I also like that the covers are interchangeable so if I am tired of the cover or want to change it according to seasons, I can lift the cover off and pop in a new one. (I have another version of this cover in darker fall colors but I am back in spring mode now.)

planner_2015_aI do not like planners with plain black and white pages. I like bright colors that make me want to actually use the planner. However, I do not like my planner to be so filled with decor that I don’t have room to write.

Revolution of Love Blog - planner_2015_kI use washi tape to make small squares on my monthly calendar. Blue are doctor appointments and speech therapy. Green is school related. Red is an event I need to attend or drive the kids to. Orange is a family birthday. Pink polka dots is a night out for me. I write the definite items in ink and possible dates and notes in pencil.

Revolution of Love Blog - planner_2015_bThe weekly page is where people can really go to town to decorate and fill the boxes with all sorts of decor. Me? I seriously just need a space for my To Do lists.

Revolution of Love Blog - planner_2015_cThe calendar is divided into three sections – Morning, Day and Night. I covered the Morning label with washi tape and use it as my schedule for places I need to be that day. In the Day section I write down the things I need to try and get done that day. The Night section I use to add To Do things that I eventually want to do but it’s not urgent. I make little boxes next to each item and fill them in as I complete them. In the last bottom section I keep track of my dinner menu and posts that I will publish on the blog that day. The right side column is for goals and notes.

Revolution of Love Blog - planner_2015_dThere are some days when I want a whole page to keep track of what I am working on. When I had my discbound planner I made daily goal sheet printable pages. They were too big for this planner so I shrunk it down and cut it to size. On the goal sheet I keep track of my prayer/inspiration of the day and my act of love to put it into practice, my “must do’s”, household goals, who I need to contact and if I am really ambitious, I’ll also track my food and exercise. I don’t use this on the days I am hardly home but I love it for the days when I have longer stretches at home. You can buy Erin Condren coil tabs to add sheets like this to your planner but I just used a bit of washi tape and stuck it to the plastic book mark.

If you’d like to print out a copy for yourself, you can find the full size Daily Goal Sheet in this post here. The roughly 6.5 x 8.5 sized Daily Goal Sheet (as pictured) can be printed from here. (I added the blue lines to know where to cut the paper.)

Revolution of Love Blog - planner_2015_gOther featured of the planner – Along with pretty inspirational quote pages, there are lined pages for notes and blank pages for drawing or scribbles.

Revolution of Love Blog - planner_2015_hA Look Ahead calendar.

Revolution of Love Blog - planner_2015_iStickers – both pre-labeled and blank. (To be honest with you, I forgot about these until I was doing this post. I’ll have to put them to use next month.)

planner_2015_jThere is a pocket for papers and zipped pouch. I keep the free labels they sent with my order in there. (Not pictured is a pull out perpetual calendar to keep the dates of birthdays and dates to remember.)

Revolution of Love Blog - planner_2015_lAs an extra, I purchased a pen loop and a separate tablet that sticks to the back of the planner. I use these for notes at room mom meetings and such.

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For Christmas the kids got me a EC planner pouch. I love it since I am always throwing the planner in my purse or a tote bag or a diaper bag. Technically, we are out of diapers but I still need a big bag for changes of undies, snacks and random Legos and Star Wars figures. The pouch keeps the pages from getting smashed or smeared with jelly hands.

Along with my planner I am still using my traveling office. πŸ™‚

I’ve been using the Erin Condren planner since August and so far it has worked really well for me. You can take a look at the planners that are offered and see if one suits you. The most important thing is to find a planner that you like and that you will use. Whether it is an EC planner or a 99 cent notebook from Target. Find something that inspires you, matches your current needs and is in your budget. Then have fun planning (and doing!) πŸ˜‰

NOTE: These items were purchase by me and I received no compensation. However, if you order anything from this link –, I will get a small compensation and you will get $10 off your first order! Yay!Β  πŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

PPS – This post contains affiliate links.

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