Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

A Valentine’s Treat for You

Happy St. Valentine’s Day! Lots of love to all my family and friends (and anyone else who may be be hanging around the blog.) Thanks for listening to me and giving me a chance to step away from the business of life and have a little creative fun online. šŸ™‚

Since it is Valentine’s I am giving you a treat. You can choose which of these Valentine’s you prefer. If none of them are of any interest to you then you probably clicked on this blog by mistake. My apologies. Google is to your left.
Have fun!

For Lovers of the Catholic Faith

I give to you a synopsis of St. Valentine’s life from

St. Valentine was a holy priest in Rome, who, with St. Marius and his family, assisted the martyrs in the persecution under Claudius II. Since he was caught marrying Christian couples and aiding any Christians who were being persecuted under Emperor Claudius in Rome [when helping them was considered a crime], Valentinus was arrested and imprisoned. (Continue reading at…)

For Lovers of Downton Abbey

I give to you a Valentine Abbey. You can find more at So funny!


For Lovers of Their Vocation to Motherhood AND/OR Lovers of Laughing So Hard You Spit Out Your Drink

I give to you a post from my newest favorite Catholic Mom blogger Cari over at Clan Donaldson.


Tales from the Kid Ghetto
If you have children, you know what the kid ghetto is. You’ve been there. Whether you wanted to or no, you’ve been there.

The kid ghetto is where you’re seated at the restaurant when you show up with people requiring booster seats or high chairs.

The basement you find yourself in during family reunions, where your senile great uncle and four nameless adolescent cousins are the only other people hanging out? That’s the kid ghetto.

Trip to the mall? The kid ghetto there is that shockingly unsanitary play area you swear you’ll never go to, but one day you push your luck one store too many and that’s where you end up.

Even church has one. Oh yes, a place as welcoming and forgiving as the church has its own kid ghetto. It’s the last five or six rows- the pews aaaaaaalllllll the way at the back of the church, where you’re in the liturgical catch-22 of children who can’t see what’s going on and get restless, but aren’t yet behaved enough to be trusted closer to the altar.

You know you’re there when all the missals are missing covers and the smell of Desitin and apple juice hover perpetually in the air.

That’s where we were today for Mass. Normally, I avoid the kid ghetto, and try to sneak my way into the no-man’s land of the middle pews, but since we had to attend the 5:00 p.m. Mass, we knew we had five potential time bombs on our hands. Hunger, fatigue, and an hour of having to stay in the same 3 foot area are not a good mix if you’re a kid. (Continue reading at Clan Donaldson…)

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