Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Added to My Calendar – St. Joan of Arc Catholic Women’s Conference in Pasadena, CA

This Fall is a busy (and fun) time for me and I’ve just added one more anticipated event to the calendar. Today I registered for the St. Joan of Arc Catholic Women’s Conference on October 14, 2017 in Pasadena, CA. Yay! Not only will I be there but my mom is joining me too! Double yay!

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CWMNCA in 2015

I attended the CWBNCA conference that Kendra and Micaela hosted back in 2015 (it was a blogging conference then) and it was such a time of personal and spiritual growth – I wrote all about it here.

Then last year they changed it to a women’s conference so any Catholic woman could attend, not just bloggers. I wasn’t able to attend then but this year doors opened and my awesome hubby said he’d watch the kids and gave his blessing, so I’ll be there. That fact that my mom was available and willing to join me makes it all the more special!

If you are free on October 14th and can head on over, you really should! The day will begin with morning Mass celebrated by Fr. Matthew, OSJ, who has a daily radio show on Immaculate Heart Radio and happens to be Micaela’s little brother. šŸ™‚ Micaela will be MCing and speakers include Blythe Fike and Kendra Tierney.

For more details about the conference, click over here. To register, click here.

I do hope you can make it. If you plan to attend, let me know so I can find you and say hi! If you see me and my mom, come on over and say hi! See you then. šŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰

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