Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

St. Louis de Montfort, Pray for Us!

Hello All. It’s been a busy morning so I haven’t been able to post until now. Today’s saint is St. Louis de Montford. Whenever I hear his name I think of my old parish priest and spiritual director Fr. Louis Marx. I met Fr. Marx in my early 20’s after my conversion and he was immensely instrumental in my deepening faith and spirituality.

I vividly remember on one New Year’s Eve service, I took his advice and made a general confession of all my sins (and there were plenty from when I was far from God.) I was so ashamed I could barely get the words out in the confessional but he was kind, understanding and gave me the hope I needed to live my life anew. His deep faith and incredible reverence during the Mass spoke volumes without saying a word. I recall his counsel when I considered a religious vocation and just as he thought, it was not my vocation. Later he gave private classes to Brian and me as we prepared for our marriage.

It has been a few years since I’ve talked to Fr. Marx, having moved after I was married, yet he is still so close to my heart. I owe him so much. He has been a true spiritual father to me and I love him like a spiritual daughter. It make me wonder if he knows how much he’s touched my life. I think this afternoon I will write him and tell him just that. Let’s all say a prayer of thanksgiving for the wonderful priests in our lives that have made our lives richer and faith more alive! That’s it for now.

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