Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Little Lessons of Advent – Week 2

This Advent I am using the Blessed Is She Advent Journal as an aid to prepare for the coming of the Christ Child at Christmas. For too many Advents I’ve started out with the best of intentions and by the end of it had a dusty journal that was left unused far too many days. My goal this Advent is to try to consistently spend a little time each day praying and using my journal. I’m recording some of my thoughts for the week here to share with you and to keep me accountable.

Find lessons from Week 1 here.

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The Importance of Prayer

The first week of Advent went really well. The second week, not so much. It had been a busy, busy week and I hadn’t been spending time in prayer and I could feel the difference in my attitude and lack of patience. No bueno! Finally on Friday I had to force myself to stop and quiet myself. After dropping off the kids at school I stopped by the Blessed Sacrament Chapel to spend some time in prayer before I started the day’s work. I poured my heart out to God, worked on my journal then started to pray for a few friends who were in particular need of prayer. As I was praying for “Jane” and placed her needs before Our Lord, my phone vibrated. I glanced over at it and saw a text from Jane. She was struggling at the moment and asked for prayer over a certain situation. I got goosebumps. It was eerie coincidence that she was calling out for prayer just as I was kneeling in prayer for her.

When I was done praying for her, I felt as if the Holy Spirit was saying, “You see. When you neglect your prayers there is more at stake than just your relationship with Me. God has placed souls in your hands that He wants you to pray for and love from afar. When you are too busy, those prayers are not being offered for them.”

As tiny and insignificant as I am in the grand scheme of things, God still wants to use me and desires I pray for his beloved children. It gave me a renewed sense of the need to pray, not only for myself but for others as well.

Women of Faith

There was discussion about our family tree and honestly looking at the good and bad. It renewed my desire to pray for extended members of my family who are not practicing the faith or who have fallen away from God.

One of the journal prompts also talked about the women in our lives who have been a source of inspiration and hope to us. My mom immediately came to my mind first. She is the woman of faith I admire most and not because I see her as “perfect.” I have witnessed her triumphs as well as her mistakes. I’ve seen her strengths and her weaknesses. She did not have the easiest life growing up but as she grew in her faith, she fought to put an end to the sin and dysfunction that was being passed down through the generations and chose to put God at the center of our family life.

It was not an overnight achievement and it took years of blood, sweat and tears but the mom and dad I have now are not the same mom and dad I had as a young girl. My mom is living proof that no matter how messed up your childhood/ youth may have been, it is not your fate to repeat your parents same mistakes. She planted the seeds of a new family tree that is flourishing with love and faith in God. My mom proves that with God’s grace there is the possibility of healing and a new life.

Jesus, Light of the World

In one of our journal prompts we had to chose a favorite title of Jesus. I love the title “Light of the World” because it is especially comforting during days of darkness – whether it is a small darkness as we struggle with something in our life or the greater darkness of evil. When life or circumstances seem bleak or overwhelming, Jesus shines like a beacon bringing illumination and casting out the darkness.

I also picture that light as a flame or torch in the darkness. Just as a fire brings warmth and heat into the coldness, so Jesus thaws our hearts, bringing warmth and comfort to our souls. It make my heart sing, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, be the Light of the World.”

Well, those are some of the little lessons I’ve learned this week. Do you have something to share? I’d love to hear it!

Or maybe you feel like you made no progress this week. (We’ve all been there!) No need to fret. This is a brand new week of Advent. New graces are waiting for you!

Have a blessed week.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, 😉

Little Lessons of Advent – Week 1

This Advent I am using the Blessed Is She Advent Journal as an aid to prepare for the coming of the Christ Child at Christmas. For too many Advents I’ve started out with the best of intentions and by the end of it had a dusty journal that was left unused far too many days. My goal this Advent is to try to consistently spend a little time each day praying and using my journal.

The first week of Advent is over and I thank God for the grace to be faithful to my prayer time. I’m not expecting any major revelations or life altering visions. I just want to love God a little more and live a little more Christ-like.

As such, I’m thankful for the little lessons God is teaching me or reminding me. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve read most of these already. If not, here are a few snippets of what’s been on my heart.

God Desires to Be with Me – Prayer does not come easy to me. Sometimes I really have to force myself to stop and spend time with God, which is sad really. What would it be like if I wanted to spend time with someone I loved and they acted like it was such a chore to sit and talk to me. I’d be hurt. So why do I treat God like it’s such an ordeal to quiet myself and sit at his feet? Why am I so self absorbed? God desires to be with me and I want to desire to be with Him. I want prayer to be a natural part of my life and not something I struggle to do. Little by little that is slowly changing and I hope to make more strides this Advent.

He Has Made Him Known – A couple weeks ago I was writing a future Blessed Is She devotion that will post in January. While praying about the Gospel of that day, I came to realize that while I see God in many roles – Master Creator, Merciful Judge, a Rock of Strength and Father, I see Him as a distant Father, not a “Daddy.” There is a wall or distance between us.

The more I have been thinking about this, the more I feel God reaching deeper within me and beckoning me closer to Him, and frankly, it scares me a little.

In one of the Advent meditations this week, we were to choose a verse from the reading that stood out to us. The verse “He has made Him known” touched me because I feel like Jesus wants to draw me closer to God the Father and He will make Him known to me.


Handmaid of the Lord – Friday’s #BISadvent prompt was to place a picture of Mary where I’d see it often. This icon of Mary will be a visual companion as Our Lady guides me this Advent. The Advent journal prompt talked about what connects me to the heart of Mary and what I love most about her is her attitude of humble surrender to God, whereas I feel like the complete opposite. I struggle not to lose it when things go wrong. Even petty, stupid things can get me so worked up. I’m hoping that a fruit of the Advent to be a little less “argh!” and a little more, “I am the handmaid of the Lord.”

Forgive Me, Lord – Finally, on the last day of the first week of Advent the journal talked about the areas we need to seek forgiveness from God. It was the perfect day to go to confession, ask for forgiveness and start anew with the grace of the Sacrament.

Well, those are some little lessons I learned this week. Do you have something to share? I’d love to hear it! Or maybe you feel like you made no progress this week. (We’ve all been there!) No need to fret. Today starts a brand new week of Advent. New graces are waiting for you!

Have a blessed week.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, 😉

Favorite Advent Traditions 2017

Happy first day of Advent 2017! I’ve posted about various Advent traditions over the years. Here is an updated recap of our favorites. We don’t do each of these every year but pick out the ones that will suit our family and our current season of life. Maybe you’ll see something you haven’t tried yet. Or do you have a favorite tradition you want to share? Please tell me about it in the comments. 🙂

The Advent Wreath

revolution of love blog - advent_candleThe Advent wreath is probably the most familiar and easiest of the Advent traditions and it remains a favorite of the kids. There is something special about turning down the lights and watching the flames flicker in the darkness.

There are many ready made advent wreaths from Catholic online stores but it is also easy to make one of your own. I went to our local Trader Joe’s and picked up one of their fresh wreaths. You could also use clipped branches from your Christmas tree arranged in a circle or make your own wreath with materials from a craft store.

Next you need 4 candles – three purple and one pink. Starting with the first Sunday of Advent, you light the first candle. The second week light two candles and so forth. The third Sunday is known as Gaudete Sunday (Gaudete is Latin for “rejoice.”) We light the pink candle to symbolizing our growing joy that Christmas is almost here. (The priest will also wear rose colored vestments at Mass that week.) The last week is another purple candle.

We used to use the long taper candles but they were always toppling over. Finally I found four hefty sized candles at Hobby Lobby and we place them in our wreath. (The only downside is that they are lavender scented so the kids think it smells like a fancy bathroom around them.) 😉 If you can’t find colored candles you could use white candles and tie purple/pink ribbons on them. (Away from the flame.) And if you have little ones who can’t keep their hands off the flame, you can use the battery operated candles!

Are you on a tight budget? Go to Pinterest and search “paper advent wreaths.” You’ll find all kinds of ideas including ones with construction paper and toilet paper rolls. It’s not really about the wreath itself, it is more about taking a few moments to quiet yourself and think about he coming Savior.

In the evening when we say our family night prayers, we light the candle.  It is not always easy since the evenings are hectic with homework, bathing, getting the boys to bed early, prep for the next morning but after years of hit and miss, the fmaily knows that at 7:30 we meet in the fmaily room for a decade of the rosary and a few evening prayers. It’s only 5-10 minutes (and certain children still grumble about it) but Brian and I both think it is an important foundation for our family so we keep at it.  So if you are feeling discouraged with your attempts for family prayer, keep it small and simple. It’s okay to slowly build as you go and as the kids get older.

Props also help. The boys are much more eager to pray when lights are off and candles are lit. During Advent, Brian reads the reflection from Sarah Reinhard’s book Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent and Christmas Reflections for Families. (It only cost $1.99 at Amazon and $0.99 on Kindle). It has wonderful daily reflections that are simple enough for the kids to understand. Most days we use the reflection book. Other days when we have evening activities scheduled, Brian says a short spontaneous prayer. The main thing is that we are praying something together.

(Click here for a simple prayer from Loyola Press to say each week when lighting the candle.)

The Advent Calendar

After we say our Advent wreath prayer, the “person of the day” gets to open the next box in our Advent calendar. We started this tradition years ago as a way to combat the seasonal “gimmies” (give me this, give me that). To help bring the focus back on Christ and sharing his love with others, we started the tradition of making our Advent Calendar into an Act of Love Calendar. We explained that we can show our love for Jesus by sharing that love with others and what we do for others, we do for Our Lord.

Revolution of Love Blog - advent_calendar_pic_1A couple years back I found this little country house Advent calendar at Target and I loved it! Normally you would put in a treat or little toy for each day but instead I put little slips of paper with different acts of love our family could do each day.

advent_calendar_pic_2WTo keep things simple, I searched online for a children’s printable Advent calendar. I found this one from Loyola Press. I simply cut up the calendar and put the little paper squares into the corresponding day. Each day we had one act of kindness that everyone in the family would do. If one of the day’s activities was not really suitable for our family or if there were other acts or activities I wanted our family to work on, I just wrote my own words on a slip of paper and added it in a box. On Sundays our act of love is spending time together so we do something fun as a family, such as, pick out our Christmas tree or bake cookies to bring to a neighbor or watch a Christmas movie together (without fighting who gets to choose the movie.)

revolution of love blog - advent_calendar_pic_4W2 Each day the kids take turns opening the day’s box and we find out which act of love we will be doing that day.

revolution of love blog - advent_calendar_pic_7At dinner time, we each take a turn sharing something about our day. During Advent this will sometimes include sharing about our act of love. For example, Andrew shared how on the day he was supposed to help someone in need, he helped a classmate that fell down at recess and walked him to the school office to get a band aid.

Another time we had to be a peacemaker so I shared that instead of losing my temper and yelling at the kids, I first went into my room and screamed into my pillow, then came out of my bedroom and corrected the boys calmly. (They got a kick out of that one.) This sharing helps us to see how we can apply our faith into the daily fabric of our lives.

If you are looking for a nativity box, Target has some other cute ones. Amazon also has a pretty Wooden Nativity Advent Calendar with 24 Magnetic Figures. Or if you prefer a wall calendar there is the Traditional Nativity Advent Calendar Personalized Version or the cute Little People Nativity Advent Calendar. But you certainly don’t need to spend money on these fancy boxes!

For the full post and ideas for an Advent paper chain, visit the full post here.


A Letter to Baby Jesus (Instead of Santa)Revolution of Love Blog - A letter to Baby Jesus (Instead of Santa) - letter_baby_jesusW

After hearing this suggestion from a fellow Catholic mom, we started this tradition two years ago and it has become a family favorite. Instead of having the boys write the traditional letters to Santa, I put together a simple form letter that I could print off and give everyone to fill out. (We all write our letters to Jesus!) Here is what it looks like. (The link for the PDF is below. There is also a second version with no reference to Santa.) - rol_baby_jesus_letter

First we spend time today thinking about what each of us would do as a gift to Baby Jesus.

revolution of love blog - jesus_letter_2John-Paul’s gift was to set the table without complaining. (I’m looking forward to that one.) 😉

They chose a person they would especially pray for during Advent.

revolution of love blog - jesus_letter_1Andrew chose his Uncle Mick when he was stationed in Afghanistan.

Lastly, they wrote what gifts they would like Santa to bring them on Christmas morning when we have Jesus’ birthday party (more on that below.)

revolution of love blog - jesus_letter_3Matthew had his heart set on  Star Wars toys.

When they were done, they folded up their letters and put them in their shoes for St. Nicholas to deliver to Baby Jesus. See more details on St. Nicholas Day below.

If you’d like to print of a copy of the Letter to Baby Jesus for your little ones, I posted the PDF here. Also, I made a second version for those who don’t want the Santa aspect. It can be found here. 🙂

 For the full post, click here – A Favorite Advent Tradition: A Christmas Letter to Baby Jesus (Instead of Santa)


St. Nicholas Feast Day

On December 6th we celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas, a bishop of the fourth century. The tradition of his gift giving came from a story about Nicholas, as a young man, giving money to an impoverished family so their three daughters would not be sold into slavery.

It seems that more Catholic American families are adopting this feast day that is popular in European countries. Normally children will put out their shoes or hang stockings the night before. As mentioned above, our family also adds into the shoes the letter to Baby Jesus so St. Nicholas can bring it to Him.

While the kids are sleeping I’ll add a few small treats into the shoes – chocolate coins, candy, a small treat (like a mini Lego set or football cards) and a religious item such as a holy card, rosary or Tiny Saints charm. Later that day we usually watch the DVD Nicholas: The Boy who Became Santa with their feast day dessert.

The Jesse Tree

I have to be honest with you, every year I wanted to try a Jesse tree but I always felt intimidated. In reality, it’s not really that complicated.

If you aren’t familiar with the Jesse Tree, Loyola Press explains it the way:

Jesse was the father of King David. The Jesse tree is named from Isaiah 11:1: “A shoot shall come out of the stock of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.” The ornaments of the Jesse tree tell the story of God in the Old Testament, connecting the Advent season with the faithfulness of God across four thousand years of history.

The Jesse tree helps us to connect the custom of decorating Christmas trees to the events leading to Jesus’ birth. We adorn a Jesse tree with illustrated ornaments that represent people, prophesies, and the events leading up to the birth of Jesus.

Each day there is a Scripture/Bible Story and an ornament with a simple symbol of the story. (ie. an apple for Adam and Eve, an ark for the story of Noah, etc.) You read the Scripture (or paraphrase to your kids) and hang the symbol on your tree. By the end of Advent you have an overview of salvation history ending with the birth of Christ. - Pinterest Party: The Jesse Tree (advent_jesse_tree_1)The reason I finally decided to give it a try was because Jenna at Blessed Is She decided to make Jesse Tree cards and devotions available for purchase. She asked me to do a few of the reflections on the cards and I agreed. That meant that I needed to really read and reflect on the Jesse Tree symbols. Some were familiar to me but there were a few where I thought, “Who the heck is that? I don’t remember reading that Bible story!” In the end, I learned more about our salvation history and how to apply the lessons learned to my life. - Pinterest Party: The Jesse Tree -advent_jesse_tree_3Next I had to figure out how to display the cards. I didn’t really have room to hang them up so I placed them on a mini easel at our family room’s sacred space. (Visit this post to see other sacred spaces in our home.) - Pinterest Party: The Jesse Tree -advent_jesse_tree_2Although, I liked to use the BIS cards for my personal use, I wanted the kids to have their own little symbols. I found these from Nancy at Do Small Things with You can purchase a download of the same symbols for $5 here.

I thought it was great for the kids. Now I just needed something to hang them on. I thought this bare lit tree I bought at Target last year would work perfectly. - Pinterest Party: The Jesse Tree - advent_jesse_tree_4I think it rounds off our little family room space perfectly. (For the post about our Advent/ Acts of Love calendar visit here. For the post about filling Jesus’ crib, visit here.)

Advent Journal

Last year I used the Blessed Is She Advent journal and it was such a blessing to me. I am not exactly one to relish quieting myself down and I struggle to tame my mile-a-minute thoughts but the Advent journal really helped me to stop and focus on what matters the most during Advent – preparing our hearts for the coming of Christ.

This year’s Advent Journal was written by the lovely author and blogger Laura Fanucci and it was designed by the talented Erica Tighe of Be A Heart Design. I was thumbing through the journal and on the very first day it said:

Remember: what God desires is to be with you. To be in deepest relationship with you. To love you. Let yourself be in this moment with God. This is the heart of Advent: preparing your heart to receive Christ again. Remember that you can always return to the power and simplicity of this place – this eternal present moment of being with God in prayer.”

The word that jumped out at me was “Simplicity” because that was my word of 2017. It is as if God is bringing me full circle and reminding me of what He wanted me to focus on at the beginning of 2017. The simplicity of just being with Him. To realize that God desires to be with me and that taking the time to be with Him will change my life. I am so looking forward to using my Advent journal to help me spend that quiet re-connecting time with God.

Advent Adventures

Photo Credit

I have enjoyed using the Holy Heroes activities for Advent in the past and now, along with their daily activity emails, they have their worksheets in a book form.It has made it much easier to have all the worksheets already printed out and in one place!

advent_adventure_1Photo Credit

For Bella and Andrew, there are a lot of various activities and puzzles they can do. For Matthew and John-Paul, they like to do the coloring pages. (They also like the Childhood of Jesus Coloring Book.) The Advent book also solved a problem I had with the next Advent tradition…

Filling Jesus’ Crib with Straw

This is another one of the kids’ favorite activities. Every time one of the kids completes an act of love or does some other sacrifice, they can put a piece of straw in Jesus’ crib. Or if I see someone doing their chores without complaint or sharing a toy with a sibling, I will tell them they they were acting very loving and they can put in a straw for Jesus. (It is the same concept as the sacrifice beans we did for Lent and that was a hit with the boys.)

However, I kept putting off starting the activity until I could buy a baby Jesus like the one we had growing up. Well, I had yet to buy one and thought I would just skip it again but when I bought the Advent Adventures book, I was excited to see they had a paper version.

revolution of love blog - advent_nartivity2With some tape, scissors and yarn to cut up as straw…

revolution of love blog - advent_nartivity3We now had our Baby Jesus manger. (The book also comes with a paper Baby Jesus to cut out and place in the manger on Christmas morning.)

Photo credit: EWTN

UPDATE: Last week I finally found and bought our own Jesus in a manger. I purchased it at EWTN and the kids are super excited to have a real Baby Jesus this year. (Our paper version was getting pretty beat up after 3 years!) 😉

A Nativity Set for the Littles

Anyone with children knows that they are very hands on. They also know how their blood pressure rises every time their little one grabs the ceramic Mary or St. Joseph from the nativity set and starts running down the hallway with it. One of the best investments I ever made was purchasing the Fisher Price Little People Nativity Set. They can be a bit pricey but it was worth it! A nativity scene that the kids can touch and move around makes life sooo much easier. Amazon has the Fisher Price deluxe models and the simple “To Go” Set.

A Birthday Party for Jesus

It is a family tradition that on each child’s birthday the dining room table is decorated with a birthday sign and stuffed animals to “greet” them when they wake up. Being Jesus’ birthday, it is only natural that it is celebrated in a similar fashion. Since Christ is the guest of honor (not Santa) our St. Nick plush presents Jesus’ birthday cake.

When I went to the bakery to pick out the cake,

they asked me what I wanted written on it. When I told them to put “Happy Birthday, Jesus” they flipped. (In a good way.) They thought it was great idea and the customer next to me decided she wanted to buy one for her family too. 🙂

revolution of love blog - advent_nartivityOn Christmas morning we all gather around the table that holds the empty manger. We place a large white candle in the center of the advent wreathe and light it. Mom or Dad (or an honored sibling) places the child Jesus in his manger and we sing Happy Birthday. Then the festivities begin.

The Spirit of Giving

John-Paul, Matthew and Andrew packing stockings for soldiers stationed in Afghanistan.

Nothing invokes greediness quite as quickly as a materialistic holiday season. To help conquer this, it is helpful to keep kids (and adults) focused on the spirit of giving, especially those less fortunate. If you have older kids this can be done through working at a soup kitchen, food pantry, or visiting the elderly. This year Bella will be singing Christmas carols at a local Catholic convalescent home with her youth group.

Most parishes have programs where you pick a name or number and buy a gift for a specific child. Brian’s work also sponsors a local needy family so we have a number of choices. I make sure to pick a young boy that the boys will sponsor, a tween/teen girl for Bella and Brian and I will pick someone on the list that is often overlooked – an older boy or a single mom. The kids, including little ones, can do extra jobs and chores around the house to earn some extra money (or use their tithing money if they get an allowance) in order to buy small gifts for these needy children. Or they can help you buy canned good for the local food bank.

This is a great lesson in selflessness for the kids – a certain 5 year old of mine was shedding dramatic tears when he realized the skateboard we bought was going to little Jose and not him. Moreover, it is a lesson of real patience for me to let the kids get involved. I love buying gifts for people and making it special but it is another thing when you are walking down the grocery aisle with three opinionated little boys arguing over which items to purchase for the food baskets for the homeless. (Seriously?) It’s easy for me to say forget it and just do it myself but I need this lesson in sacrificial giving as much, if not more, as they do.


Plan Ahead for Charitable Gifts

I’ll admit that the extra gift giving can add up to a lot of extra money! Luckily, I have been looking for bargains throughout the year. Once a month during one of my many Target visits, I’ll check out the dollar section for various care package items. You can pick up small toiletries, snacks and hand warmers to give to military troops or the homeless or you can find coloring books, games, craft projects, socks etc to fit into a child’s care package. During off-season sales or Pre-Thanksgiving sales or Black Friday sales I find generic gifts like baby dolls or skateboards for the Angel Tree children. To help the kids understand sacrificing for others, we’ll give away some of their older toys to St. Vincent de Paul and as a family we’ll give up one of our “Pizza Nights” and eat sandwiches or leftovers instead. The money we saved goes towards buying gifts and food for others.

With a little creativity, planning and sacrifice, you can make your charitable gift giving more affordable for your family. (NOTE – If you are anything like me, you may also want to download the free printable from the post Keeping Track of Your Hidden Gifts from I wish I had that last year because I have two Christmas presents that I know I bought but I can’t figure out where I hid them! LOL)

A Few Things to Keep in Mind

(Note: I wrote this portion below a couple years ago, but I’m re-posting it here. The same still applies, although I will say that I’ve gotten better at the comparison. I do what I can do and leave the rest behind without a second thought. Older but wiser. Plus, family life has a different dynamic now that my littles are older and more independent. So if you are feeling overwhelmed with babies, toddlers and pre schoolers, it does get a little easier as your youngest get older. 🙂

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Sometimes when I read posts like this on other mom blogs I think, “Aw! Look at all that stuff they are doing! How come we don’t do things like that? Look at those eight kids in matching home-sewn outfits, kneeling reverently as they pray the rosary. And look at the gluten and dairy free Christmas recipe they followed using only fresh produce from their organic home garden. Sigh. I’m lucky I barely (fill-in-the-blank) let alone what they are doing…”

Yeah, none of that kind of talk is allowed here.

revolution of love blog - advent_messyTruth be told, this looks great on paper but in real life it is messy and chaotic. We light the candles for our Advent prayer and two of the boys will be in laughing hysterically over one of their ill timed farts or they will be near blows because one brother blew out the candle when it was not his turn. Many years the activities didn’t start on the first day of Advent nut a week late.

Although we are all trying to be more loving, more generous and more patient this Advent, it is not an easy road. When Brian came home yesterday I was nearly in tears because days of stormy weather and having the boys cooped up in the house had them climbing up the walls. Matthew and John-Paul are two playful buddies but sometimes they reach a point where they are arguing over everything. No, really. Everything. The ridiculousness of it coupled with the noise and fighting becomes like nails on a chalkboard. I finally blew up at them and I yelled at them like I hadn’t yelled in a long time. It was not pretty. It made me feel hypocritical for writing this “happy” post.

The point is that even though we try to use these tools, it is not always roses and sunshine. We all fall short. That is when we turn to God (and confession) to give us the grace to pick ourselves back up. Then in between the realness there are moments when the kids “get it.” We see a loving gesture or a chore being done without being asked, a spontaneous act of love or a contrite apology (from child and mother). When we see in ourselves that the second time around we held our temper or that we turned off the radio to pray the rosary or that we finished all the laundry instead of checking Instagram, then we know progress is being made slowly but surely.

The other good thing about Advent is that is is four weeks long. It is never too late to start a new tradition or refocus our attitude in general. And if your season of life right now consists of just making it through the day in one piece, then store these ideas for the future and offer to God the little acts that pop up throughout your day. No need for elaborate activities. God knows your heart.

With those thoughts, I wish you a blessed Advent!

And do share with me your favorite Advent traditions in the comments. I love to hear what other families are doing – simple or elaborate. 🙂

PS – You can follow me on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, 😉

PPS – Disclaimer: “Revolution of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo 🙂

It’s Here! The 2017 Blessed Is She Advent Journal

The other day I was updating my music playlists and I accidentally tapped O Come, O Come, Emmanuel by Sixpence None the Richer. The boys ran into the room exclaiming, “We love this song!” They sang along and asked when we could start listing to Christmas music. Well, we are eager beavers in our house and start holiday prepping the day after Halloween. It may be way too early for some but it’s not to early to start thinking about getting your spiritual gear for Advent 2017!

Last year I used the Blessed Is She Advent journal and it was such a blessing to me. I am not exactly one to relish quieting myself down and I struggle to tame my mile-a-minute thoughts but the Advent journal really helped me to stop and focus on what matters the most during Advent – preparing our hearts for the coming of Christ.

This year’s Advent Journal was written by the lovely author and blogger Laura Fanucci and it was designed by the talented Erica Tighe of Be A Heart Design. I was thumbing through the journal and on the very first day it said:

Remember: what God desires is to be with you. To be in deepest relationship with you. To love you. Let yourself be in this moment with God. This is the heart of Advent: preparing your heart to receive Christ again. Remember that you can always return to the power and simplicity of this place – this eternal present moment of being with God in prayer.”

The word that jumped out at me was “Simplicity” because that was my word of 2017. It is as if God is bringing me full circle and reminding me of what He wanted me to focus on at the beginning of 2017. The simplicity of just being with Him. To realize that God desires to be with me and that taking the time to be with Him will change my life. I am so looking forward to using my Advent journal to help me spend that quiet re-connecting time with God.

With that in mind, I am excited to announce that the new 2017 Blessed Is She Advent journal is now available for purchase. It may seem too early to worry about it but I do encourage you to get it sooner rather than later because it always sells out. (And there are always people messaging me and emailing me to see if I know where they can get a stashed copy!)

Along with the journal, you will find the “There Is Wonder” print.

And this adorableAnything Can Happen” mug!

Or you can just do what I did and purchase the sale priced Advent Bundle that includes the journal, print and the mug. (Inset heart eyes smiley face!)

When you purchase your journal, feel free to share photos of you holding or using the journal. Use the hashtag #BISadvent so we can encourage one another on this journey of Advent!

Many blessings,

PS – This post contains affiliate links. I get a small compensation if you use my links, which helps to keep this blog online. Thank you for your support! xoxo

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Never Despairing and Being a Balm to the Soul

The other night I wasn’t feeling well and I was awake at 3 AM dealing with a stomach bug. As I rested in bed in the wee hours of the night, unable to sleep, my mind kept thinking about the message I received that evening.

A number of people we know have been dealing with big crosses – serious health issues, miscarriage, job loss, marital problems – but when we found out that our friends Teresa and Nathan lost their four month old baby boy, who died in his sleep, I was shocked. This cannot be. I re-read the message thinking I got it wrong but before my eyes blurred with tears, I saw that it was true.

I had no words. I wanted to help ease their pain but there’s wasn’t much I could do at 3 in morning so I grabbed my rosary and started to pray. I knew they had a they had a strong faith in God but this would test them like nothing else ever has.

As I prayed for them, my mind went to this Scripture:

“But we hold this treasure in pots of earthenware, so that the immensity of the power is God’s and not our own. We are subjected to every kind of hardship, but never distressed; we see no way out but we never despair; we are pursued but never cut off; knocked down, but still have some life in us; always we carry with us in our body the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus, too, may be visible in our body.” (2 Corinthians 4:7-10)

I finally drifted off to sleep but that Scripture stayed with me the following day.

Well, imagine my surprise when I realized that not only was that Scripture in today’s reading, but I also happened to write today’s Blessed Is She devotion (a month ago) about this Scripture and it echoed the very thoughts I was having. I wrote in part:

“To someone outside the faith, this [trusting in God] must look ridiculous. When they [Christians] are put into situations that should cause them despair, they have hope. The First Reading speaks of this beautifully. . .  Of course, it is easy to say that these words are beautiful and poetic when things are going well in life, but when you are in the thick of a storm, the last thing you want to do is feel hopeful.

However, this is where all our talk of faith, hope and trust are put to the test. When everything is falling apart, and we’re dealing with an array of mixed emotions—from anger to anguish—that’s when we need to throw ourselves into the Father’s arms and rely on His grace to pull us through. . . ” 

(Read the rest of the devotion over at Blessed Is She.)

Praying for Teresa and Nathan during our family rosary.

I went on to speak about how the physical and spiritual support we give to those carrying a heavy cross can be “a balm to the soul.”

I think God is trying to drive that point home to me because I just read Nathan and Teresa’s latest update.  They thanked the people who helped pay for Timmy’s funeral and who offered physical, emotional and spiritual support to them. They say in part:

“Words cannot express our gratitude. I have tried over and over again to find some way to say how much your gifts mean to us, but I just can’t. Beyond caring for us in a material way, the show of love has been a balm for our aching souls.”

Please remember Teresa and Nathan, especially tomorrow (Wed) when they will bury their baby boy. Lift them up in your prayers and help them get through this unimaginably sorrowful time.

Then look around your own life. Is there someone who is struggling? Is there a way you can reach out and help? Let the Spirit move you. Or perhaps, you are carrying a heavy cross yourself. Feel free to leave a comment below or message me on Facebook or Instagram with your prayer intention. I will pray for you this week that God will give you strength, peace, healing and resolution.

In the love of Christ,

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, 😉