Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 2 Finale

downton17Photo Credit: ITV

With the holiday weekend, I feel like today is Monday and that I am not late with this post. So I’ll just keep thinking that and not feel bad for the tardiness. πŸ˜‰ I can’t believe Downton Abbey is over! What am I going to post on Monday mornings now? Sigh.

The highlight of the entire show was Mary and Matthew finally getting together at the end. Originally I predicted that the good news would be that Bates was released and the cliffhanger would be whether or not Mary actually marries Sir Richard. Well, it turned out to be the other way around.

Anna & Bates – Anna and Bates’ story was the major cliffhanger. The two most heart wrenching and tear-inducing scenes were, first, when Bates was sitting alone in his cell, holding a photo of Anna and sobbing. The second was when he was declared guilty and Anna cried out. (Anna is an amazing actress!) I still don’t know whether or not Vera Bates killed herself and framed it to look like Bates (Gene Tierney style) or whether Sir Richard had a hand in her death. I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

There seemed to be a lot of character development and maturity in this episode.

Daisy – Daisy has really grown over this episode. I love that she finally connected with William’s father and found someone to love her as a daughter. And I loved that he took her under his wing and gave her fatherly advice. Thankfully, she took his advice and had a mature conversation with Mrs. Patmore and bettered her station in life.

O’Brien – O’Brien seems to be coming around and I like her more and more. I was happy that she took no pleasure in playing a role in Mr. Bates verdict. I love that she called out Thomas for his callousness in regards to Bates ruin. We can only see if her slow conversion will continue or if she’ll go back to plotting with Thomas. (I don’t think Thomas will ever reform. We may understand his behavior better but I think he is just too good at being bad for the writers to change him.)

Lord Grantham – Lord Grantham may not be completely off the hook for his exploits with Jane but he is redeeming himself in my eyes. I am so glad that the secret of Mr. Pamuk is finally out in the open and I love the way he handled Mary in the situation. I think his indiscretions with Jane actually served to soften his heart and be more forgiving of the weakness of human nature. I loved that he did not care about the scandal that would come to Downton. He was more concerned that Mary not commit herself to a man she neither loved nor even liked. I also enjoyed the scene where he and Cora were speaking of Sybil and he kissed Cora, looked at her a moment, smiled and kissed her again. It was as if that loving spark he and Cora shared in Season 1 was being found once again.

My only wonder is how Lord Grantham would be fine with Mary running off and marrying an American cowboy but he still was upset over Sybil marrying a chauffeur. It will be interesting to see if Sybil and Branson do return to Downton with their new baby. I’m sure Branson will feel awkward being waited on by his old friends. I also wonder if the upcoming Catholic storyline will have to do with the folks in Ireland.

Edith – Will I ever be able to type Edith’s name without “Poor Edith” automatically coming out. I want that girl to find some happiness! She has paid for her past sins and she truly has a loving heart. When will she find a proper suitor? Will it be Anthony Stallan? Will the Patrick return? Will she decide to join the convent? Who knows.

Mrs. Crawley – I was so glad to see that the “tenacious but lovable” Mrs. Crawley was back and not the “new & annoying” Mrs. Crawley. She was the voice of reason to Matthew as he continued to brood and stubbornly refuse to let himself love Mary, which leads us to the final and best story of the night.

Matthew & Mary – You could feel the tension building as Sir Richard was ready to explode every time he saw Matthew. It is no wonder that it finally came to blows. I don’t know which was more enjoyable, seeing them duke it out or hearing Granny’s best line of the night when Sir Richard said he wouldn’t see her again, “Do you promise?” She was in rare form tonight!!

I am so glad they did not make us wait until Season 3 to see Mary and Matthew finally get together. Especially since Matthew was starting to get on my nerves with his “we don’t deserve to be happy” melancholia. Come on, Matthew! It is time to turn off The Smith’s soundtrack (as much as I love them) and play New Order’s True Faith. (What I am listening to right now. Yes, I am a child of the 80’s.)

I don’t think I appreciated the final touching scene with Matthew and Mary the first time around. (It was sort of hard to get into the mood while trying to get a crying, cranky baby to sleep) but last night I rewatched it while the rest of the house was asleep. I was touched by the tenderness, even though my mind kept thinking, “What in the world is Mary doing outside without a shawl or a jacket? And why isn’t Matthew offering his jacket to her? I know I’m inexperienced with snow since I live in Cali but isn’t snow supposed to be cold??”

However, I finally pushed those thoughts out of my mind and enjoyed the scene. My favorite part was when Mary told Matthew he would have to propose properly, down on one knee etc. I love that look he gave her. I see it often in Brian when he looks at me. It says, “Sometimes you drive me crazy, girl, yet I can’t seem to live without you and as ridiculous as this request is, I am going to do it anyway because I love you…” Swoon. Okay, maybe I was reading too much into it but that’s what screamed out to me. πŸ˜‰

Okay, my computer time is up for the morning so I’ll stop here. I leave you with a little tidbit of news from about the upcoming Season 3.

“Downton Abbey” has just wrapped its second season in the U.S., but talks about the upcoming chapter have been brewing. In a recent PBS chat session, Brendan Coyle confirmed what people might have predicted of his character after seeing the second season finale as saying, “He [John Bates] begins series three in prison.”

While he refused to reveal more details of Mr. Bates’ future, the BAFTA Award nominee was willing to share other tidbits from the upcoming season. “There is a wedding…or two?” he teased before adding, “Shirley MacLaine is amongst us….the scripts are superb…stick with us.”

Talking further about the addition of MacLaine to the cast ensemble to play Lady Grantham’s mother, Coyle gushed, “This casting is ingenious…she is much loved here, her scenes are brilliant and I can assure you she will be a dazzling addition to Downton Abbey.”

The upcoming third season of “Downton Abbey” will be set in the 1920s. This era will affect the the characters, in fashion, entertainment, travel, work as well as society. According to The Hollywood Reporter, fans can expect to see slim low-waisted flapper silhouette as corsets are no longer trending. The ladies will additionally style their hair in bobs and flapper spit curls.

In entertainment, the characters may enjoy cocktails which at that moment make their debut in London’s first night clubs. Ragtime jazz will play in dance halls, as the characters will dance the Black Bottom, the Shimmy and the Charleston. Two new inventions, gramophone and the crystal radio, will add pleasure in their lives.

In language, the characters will be using new slang and phrases such as “bee’s knees” (the ultimate compliment), “cat’s meow” (another top compliment), and “giggle water” (alcohol). In society, women will enter workplace as they are not only limited to domestic duties.

“Downton Abbey” season 3 will begin filming this spring and will premiere in U.K. in September. It, however, will not air on PBS until early 2013.

Let the countdown begin, my friends!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

7 Quick Takes (2/17/12): Downton, Love Letters, & Fave Kitchen Items

(Usually hosted by Jen at Conversion Diary.) This week hosted by Hailey at Betty

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Until Next Year, Dear Downton – It’s been a busy week and these Quick Takes will be perfect to catch you up. For Valentine’s Day Brian got me the Downton Abbey Season 2 Blu-ray. We were so excited to finish the series. It was a Valentine treat! I won’t tell you what happens but if you don’t want even a hint then please skip to the next Quick Take. This episode wasn’t as emotional as others have been but there were two moments when I reached for a hankie – one was sad tears and one was happy tears. Brian thought this episode was a little anti-climatic but I think that was because one major storyline was resolved but a number of other storylines were not. After all, Season 3 needs drama too. The one thing I did not enjoy was the various Ouija board scenes. We could have done without that. But all in all it was a great season and I can’t wait for season 3!

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That’s Amore – Speaking of Valentines, I was looking through a box of mementos looking for an old cassette tape of Dean Martin’s greatest hits. (Yes, I am so old I can remember when we used to have ghetto blasters and Walkmans!) I wanted to find it because when Brian and I were married for our honeymoon we went on a road trip to Northern California and we played that tape over and over again. (There are a number of greatest hits CD’s but none of them had the exact songs from that cassette.) Whenever I hear Return to Me or You Belong to Me or Memories Are Made of These I can’t help but think of our courtship, our long distance relationship, our honeymoon etc. (Music can be powerful like that – transporting you to the places that your memories hold!) I know he loved that tape and I wanted to find the list of songs from it so I could download them for him. I burned a CD that he could listen to in his car or download into his iPod. He was so touched and excited. πŸ™‚

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Love “Letters” – I also found in my treasure box a collection of love letters – the traditional hand written ones but also old blank cassettes that were “letter tapes” that Brian and I made when we were dating. We lived 400 miles from each other and we tried a number of things to bring us closer. We each had small tape recorders and we’d leave them in our cars. Whenever we were in the car (at the time I was commuting to San Diego a few days a week) we’d turn the recorder on and just chat about how our day was going, what was on our mind etc. I found my old recorder and started listening to one of the tapes. It was recorded shortly after we made it “official” that we were in love and were thinking about marriage in the future. It was funny to hear him talk about a possible job opening at Pebble Beach. (He had just left the seminary before we met and was doing various temp work. He got his current job at PB two weeks before we were married. Talk about trusting in God to provide!) He shared about his hopes for the future and how much he loved me. It brought tears to my eyes because he has kept his promise to love me and take care of me and our future children. He has been a better husband and best friend than I could have ever imagined. I think now I’ll go back and listen to one of my letter tapes that I recorded and remind myself of the promises I made to him to be a good wife and mother to his children. πŸ™‚

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Free Kindle Giveaway -I know that many of us in this Catholic blogging mom community are eagerly awaiting the release of Hailey Lord’s (beloved blogging mom, fashionista and this week’s QT host) new book Style, Sex, and Substance: 10 Catholic Women Consider the Things that Really Matter. If that wasn’t exciting enough, if you preorder your book you can enter to win a new Kindle Touch. Fun! Just place your order and then head to Betty to enter. I’ll be ordering and entering as soon as I’m done with this post!

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Maria, my brother Rob, and Bella and the flower girl

Pampered Chef Online Party – My sister-in-law Maria is hosting a Pampered Chef online party. I found out about Pampered Chef a few years back through a friend. I bought a few products and still love using them today. So if you are looking for some kitchen items, please feel free to browse Maria’s Pampered Chef page. (Orders due 2/26.) These are some of my favorite products.


Easy Read Measuring Cups (#2175)


Easy Read Mini Measuring Cup (#2177)


Medium Scoop (#2540)

(Perfect for scooping even amounts of cookie dough. This time I am buying the Large Scoop for even amounts of cupcake batter.)


Garlic Peeler (#2577)

(I think I need to buy another one because Matthew keeps taking mine to chew on it.)


Can Strainer (#2495)

(I like to turn the strainer upside down and press it down in a can of tuna to get the excess water out.)

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Sick of Spam – You may have noticed that a week or two ago I switched the comment box to allow people to comment without having to sign in. It did allow for people to comment more often but it also allowed the spambots to easily post spam comments. Normally it’s not too bad and I just delete them at the end of the day but the other night my inbox was filling up like crazy. It downloaded over a hundred spams in minutes and they kept coming. I had to turn the comment box to requiring you sign in first. Sorry about the inconvenience. By the way, why do they call it spam? Is it because they both are poor substitutes for the real thing?

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That’s it for today. I was going to post about the boys speech therapy and preschool decisions but it became too long for a quick take so I’ll post about it later today if time allows.
Have a wonderful weekend!!

A Valentine’s Treat for You

Happy St. Valentine’s Day! Lots of love to all my family and friends (and anyone else who may be be hanging around the blog.) Thanks for listening to me and giving me a chance to step away from the business of life and have a little creative fun online. πŸ™‚

Since it is Valentine’s I am giving you a treat. You can choose which of these Valentine’s you prefer. If none of them are of any interest to you then you probably clicked on this blog by mistake. My apologies. Google is to your left.
Have fun!

For Lovers of the Catholic Faith

I give to you a synopsis of St. Valentine’s life from

St. Valentine was a holy priest in Rome, who, with St. Marius and his family, assisted the martyrs in the persecution under Claudius II. Since he was caught marrying Christian couples and aiding any Christians who were being persecuted under Emperor Claudius in Rome [when helping them was considered a crime], Valentinus was arrested and imprisoned. (Continue reading at…)

For Lovers of Downton Abbey

I give to you a Valentine Abbey. You can find more at So funny!


For Lovers of Their Vocation to Motherhood AND/OR Lovers of Laughing So Hard You Spit Out Your Drink

I give to you a post from my newest favorite Catholic Mom blogger Cari over at Clan Donaldson.


Tales from the Kid Ghetto
If you have children, you know what the kid ghetto is. You’ve been there. Whether you wanted to or no, you’ve been there.

The kid ghetto is where you’re seated at the restaurant when you show up with people requiring booster seats or high chairs.

The basement you find yourself in during family reunions, where your senile great uncle and four nameless adolescent cousins are the only other people hanging out? That’s the kid ghetto.

Trip to the mall? The kid ghetto there is that shockingly unsanitary play area you swear you’ll never go to, but one day you push your luck one store too many and that’s where you end up.

Even church has one. Oh yes, a place as welcoming and forgiving as the church has its own kid ghetto. It’s the last five or six rows- the pews aaaaaaalllllll the way at the back of the church, where you’re in the liturgical catch-22 of children who can’t see what’s going on and get restless, but aren’t yet behaved enough to be trusted closer to the altar.

You know you’re there when all the missals are missing covers and the smell of Desitin and apple juice hover perpetually in the air.

That’s where we were today for Mass. Normally, I avoid the kid ghetto, and try to sneak my way into the no-man’s land of the middle pews, but since we had to attend the 5:00 p.m. Mass, we knew we had five potential time bombs on our hands. Hunger, fatigue, and an hour of having to stay in the same 3 foot area are not a good mix if you’re a kid. (Continue reading at Clan Donaldson…)

TV Talk – Downton Abbey, Season 2 – Episode 6 & 7

Oh, my gosh. What an episode. It was emotionally draining. I don’t know where to start to make a coherent paragraph. But I know my mom will be checking the blog this morning to see what I thought. For now I will simply post the Twitter-like comments I made while I was watching the show. They pretty much cover what I thought as it was happening. If I have time later I’ll make longer comments. Feel free to share your own thought too!
Okay, the ride begins!

I love the Downton Abbey theme song. Do you know you can buy the soundtrack?

Are they making Cora annoying so we’ll be sympathetic to Lord Grantham’s attraction to Jane?

How come every time Lord Grantham is alone Jane immediately shows up? It’s ridiculous.

Sir Richard has arrived. Boo.

Thomas is working in the black market. That suits him.

Sir Richard wants Anna to be a spy? I don’t think so!

Lord Grantham feels worthless. You need a cause or a hobby. #idlehands #devilsplayground

I totally had to google “Theda Bara.” #carsonhumor

Carson turns Lady Mary down and her surliness comes out again.

Lord Grantham! Kissing Jane! Nooooooo! I may have seen it coming but I’m still disgusted with him.

It’s a miracle. Matthew walks.

Dr Clarkson, what kind of explanation is that? #stupid

Oh boy. The writing is on the wall. Bates unknowingly bought the poison. Bates will be arrested.

Does Lavinia only wear green?

Poor Mary. She not only has to bear Matthew marrying someone else, it will take place in her home.

Lady Sybil has chosen Branson. Not sure how this will work out.

But it is nice to see Branson humbled and touched by Sybil’s declaration of love. He’s usually too proud.

The chasm between Lord Grantham and Cora widens. I don’t like this.

Despite my feelings against Thomas that pinstripe suit and red tie looks very smart.

Cheeky Ethel eliminates the middleman. She’s heading straight for the dining hall.

Well now we know where Major Bryant got his charming disposition. He’s just like his father. #paininthearse

Mary is certainly stuck with her choice… And it’s bringing out the worst in her.

Matthew you are a true man of honor for sticking with Lavinia but I still want you with Mary.

They are clapping for Matthew when he stands and walks. We have been doing the same with our little Matthew.

Vera wrote a letter implicating Bates. Her vile ways are reaching out beyond the grave.

Sybil on her way to Gretna Green. I’m getting flashbacks of Lydia and Wickham.

Gretna Green must have been their version of Las Vegas.

Good thing Edith knows how to drive.

Thank God they stopped Sybil from doing something she’d regret. Branson still does not sit well with me.

Oh no. Lord Grantham is alone again. Cue Jane. She should slip in any minute. Yep, there she is. Sickening.

Carson’s Spidey senses are tingling. He knows something’s up.

Talk about karma. Thomas finally gets a taste of someone being rotten to him.

Mrs. Crawley, don’t dare through out Matthew’s toy dog. But Lavinia is getting suspicious.

Thomas has been taken for the fool he is. Somehow this revenge doesn’t taste sweet. I feel a little sorry for him. (It shouldn’t last long.)

Lavinia, no one is rooting for you but I still like you very much.

Don’t worry about upsetting Granny, Sybil. She’s one tough cookie.

Lord Grantham is mad at Branson for “seducing his daughter.” What about you messing around with the chamber maid?

You, hypocrite, I’m still mad at you.

The Bryants want to see Ethel and Baby Charlie? How much you want to bet they want to keep the baby and throw Ethel away?

Branson says, “I have no shame. I have great pride in the love of that young woman and I will strive to be worthy of it.”

That’s the best thing I’ve heard out of his mouth so far.

Poor Edith. You’ve paid for your past bad behavior. Now you need love and a purpose. I’m rooting for you.

I’m with Cora being “American.”

Thomas is being nice? “It’s wonderful what fear can do to the human spirit.” TouchΓ©, Mrs Patmore!

Good grief, you’d think they’d all have hangovers after every fancy dinner. #gotwine?

Oh boy, the illness begins. Who will succumb??

Brave Anna. Claim your man!

Best line so far – Granny, “…wasn’t there a masked ball in Paris when cholera broke out. Half the guests were dead before they left the ball room.” Lord Grantham, “Thank you mama. That’s cheered us up no end.”

Cinnamon and milk for Spanish flu? Who knew?

Matthew and Mary are having their dance. “Can you manage without your stick?” “You are my stick.” Corny, yet I still swoon.

Oh Matthew and Mary, you’re killing me. Shall you kiss? And there it is.

Oh, yes. Lavinia. Back to reality.

Molesley is merely drunk. Lol. Classic.

Oh no. Lord Grantham is in a robe. He is standing in front of a bedroom. Jane wants to help. Not good. Don’t you dare go there. Oh my God, I’m going to be sick.

Lord Grantham, I’m hating you right now.

Brian is scolding Lord Grantham saying, “Push her away. Get out of there. Stop it!” That’s my man. You remember that!

It’s not fair to Jane?? What about your dying wife? Oh how I want to smack you right now. Ugh!

Lord Grantham is trying to reason with Branson. Every word coming out of his mouth is turning my stomach. I can’t look at him.

Lord Grantham asks if Jane is sick. Now Mrs. Hughes Spidey senses are tingling.

O’Brien is making up for past sins. It’s strange to see her kind.

Finally a bit of good news. Anna and Bates wedding date is set. But will they ever make it??

Ah, yes. Mr Sunshine is there to steal his grandson Charlie. The one he affectionately calls the “housemaid’s bastard.”

I think Mr. Bryant needs to go visit the sick rooms. Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll get the flu next. #tryingnottoswear

This episode is just making me angry. I’m so disappointed in some characters.

The anger is melting. Lavinia is making me cry. “I’m a little person, an ordinary person…” she actually has much strength.

And the moment is spoiled with the presence of Sir Richard. Send him to the sick rooms with Mr. Bryant.

Oh my goodness. Will Cora die??

Thomas is still being nice?? What’s his angle?

Is he gunning for Mr. Carson’s job. Now that’s the Thomas we know.

It’s Lavinia and not Mama? She is dying to set Matthew free. Her last act of kindness and sacrificial love. I rooted for you

until the end, Lavinia. Rest in peace.

Here come the tears. I’m an emotional wreck. Blast you, Downton Abbey.

Lord Grantham is holding Cora’s hand but is he wishing it was Jane’s? He does not look remorseful. #gag

Ethel keeps her baby. I don’t want him to be poor but I don’t want him living with Mr. Bryant either.

Anna and Bates. Will they get through the vows? I keep imagining the police breaking in and stopping the ceremony Jane Eyre style.

Oh God. Must I suffer another scene with Lord Grantham and Jane. How much more can we take?

A last kiss? Does no one worry about being caught in that house? I can imagine Thomas lurking in the shadows securing himself ammunition for the next blackmail. I guess not.

Sigh. I guess I can be happy Lord Grantham sent Jane away before he went to the point of no return. But my view of him is forever scarred.

Wow, Anna. A honeymoon suite! That’s how I felt at Pebble Beach.

Yes, Jane. It is for the best. Keep on walking. #homewrecker

Aw, Bates and Anna. But after seeing everyone so covered up its weird seeing them undressed. And that’s some white skin. #getsomesun

At least William’s father gets some comfort. Keep your mouth shut, sweet Daisy.

Matthew, your grief is not allowing you to think straight. You are not cursed. But Lavinia may come back to haunt you if you do not find happiness. It was her deathbed wish.

(And you are looking a little goth in your black clothing and ultra pale skin.)

Sir Richard comes to take Mary away. If she stays with him she will revert to her old selfish and haughty ways. We get a glimpse of it whoever she is with him.

Only Matthew brings out the best in Mary.

I’m glad Lord Grantham relents and doesn’t cut ties with Sybil. I pray she has a happy life with Branson.

Granny is going to spin the news and turn Branson into a desirable son-in-law. Love her.

The other shoe has finally dropped. Bares is arrested.

Anna standing there alone. Trying to be brave. Her chin is quivering…

(She too is ultra pale. Is everyone turning vampire-like?)

What a show! I can’t believe there is only one episode left.

At least I don’t have to wait until Sunday. My blu-ray will be playing tonight. πŸ˜‰

Well, that’s it for now. As I read over this a few things come to mind and perhaps I’ll get a chance to expand on it later.

The marriage of Lord Grantham and Cora makes me think of how they drifted apart. How he felt useless and gave into temptation. How no one is immune to falling and it takes work to keep a marriage going properly. Second, as much as I think Vera would kill herself to ensure Bates was blamed and put to death for it, I can’t help but think Sir Richard is behind all this. Third, I hope this Mary and Mathew drama is not dragged on into Season 3. It may be good for the show but it’s bad for my nerves. Okay, dishes are calling so I better get to work.

Feel free to leave your comments or join the discussion at By Sun and Candlelight’s Downtown Discussion.

TV Talk – Downton Abbey, Season 2 – Episode 5

There were lots of twists this episode but it’s been a busy morning so I’ll keep this week’s Downton Abbey comments brief-ish.

Patrick & Edith – Brian and I were debating whether Patrick was genuine or an imposter. I don’t know. It seems like he was an imposter but that he was touched by Edith’s kindness and could no longer go on deceiving her. It was also interesting to see the “old Mary” come out when she was arguing with Edith about Patrick. Either way, I felt terrible for Edith. If anyone could love him, despite his disfigurement, it would have been her.

Dowager Countess & Mrs. Crawley – My favorite scene with her is when she was naming off various causes in hopes of sparking Mrs. Crawley interest into something other than Downton. It was hilarious. The only thing I did not like was the fact that Mrs. Crawley went from a strong likable character to someone we hoped would be manipulated by the Countess. And would Mrs. Crawley really leave Matthew while he was still cripple? I imagined her resolved that he would walk once again.

Sir Richard & Mary – If there was any doubt of Sir Richard’s intentions or his character, it was surely plain this week. Run, don’t walk, Mary! Ah, but the hold he now has on her with the scandal. Blast that night of terrible judgment!

Ethel & the Baby – Ethel played a small bit but I felt sorry for the foolish girl. I hope she does not get desperate and do something to harm herself and her baby. Again, blast that night of terrible judgment! Carson had it right – two syllables – “no.”

Jane and Lord Grantham – What is going on with these two? Will Lord Grantham have an affair with Jane? Or is he someone from his past that he does not recognize and her son is actually his? I pray he does not have an affair! Although he has been walking around aimlessly lately, I hope he does not fall into temptation. (We don’t want a third night of terrible judgment!)

Lavinia & Matthew – I’m glad Lavinia came back. I wanted her to stay and fight for Matthew even though I don’t necessarily want her to win. Matthew keeps treating Mary like a sister but that may change when the Countess wises him up next week.

Vera & Bates -Well, Vera is finally out of the picture but she had her last laugh if she committed suicide but made it look like Bates murdered her. (I’m getting flashbacks of the movie Leave Her to Heaven with Gene Tierney.) Or did someone else kill her and frame Bates? I guess we’ll have to wait to find out. Either way, Bates will be arrested for the murder until the truth comes out.

Random thoughts – Is Matthew getting feeling in his legs? Will he walk? Did O’Brien have something to do with Vera’s death? Why did she look so suspicious when they were talking about her? (But then again, maybe that’s her permanent expression.)

Preview to Episode 6 – Okay, that’s all I have time for. I’ll come back if something else pops into my head. We only have two episodes left! However, Episode 6 will be 2 hours long. The synopsis reads: “Downton Abbey” continues with the Spanish flu sweeping through the household and infecting Cora, Lavinia and Mr. Carson, among others. Mary, Sybil and Robert, meanwhile, each face a moment of truth.”
Spanish flu?! Who will live? Who will die and open doors for other characters?

The final Episode 7 will be the UK Christmas Special and it too will be two hours.
Until then, here is a little sneak peak at next week’s Episode.

Watch Downton Abbey, Season 2: A Scene from Episode 6 on PBS. See more from Masterpiece.

Well, that’s it for now. Fell free to leave your comments or join the discussion at By Sun and Candlelight’s Downtown Discussion.