Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 5: Episode 8 Recap

Downton Abbey S5 The fifth series, set in 1924, sees the return of our much loved characters in the sumptuous setting of Downton Abbey. As they face new challenges, the Crawley family and the servants who work for them remain inseparably interlinked. MATTPhoto Credit: ITV

Last night Downton was bustling with activity as everyone prepared for Rose’s upcoming nuptials. There was plenty of drama but also  so much visual beauty from the amazing wedding cake and floral decor to the chic dresses and matching hats to the sprawling grounds. Despite all the drama, there was also a message of love and hope. As Carson put it, “We must always travel in hope.” I was disappointed that the wedding was at the Registry Office but Rose looked lovely, none the less.

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In the Mind of A Wicked Mother…

Downton has seen it’s share of annoying dinner guests this season. First Miss Bunting, then Isobel’s future son-in-law Larry and now Rose’s mother from hell, Susan. It is one thing to be rude, annoying and selfish but she reached new heights when she tried to sabotage Rose’s upcoming marriage. During Atticus’ bachelor party, Atticus decided he had enough to drink and went to his room. Before leaving he made eye contact with, as Mary put it,  a “tart of some kind” and she followed him to his room. He sent her away but she returned and knocked. Atticus, in his robe, answered the door and she entered the room, slipped her dress sleeves below her shoulders then walked out of the room. As she exited, she paused and looked in one direction and smiled and she adjusted her dress. I commented to Brian that someone is obtaining some incriminating evidence. He said, maybe she was just looking in the mirror to adjust her dress. Aw, my sweet hubby who always thinks the best of people, that was a TMZ moment if I ever saw one. Sure enough. The next day rose received an anonymous package with photos of Atticus and the woman making him look guilty of cheating on her.

It was suspected that Lord Sinderby was the culprit but in reality it was dear Mama Susan who had no qualms at destroying her daughter’s happiness. Her plan did not work as Shrimpie put her in her place. However, Susan made one last ditch effort when she tried to stop the wedding by telling Lord Sinderby that she and Shrimpie are getting a divorce and that Atticus and his family would be stained by such a scandal. She got the desired effect from Sinderby but his lovely wife saved the day by gracefully thanking Susan for the information since it allowed them to be forewarned and forearmed. Her kindness was only matched with her ferocity to see Atticus happy when she threatened her husband that she would leave him if he did anything to stop the marriage from taking place. In the end, the trials are overcome and Rose and Atticus are happily married.


In Other Scandalous Affairs…

Prince K has not given up his pursuit of Granny, who looked lovely in her various shades of lavender clothing. There are not many who can make Violet not only speechless but blush, but that is just what he did when Prince K suggested that they spend their remaining years together “as a friend and as a lover,” even though he is still married to the missing Princess. I can’t imagine Violet every accepting such an offer but she did not refuse either. But I must say, what is this guy up to? His insistence seems a little excessive. Or is he really completely smitten?

In A Moment of Redemption…

Robert’s past annoying behavior was long forgotten after tonight’s episode. He paid a great kindness to Mrs. Patmore as he secretly arranged a small memorial for her nephew. He also decided to improve the cottages by selling the Della Francesca painting that he was once proud of. Cora asked him if she spoiled the painting for him with the memory of Mr. Bricker.  Robert kindly explains saying, “Every time I look at it I am reminded that I didn’t trust you and I feel so angry with myself, I want to be rid of it.” He and Cora then share one of their loving looks that we have not seen in a long time. Lastly, Robert finally put two and two together in regards to Edith and Marigold. He realized the truth and shares it with Cora. She confirmed it and he took it surprisingly well. Times and attitudes really are changing!

These changes were hitting Lady Mary keenly. (We find that she is most kind and tolerable when she is hurting.) Mary’s introspection allowed for a tender scene between her and her surrogate father Carson. He delivered just the words she needed to hear at the moment.

In A Parallel Universe…

Meanwhile, in the Downstairs, Denker was giving everyone a taste of her sharp tongue and pushy ways. I’ll admit, that I was liking Denker, especially when she was giving Spratt a run for his money. However, a darker side came out when she took the new footman Andy under her wing only to use him as a “punter” at a gambling joint. While Andy lost money at cards, she was given free drinks at the bar. Who would have thought that out hero of the night would be Thomas, using his powers for good instead of evil. He played along with Denker only to turn the tables on her and get her in trouble with the owner of the bar. I wondered if it would cause her trouble back at Downton but in a scene following she was back at Granny’s side at the dedication. I would love to see more of the improved Thomas and let someone else (new) take the bad guy role for a change.

Sharing this universe, we saw Edith happy and fulfilled as she stepped into the role of Mommy with joy. I hope to see her smile more often in future episodes!

In A Plot Twist…

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The never ending black cloud hovering over Anna and Bates was kicked up a several notches this episode. I must say that the believability of this story bombshell was ridiculous. First we had a surprise witness say that someone was on the platform with Greene before he died. Then they investigated Bates thinking that he was the murderer. Suddenly tonight they realize the suspect was taller? Do you mean to tell me that your witness, when first reporting the crime, made no mention of the fact that the person was not in fact a sturdy sized man, like Bates, but was actually a petite woman like Anna? How in the world did you go from Bates to Anna? Did I miss something? Ugh. They had better wrap up this storyline in next week’s finale or I will sign off this show forever. (Yeah, that’s as believable as this storyline. Snort.)


Favorite Quotes

Violet: “Love may  not conquer all, but it can conquer quite a lot.”

Robert: “Don’t call me Donk.”

Violet: “Don’t proclaim your intransigence as if it were a virtue.” (My new word of the day.) 😉

Understatement of the Year from Carson: (When speaking of Mr Greeen’s actions) “How very unpleasant.”

Denker: (To Spratt) “How else would you like to be summoned? By Joshua’s trumpet?”

Violet: I hope you can manage a few days without Denker, Spratt.
Spratt: “A hope that will be fulfilled, and gladly, m’lady.”

Mary: “I’ll tell you what, why don’t the four of us go to Lunch on Wednesday? Even you, Edith.”

Mrs. Patmore: “Is this a kitchen or a holiday resort?”

Tom: “I must live my life.”
Mary: “What, and leave me alone with Edith? When you read in the paper that I’m on trial for murder, it’ll be your fault.”

Violet: “Love is a far more dangerous motive than dislike.”

Andy: “Mrs. Denker was taken ill.”
Carson: “Never mind being taken ill. I wish she was taken away… by the men in white coats.”

Susan: “I don’t believe it. Am I just expected to be a good loser?”
Violet: “It’s too late for that, my dear. Far too late.”

Lord Sinderby: “Well, well, the thing is done. Let us go forward in hope.”

Carson (to Mrs. Hughes): “We must always travel in hope.”

Cora: “And you’ll love her? Your new granddaughter?”
Robert: “A a matter of fact, and perhaps to my surprise, I rather think I will.”


Random Thoughts:

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Pratt made so many angry sighs this episode, I couldn’t help but picture him as an Edwardian Napoleon Dynamite. I kept expecting him to yell at Denker, “You’re such a freaking idiot! Gosh!”

Okay, now tell me your thoughts about the show! Favorite scene? Favorite quote? Predictions for the finale? Do tell. 🙂

Find other Downton Abbey Episode recaps here.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 5: Episode 7 Recap

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I had mixed feelings about this episode. It had some sweet moments and there were parts that left me dissatisfied. Sometimes the pace of the show bothers me. On the one hand they drag on story lines until they are dead in the water. At other times, they rush through one scene to the next before we can digest it or they skip over an entire scene (Edith being told about Gregson or Cora being told about Marigold) and instead just show the aftermath. It’s weird. Anyway, here we go.

The Fizzling Love Story

Mary’s storyline was definitely in the dissatisfied column. Gillingham was still holding onto Mary even though Mary, Mabel and Blake all wished he’d get over it.  At this point in time, I’m over this whole storyline. Mary has been unbearable with her witchy attitude (if my mom wasn’t reading this I’d have typed a different word.) Frankly, I want neither Blake nor Gilligham to go with her. I’ve become disenchanted with Gillingham after he talked Mary into his little hook-up holiday and Blake has lost some of the charm he had last season. Finally after all this back and forth between suitors, the way everything was resolved was by Blake purposely kissing Mary in front of Gillingham. The whole scene seemed rushed and anti-climatic. Yawn. I was not impressed. The only awesome scene with Mary was when Granny told her, “A lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears.” Best line of the season.

If Downton Where a Zombie Apocalypse

There were a number of tender moments between Anna and Bates discussing their future and sharing loving looks, which is almost a guarantee that something bad is about to happen to them. (If you are also a Walking Dead fan, you know it’s similar to the character that gets a lot of sympathetic screen time. He or she is usually the next one on the zombie menu.) Anyway, I do hope Anna and Bates find the truth about why Dexter had to talk to the police. I don’t want them to feel like she was purposely trying to cause problems for them.

Mama’s Taking Charge

I am a little disappointed that we did not get to see the scene when Cora found out about Marigold, instead we just saw the aftermath. However, I am so pleased how Cora took charge of the situation. Once she found out that Granny and Rosamond kept the truth from her she was determined to find Edith and Marigold. Since Rose confided in Attcus about Edith, he suggested that they contact Gregson’s office in London. (Did no one else seriously think of that?) They went to the office and found Edith working there. They persuaded her to partake in a rather fantastic scheme to adopt Marigold from the Drewes.

They headed back to Downton and planned for Mr. Drewe to meet them at the train station. Unfortunately Mary and Anna are also at the station. They got off the train and Drewe went to the next station alone with Marigold. (For one brief moment I feared Marigold leaving alone with Drewe.) But it all worked out except for the fact that Anna saw Mr. Drewe with Marigold. She later tells Mrs. Hughes about it, which is a little of character for Anna who knows how to keep a secret. I am supposing it is because they found the photo of the baby under Edith’s pillow on the night of the fire. Maybe she is putting two and two together.

Edith does confront the family with the prospect of her raising Marigold at Downton. No one could understand why and I am sure Robert would have refused had he not been so upset over Isis’ illness. However, he let Cora decide, which settled it. On a side note, I am not a pet person so maybe I don’t have enough animal compassion but it bugged me that Robert showed more love and tenderness to Isis than his own children.

And You Thought Bunting Was Bad

Isobel and Lord Merton seemed genuinely happy with their decision to marry, that is until Isobel meet Lord Merton’s sons. The eldest, Larry, made Miss Bunting look like Miss Manners. In an earlier season, when Sybil was still alive, he insulted Tom and caused a scene. He picked up where he left off tonight by calling Marigold an uncomfortable piece of baggage, calling deceased Matthew a fairly odd cousin, and saying that Isobel was a lower class woman of neither birth nor fortune that she would be an inevitable failure. After a few more jabs about chauffeurs and Jews, Lord Merton threw him out. My heart broke her Isobel who was left speechless by his cruelty. Whether or not Isobel will goes through with the marriage, is unknown.

On a happier note, Rose and Atticus become engaged.


Random Thoughts

  • I love the sweet exchanges that Tom and Robert have been sharing. They differ in their thinking but they have mutual respect for one another.
  • It was touching to see Granny open up about Isobel. Her reluctance to her marrying Lord Merton was not due to her change in rank but because she would miss her as a companion.
  • Sybbie is such a cutie. Will Tom actually leave for America? I love you, Tom, but just make a decision already! Every time you come on screen I hear the Clash song in my head, “Should I stay or should I go now?” Just stay.
  • Spratt is priceless.
  • Didn’t the Daisy, Mosley, Baxter, Dixon storyline seem a little odd? I’m being such a Debbie Downer with this episode. I need some sleep.


Favorite Quotes

Violet: “He’s a man. Men have no rights.”

Bates to Anna: “Whenever I see a problem, you see only possibilities.” (That’s something I could say to Brian.) 😉

Violet to Mary: “A lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears.”

Spratt: “I’d say she [Denker] takes after the dachshund, m’lady.
Mary: “In what way.”
Spratt: “She’s quite untrainable.”

Violet: “Typical Spratt. He’s as touchy as a beauty losing her looks.”

Baxter: “I like when good things come from bad.”

Okay, now tell me your thoughts about the show! Favorite scene? Favorite quote? Predictions? Do tell. 🙂

Find other Downton Abbey Episode recaps here.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

7 Quick Takes (2/13/15): Hubby Loving, Heartfelt Words & 50 Shades of Grey


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Happy Friday! I am gleeful because the kids are off school today and I have no pending appointments or errands so I am not stepping out of the house today! Instead I am going to catch up on all the things that have been neglected this busy week. You know it’s bad when no one has clean underwear and we each own at least 10 pairs…) 😉 But before I start cleaning, let’s do a quick 7 Quick Takes, linking up with the sweetheart Kelly over at This Ain’t the L… (Um, yeah, I can never remember how to spell or pronounce that word so just go there and see for yourself.)

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Your Mess Is Mine

My song of the week is Vance Joy’s Your Mess Is Mine. It seemed perfect for Valentine’s Day. The official video was weird so I’m adding this lyric video instead.

I especially love this line

You’re the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that I’m hanging on…

Hold on, darling
This body is yours,
This body is yours and mine
Well hold on, my darling
This mess was yours,
Now your mess is mine

After the last couple of years Brian and I have had a number of crosses we’ve had to carry. It is said that when couples face very difficult situations it either drives them apart or brings them closer together. Thankfully, it has brought us closer together.  The “mess” of our lives belongs to both of us and we fully accept it and go hand in hand as we walk through it. I know that we can both say to one another honestly, “You’re the reason that I feel so strong, the reason that I’m hanging on.” (Happy – early – Valentine’s Day, my love!)

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Lovin’ my hubby.

I’m still doing my week of Instagram with the hashtag #ilovemyhubby2015. Here are the last four days’ photos.

revolution of love blog - qt_homeworkDay 3 – I love my husband because after a long day at work he comes home and helps the kids with their homework.

revolution of love blog - qt_angrybirdOkay, so I having a really rough day when I posted this one…

Day 4 – I love my hubby because when I have a bad day and feel like an angry bird he knows just what to do – don’t talk to me, don’t touch me, just leave me alone. When he sees I’ve cooled off, then he hugs me and comforts me and all the world is right again.

qt_tbt_kids_packerThis was Throwback Thursday from before Matthew was born. The other kids look so tiny!

Day 5 – Brian and his Packer fans. I love my hubby because he is an amazing father!

qt_boys_prayerDay 6I love my husband because he’s an example of a holy man to the kids. On his lunch break he stops at the chapel by Matthew’s preschool. Now the boys want to stop by the chapel after school to talk to Jesus just like daddy. (Matthew likes to sit on the kneeler and close his eyes in fervent prayer.)

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She Died, But She Also Lived

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This morning, despite having the opportunity to sleep in, I automatically woke at 6 AM. Everyone was still sleeping and the house was quiet, the bedroom window was open a little and I could hear the breeze rusting through the trees. Ah, it was a moment of bliss. I took advantage to snuggle up in my bed and read on my phone.

I wanted to catch up on my sister’s blog since I haven’t had time to read anyone’s blog. Oh, my goodness! Yesterday’s post She Died, but She Also Lived had me in tears. Elena spoke about little Joan (who died just before birth.) Her words were so beautiful and heart felt. She also mentioned the memory book I made for her. Inside it were the prayer bouquets and notes of condolences that you asked me to give her. Thank you again for caring so much for my sister, including those that did not know her personally. Go read it for yourself, especially if you ever lost a little one of your own.

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Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

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Speaking of heart felt, this week it was confirmed that Kayla Mueller died while being held captive by ISIS. Whether they killed her or she was a victim of the Jordanian airstrikes remains unclear. However, Kayla smuggle out a letter to her family. I don’t know how much of the letter was influenced by her captors but this line really touched my heart:

I have been shown in darkness, light + have learned that even in prison, one can be free. I am grateful. I have come to see that there is good in every situation, sometimes we just have to look for it.

Read the whole letter here.


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Share the Lenten Love!

Can you believe that Lent is next week!! More poor sis Bridge celebrates her birthday that day. I’m guessing she’ll celebrate a day early on Fat Tuesday! Have you written any Lent-related posts?? If so you should link them up!!

Revolution of Love Blog - pinterest_lentFirst come on over to my Pinterest Party: Lent Edition. (Open until Easter Sunday.)


BISSISTERHOODThen head over to Blessed Is She for the #BISsisterhood: Lent. (Open until Mon 2/16)


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50 Shades of Grey

Everyone has been talking about 50 Shades of Grey. There have been some great articles about the movie. Some of them serious (putting a spotlight on domestic violence) and some funny (Hello, Dave Barry.) I’m including some of my favorites. The final link, a movie review from the Today Show pretty much sums it all up.

— “Some of the Red Room stuff was uncomfortable. There were times when Dakota was not wearing much, and I had to do stuff to her that I’d never choose to do to a woman.” – Jamie Dornan, Glamour, January 30, 2015

— “The first day [of filming] was kind of an out-of-body experience. I got there and they said, “Action!” I’m like, “What the f—k is happening? I’m a dad. What?” – Jamie Dornan, Glamour, January 30, 2015

— (On visiting a sex dungeon.) “It was an interesting evening. Then go back to my wife and newborn baby afterwards … I had a long shower before touching either of them.” Jamie Dornan, Elle UK, January 2, 2015

— “Filming a sex scene is not a sensual or pleasurable environment. It’s really hot—not in a steamy, sexual way. It’s just sweaty and it’s not ver y comfortable. And on top of that, my hands and legs were tied, and I was blindfolded, and I was being hit with this bizarre tool. … It was emotionally taxing. At first I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is the worst thing ever,’ and then I was like, ‘All right, let’s get on with it.'” – Dakota Johnson, TIME, February 2, 2015

— “I still can’t look at it objectively or wrap my head around it. The parts of the movie that are difficult to watch were even more difficult—and emotionally taxing—to shoot.” – Dakota Johnson, Vogue, January 20, 2015

My only question is why do it in the first place? Maybe they didn’t realize until they were already too into it. Well, I can only hope the movie fizzles out..

UPDATE – I am adding this post here that I just read. It really touched my heart.

Also, if you are looking to add a little spice to your marriage without the 50 shades, then check out Hallie’s post.


You know I am a movie lover but I definitely won’t be going near this one.  These are my sentiments, even though I technically have a soft spot for Mr. Knightly.

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Instead of watching 50 Shades,

Kingsman_The_Secret_Service_posterI will be watching action movie The Kingsmen

The Secret Service KSS_JB_D01_00106.tif…with Colin Firth, thank you very much. (Read a review from Verily here.)*

UPDATE: A number of my friends saw The Kingsman and they all said that they wish they had not seen it. I read a many more reviews, which also did not recommend the movie so I decided to skip it and watch the old Pride and Prejudice instead. 😉

Have a great holiday weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd or Instagram. 😉

PPS – This post may contain affiliate links.

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 5: Episode 6 Recap

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Wow, what a great Downton last night! After weeks of so-so episodes,  this one actually gave us answers to numerous lingering questions. (It felt like a season-end wrap-up episode but I think we still have three episodes left.)

Edith, Mary and the Bob

Let’s start with Mary.  Her opening discussion with Anna consisted of the usual rude (and sometimes humorous) comments while Anna shakes her head at Mary. (I was getting flashbacks of my youth when my sister would shake her head at me and reprimand, “Don’t say that!” Sorry, Bridge.) 😉 There was much talk of the upcoming point-to-point race. Blake and Gillingham were both participating, and thanks to a change in the rules, so was Mary. However, before the race was to take place, Mary was feeling a little frumpy so she decides to shake things up with a new haircut.

Now normally, I would be all over a great make-over and Mary did look fabulous in her chic bob cut buuuuut the timing was ill considered because Edith received the official report that Gregson was indeed killed by “Hitler’s thugs.” I was a little disappointed that we never saw Edith’s reaction to this. When she received the telegram, she did not say who it was from. It was referred to later. We also did not see when she was told the news of Gregson’s death, again, it was referred to later. I felt bad for Edith that she was not allowed to properly grieve over Gregson. Everyone just sort of expected her to move on because they already knew he was probably dead. But as anyone who has every been faced with sorrow, one holds onto hope for as long as possible before brutal realty must be faced.

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Perhaps the family’s seeming insensitivity is because they think Edith simply had a crush on Gregson and it was not a big deal. They don’t realize just how much they meant to each other and that she bore his child and is still suffering from her separation from Marigold. Perhaps it is not their fault. When Edith does finally, say something to Mary when she comes in showing off her new do, I was just dying inside. I wanted to shake Edith and tell her to go get her baby and live her life! Little did I know that is exactly what she was going to do!

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This is where I have to give some kudos. I thought Edith would takes the coward’s way out and kidnap Marigold in the dark of night. Instead she went to the farm and told Mrs. Drewe the truth. What a heart wrenching scene!  I have always felt sorry for Mrs. Drewe and never more so than tonight. My heart went out to her as she realized the truth and had to accept that she must give Marigold back to Edith. That was no easy task. However, I am proud of Edith for standing her ground and fighting for her baby.

Granny put the pieces together and went searching for Edith at the farm only to find out that she left with Marigold. It will be interesting to see what everyone says once they learn the truth about Edith and the double life she was leading right under their noses. I seriously hope she is able to return home with her child and have baby Marigold be brought up with her cousins. I don’t know if that is feasible with the times they live in, but one can always hope.

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Okay, back to Mary. Blake is in rare form as he plots and plans with Mabel to get Gillingham back in the arms of his ex-fiance. Either Gillingham is none the wiser or he is slowly warming to the arrangement. I loved the scenes between Mary and Mabel. There are moments when they want to throttle each other yet there is a sort of secret admiration for the similar fire they see in each other. Through it all, Mary remained the queen bee and I can’t help but mourn a little the kinder Mary we saw when Matthew was alive. He helped to tone down her selfish and haughty tendencies and brought a softer side out of her. Without Matthew, her self-importance and vanity go unchecked.

Love Is in the Air

The younger set were not the only ones being courted by love. We learn that Prince K is still in love with Violet and he admitted that had his wife been found dead, he would have asked Violet to run away with him right now. Violet is flattered but turns him down politely, all while precariously holding the cup of sludge he offered her as a beverage.

Likewise, Isobel has made her decision that she will accept Lord Merton’s hand in marriage. Had she decided to marry him a couple episodes earlier, I would have been a little shocked. However, after hearing his heart felt proposal and seeing them interact, I agree with the doctor. They are suited for one another. I truly hope he makes her happy and that their marriage won’t keep her from her BBF Violet.

Meanwhile. Cora FINALLY puts her foot down with Robert and and says he can stay in a separate room “if he never let a flirtation get out of hand since they were married.” Of course Robert’s fling with maid Jane comes back to bite him in the butt and he concedes and returns to Cora’s bedroom. I am glad to see Robert able to forgive and, Cora, let’s see a little more of that spirit, girl! I mean, milady.

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In the downstairs world, Anna left her button box in their cottage so Bates offered to go get it for her. Well, we all knew where this was going! Bates searched for the buttons and instead found the items Anna was hiding for Lady Mary. Of course, Bates assumed that Anna was using the birth control to prevent them from having a child and that’s why they haven’t been able to conceive. He also assumed it was because she thought Bates was a murderer. After months of secrecy between them, finally the window of truth was opened wide and fresh air filled the stifling room as their secrets were laid bare. Green was the man that raped Anna. Bates was planning on killing Greene. Bates had a change of heart and DID NOT kill Greene. Tears of relief were shed, until they realized that they no longer had a way to prove Bates innocence. (If you remember from last season, Mary and Mrs. Hughes conspired to destroy Bates’ ticket to London, thinking they were helping his case. In fact, that ticket was his proof of innocence.)

Their prospects of innocence are looking even more dire as the police continue to investigate the case. They received a letter  from a concerned citizen (cough…Thomas!) that Baxter was withholding information. That seemed to come to a dead end since she didn’t actually know anything concrete but the damage was still done.

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Speaking of Baxter, can I just admit that I am loving this girl more and more each week.Her heart automatically goes out to those who are suffering and even with Thomas, she doesn’t let his nastiness deter her from reaching out to him. Her past sins have humbled her and have served as a tool to open her eyes and her heart to see people as they really are. She understand human weakness and frailty and she knows first hand that people can change and better their lives. Although she may regret her past, accepting it has helped shape her into the empathetic woman she is today. She is a wonderful example of how God can take something bad and bring good out of it… but I digress.

I know many people hate Thomas but I truly feel for him. His nastiness comes from his interior pain and I love when we are given glimpses of the vulnerable man inside. I was surprised when he actually opened up to Baxter and told her about the procedures he was following and the damage it was doing to his body. He sought her help and I am glad he did. She in turn took him under her wing and gave him the sisterly love he needed. It was also confirmed that Thomas was trying to “cure” himself from his same sex attraction and the Doctor explained that it can’t be cured and that he’d have to learn to live with it and make peace with it. In the Doctor’s thinking, speaking so candidly to Thomas was best because “harsh reality is better than false hope.” Baxter in turn spoke so lovingly to Thomas and really tried to bring out the better side of him. It was a tender moment, even though I suspect that Thomas will be back to his “old self” all too soon.

Lastly, Mrs. Patmore shows Mrs. Hughes and Carson the cottage she is going to purchase. In a surprise turn, later that evening Carson wants to ask Mrs. Hughes something and she is all agog. He suggests that they purchase a cottage together as a “business venture” so they can rent it out and save money for their retirement.  My goodness! For Carson to suggest such a venture, he may have been whispering sweet nothings into Mrs. Hughes’ ear! Mrs. Hughes knows it too. She dismissed him but when she turned around she blushed and smiled like a love smitten school girl. Aw, be still my beating heart. I love these two.

Okay, seriously, I need to stop typing because this is already way too long and Brian is wondering why am I on the computer instead of cozying up on the couch next to him now that the kids are asleep. Sunday night is our bonanza night of shows and our DVR is bursting with gems, including Downton Abbey, Grantchester, The Walking Dead, The Talking Dead, Star Wars Rebels… need I say more? I’ll close with the usual favorite quotes, although there were too many to list them all!

Favorite Quotes

Mary: “I’m tempted to remind them of what they are missing.”
Anna: “You’d never be that heartless.”
Mary: Hmmm.

Violet: “Why don’t you ask Spratt. He’ll help you.”
Denker: (Sarcastically) “Oh he’ll help me, will he? That’s good to know.”

(After Spratt nearly busts a blood vessel over the laundering of the Dowager’s unmentionables.)
Violet: “I do apologize.”
Isobel: “Oh, don’t. I’m enjoying it immensely.”

Violet: (After seeing Mary’s haircut) “Oh, it is you. I thought it was a man wearing your clothes.”

Violet: “All this endless thinking. It’s very overrated. I blame the war, before 1914, nobody thought about anything at all.”

Mabel: “Then why turn up looking like a cross between a Vogue fashion plate and a case of dynamite?”
Mary: “Well, I can’t make it too easy for him.”

Isobel: (Speaking of Mary.) “I think she’s splendid.”
Violet: “I think she’s cracked.”

Violet: (After learning that Atticus is Jewish.) “There’s always something, isn’t there.”

Okay, now tell me your thoughts about the show! Favorite scene? Favorite quote? Predictions? Do tell. 🙂

Find other Downton Abbey Episode recaps here.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 5: Episode 5 Recap: Go #TeamDownton

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It was Super Bowl Sunday last night but I had zero interest in either team or any of the game. I didn’t even know who won until my Facebook feed became overrun with game related posts. However, so you won’t think that I don’t appreciate a good game, this post will be dedicated to my favorite Downton Teams. Thankfully, Brian returned home from Stanford just in time to watch it with me. (BTW, my FIL is making progress, although we aren’t able to bring him closer to home yet.)

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#TeamBlake – Ah, what is this crafty fellow up to. I assumed last week that Blake was going to try and get Mabel back with Gillingham but when he invited her to dinner with Mary, that was priceless. I imagined Mabel being like Matthew’s Lavinia. (Now, that I think about it, Mary has a habit of stealing engaged men.) However, feisty Mabel was anything but. She refused to take Gillingahm back as sloppy seconds. She storms off but I am certain we have not heard the last of her. Mary chides Blake at his attempt but he says it was merely done for show. What do you think he is up to?

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#TeamByeByeBunting – I did not believe for one second that Bunting was actually going to leave. When Tom first told her that he basically chose Downton over her, Brian was cheering saying, “Good for you, Tom!” I told him not to get his hopes up because I knew Daisy was going to try and talk him out of it. When Tom went back to see Bunting after he heard she was leaving I thought, this is it. He’s going to take her in his arms and I am going to be sick. Well, he did take her in his arms but it was only to give her a good bye kiss. Brian continued to cheer Tom and I was dumbfounded to see Bunting drive off. Downton threw me a curve ball by not throwing a plot curve ball. My team actually won! Although, instead of a victory dance I felt a bit downcast. I thought Bunting had the potential to be a likable character but the writers just made her unbearable with her rudeness. Either way, I was proud of Tom and liked him more for holding his ground and taking a stand instead of this constant will – he – won’t – he dance.  Bravo.

#TeamTakeYourBabyBack – It’s hard for my 2015 mindset to fully understand the times/ Downton mindset that made it absolutely impossible for a mother to respectably care for her child born out of wedlock. I feel for Mrs. Drewe and I know she loves Marigold but I wish Edith would just come clean about Marigold to her family and somehow get her baby back. That is easier said than done but I don’t think Edith can go on living this way much longer. I am assuming she is planing to kidnap Marigold and that it will all go horribly wrong. Not to mention that to Marigold, Edith is just the neighbor lady, not her mama. Will Edith successfully take Marigold back? Will she sacrifice her to the Drewes and live with a broken heart forever? Whatever the outcome, there will be  more heartache ahead but I am hoping Edith finally catches a break!

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#TeamGettheHellOutofMyRoom – When Mr. Bricker arrived as Robert was leaving overnight, we all knew trouble was brewing. However, when he started sneaking through the hallways after hours Brian and I both yelled, “Oh, come on!!” Seriously? I don’t know who I was more mad at, Bricker or Cora. I really do like Cora but sometimes her calm reserve and sideways glances drives me a little crazy. Although she may have enjoyed Bricker’s attention and playfully reprimanded him, I never suspected that she would ever follow through on his flirtations. (Although, this is a lesson to married women that these little flirtations are dangerous, and while flattering, they shouldn’t be toyed with.) But when Bricker was standing there in her bedroom I wanted to shake Cora and say stop being so calm. Get this weasel out of your room pronto! Get your American blood going and set him straight. But noooo… instead Robert comes home early and is on his way up the stairs. Natch. Well, I guess the trend these days is to end the game with a fight because Robert belted Bricker and they fought mano a mano. I will admit that Cora’s coolness came in pretty handy as she calmed a puzzled Edith explaining that she and Robert were simply playing a game and they accidentally knocked over a lamp. Umm….ooookay. We’ll leave it at that.

(The clock is ticking and this blogging game is almost over. Time to speed through.

#TeamRobertHasARighttoBeMad – The next day Robert was giving Cora the cold shoulder and family members noticed. I do think Robert should be allowed a little time to grieve the situation. However, I am hoping he remembers that he himself had a dalliance with Jane the maid and unlike Cora, he actually acted upon her infatuation. I want to see Cora and Robbert make up and for both of them to realize how much they do love each other and how they have to make sure they don’t take the other for granted.


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#TeamFreeAnna – You already know how I feel about this storyline. Anna looks more guilty each day and I hate it. Hate it.

#TeamMosleyandBaxter – I was so pleased to see them talking again. I love these two and feel they bring out the best in each other. I am also touched by Baxter’s concern for Thomas. As nasty as he may act, she sees the hurt man inside of him.

Time out! I can’t rush this last one because I saved the best for last.

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#TeamAtticusAldridge – I’ll admit it. I have fallen in love with Atticus as a a match for Rose. Rose started this show as a party loving flapper but she has grown into a beautiful character with emerging depth. Her generosity and empathy for others is reminiscent of Sybil and her work in the hospital. The meet-cute between Rose and Atticus was so sweet and the name, well, the name Atticus Aldridge is downright regal. When Atticus first told Rose about his family leaving Odessa, I didn’t understand what all the hush hush was about. Brian immediately said that he was probably Jewish. As we learned, he was. (Is?) I loved how Rose couldn’t understand why that would be a problem. She did not hold any of the prejudice his family had suffered. That line also touched the heart of Atticus and he knew he wanted to see Rose again. Yay! I am always ready to cheer on a good love story!

And of that was not good enough, I stumbled across this piece of info from Digital Spy as I was trying to fin the correct spelling for Atticus. There is a real baby by the name Atticus Aldridge.  The baby’s parents won a contest to name the Downton character. Matt Barber, who plays Atticus, said this:

“The charity is called Sugarplum Children, it was set up by a lady whose daughter has type 1 diabetes and knew Julian Fellowes somehow, and they auctioned off the opportunity to name a character in return for raising money for the charity.

“The people that won it, their son is called Atticus Aldridge. I think he’s now about 18 months old. It was unbelievably lucky [that he had a Downton-style name], it’s a really awesome name. I’m a bit jealous!”

Matt also says that “Atticus is the nicest man on the planet.” Okay, DA writers, let’s leave it that way. Don’t mess it up! Don’t make him an evil snake in disguise. Don’t put him in a situation where he is caused unspeakable pain or where some unsavory character sets him up to look guilty when he is actually innocent. We’ve had enough of that lately, thank you very much.

Okay, that is the end of the game. I’ll leave you now with my favorite quotes of the night.

Favorite Quotes

Violet: (In response to the nudist colony) “In Essex? Isn’t it terribly damp?”
Rosamond: “Would that make a difference?”
Violet: Well, yes if you had no clothes on. I think it’s a mad idea.”
Isobel: I doubt they were aiming it at you.”

Doc: “Can I ask you a personal question?”
Violet: “I’ve lived through great wars and my share of grief. I think I can manage an impertinent question from a doctor.”

Violet: “The idea of Princess Irina scrubbing the sick and emptying bedpans is a cheering one.”

Rose: (Speaking of her granny) “You make her sound very constant.”
Prince K: “She is. Ruthless, but constant.”

Robert: “I accept change but I want to navigate it gently. I don’t want to leap into it and put everyone’s backs up.”
Violet: “But you wear rompers without a second thought these days.”

Mrs Hughes: “I wish men worried about our feelings a quarter as much as we worry about theirs.”

Violet: “Rosamond, you are addressing your mother not the committee at the Woman’s Convection.”
Rosamond: “I am afraid you’ve read somewhere that rudeness in old age is amusing, which is quite wrong, you know.”


Okay, you know the drill. Don’t leave me hanging. Tell me your thoughts about the show! Favorite scene? Favorite quote? Predictions? Do tell. 🙂

Find other Downton Abbey Episode recaps here.

grantchester_1_1Oh, and one more note – Is anyone else enjoying Grantchester??

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉