Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Online Daybook (1/18/16), 7QT and Theme Thursday: Focal Point

Last week was super busy with a sick kiddo and hubby but now that they are back to normal I am hoping this week will run smoother. I didn’t have time to post so I’m doing a triple play today and tomorrow I’ll post the my Downton recap. I’ve got my biweekly Monday Daybook plus I’m linking with Micaela for Theme Thursday (Scroll down to Take #7) and Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.ย  Here is a recap of what’s been going on lately.

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Grateful for…

  • Spending time with my dad, mom and brother, even if it was short visit.
  • A relaxing afternoon with a movie and popcorn with the kids.
  • An extra long weekend.
  • The grace of forgiveness.

Praying for..

  • Brian’s routine cancer screening test this afternoon.
  • The intentions of many friends.
  • Those who are struggling or suffering with heavy crosses.
  • The conversion of hearts back to God.
  • All pregnant moms (especially family members), those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies and for moms contemplating an abortion.
  • The souls in purgatory, especially family, friend and those most forgotten.


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Around the House…

As I mentioned in my last goals post, I am participating inย  A Bowl Full of Lemon’s 2016 Home Organization 101 Challenge.

However, I doubt I’ll be able to follow the schedule since busy family life keeps me from having all the spare time I need to finish. But I’ll do the best I can and if I finish a little later than the rest, that’s okay. Last week was the kitchen and this week is the pantry. I am still working on the kitchen but maybe I can catch up.ย  I’ll post some before and afters eventually. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Family Chit Chat…

This afternoon Brian is going for his routine bloodwork for cancer. There have been so many people who have died from cancer recently that I am trying not to think about “what if it’s back…” so instead I am distracting myself with other happy news.

(UPDATE: Brian called while I was finishing this post. His said his blood count looked good but the doc has to check the rest of the bloodwork. If he sees anything amiss he’ll let us know.)

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I talk a lot about my three little guys on the blog and less about Bella, but only to give her more privacy as she grows older. However, this week I have to share in her accomplishments and ask for your help in voting!

Bella and 5 classmates entered the Verizon Innovative App Challenge and came up with an idea for “FITA” – Foreign Immigration to America, an app which helps immigrants in the transition to living in America. Out of 1200 entries from around the state, her team won to represent California! The team members received tablets and her school was awarded a $5,000 grant! - brm_10_2016_textOriginal Photograph of Bella by

We just found out that they have now won the Regional competition for the best in the western states. Now they are in the NATIONAL competition. There will be the chosen winner and the popular vote winner. Please help Bella and her team win by texting FITA2 to 22333. Then ask your family and friends to vote. (Voting open until Jan 31.) THANK YOU!!!

UPDATE: Please say a prayer for Bella and her team. They have a video conference with the judges on Thursday, Jan 21. I am sure they are excited but nervous!


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revolution of love blog - od_logo_kitchenIn the Kitchen…

Sunday – Tuna sandwiches and minestrone soup.

Monday – Turkey burgers and Southwest black been and corn salad.

Tuesday – Taco salad.

Wednesday – Italian chicken sausage, pasta with spinach and kale, salad.

Thursday – Breakfast dinner.

Friday – Homemade veggie pizza and Greek salad.

Saturday – Leftovers.


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Back in October I recorded PBS Masterpiece’s Home Fires on our DVR but we haven’t had a chance to watch it until recently. We are on Episode 4 of 6 and I am really enjoying it! The show it set at the beginning of England’s involvement in WWII and focuses on the women in a rural Cheshire community as their husbands and sons are leaving to fight in the war while they battle their one wars at home. It is addicting and we’ve watched an episode every evening. (Parent note: Although there is nothing graphic, there are adult story lines such as spousal abuse, premarital sex, same sex attraction and the death of loved ones.)


Listening to …

When I am alone I listen to the alternative (or whatever it’s called these days) radio station but when the kids are in the car I play the local Christian Air 1 station. There are a few songs I enjoy but the other day I heard Jordan Feliz’ River and I was immediately drawn to it. It has now become a family favorite being played over and over in the car and the kitchen while cooking. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Even though the song evokes baptism, I can’t help but think about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the healing grace of God. Now when we leave to go to confession I say it’s time to go down to the river. ๐Ÿ™‚

And even though Jordan’s new album Beloved is not the kind of music I would normally listen to, I am addicted to it! The lyrics to the title track Beloved are beautiful!



As I mention in my goals post, I am trying to read at least 12 books this year.

My January book is Lizzy and Jane by Katherine Reay. I read a couple pages last year but was reading too many books at once and put it aside. However, now that I picked it up again, I couldn’t put it down! It is the story of two estranged sisters who drifted apart after their mom died of cancer. Years later the eldest sister Jane is married with two kids and diagnosed with cancer. The younger sister Elizabeth is a talented chef in New York who is has lost the magic in her cooking. She decides to take some time off and visit her sister. Together they attempt the arduous task of healing physically and emotionally in a way that was just absorbing. I found myself caring about the various characters and was transported into their world – from the discussions of food in classic novels to the feelings of their raw emotions. Towards the end, I had to stop reading the book during the day and wait until the kids were asleep because they would wonder why I was crying. There is also a touch of God and the lesson that He can bring good out of even terrible situations but it is in no way heavy handed or overbearing. I finished the book last night and although I wanted a little more closure in the romantic storyline, the family healing was beautiful and moving. I definitely recommend the book.


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January started out with a huge bang! Then kinda fizzled out as life got busier. ๐Ÿ˜‰


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In the blogosphere…

Some posts I’ve recently enjoyed:

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We close off with Micaela and Theme Thursday. I missed last week’s Rule of Thirds so I am combining it with the current Using a Focal Point. // cwa_tt_red_flIt was raining this morning but the clouds are clearing up and the sun peeking through. I am a sucker for water droplets so I took a photo of some flowers on our deck.ย // cwa_tt_mvx_1_16_My previously ill Matthew was back to his giggly normal self. // cwa_tt_jphairMeanwhile, Matthew’s brother and bunk mate was resting on the couch so he may have the bug next. I snapped a quick photo of his luscious wavy hair.

I noticed that my focal points in all three photos were towards the right side so next time I’ll catch something on the left. ๐Ÿ˜‰


So that’s what I’ve been up to lately! What about you? What’s currently happening in your life? Do share.

Have a great week!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, ๐Ÿ˜‰

PPS – Disclaimer: “Revolution of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo ๐Ÿ™‚

My Favorite Songs of Summer 2015

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Can you believe today is the last day of August! The kids are back to school and the weather finally cooled off today. It really feels like the end of summer.ย  I was making an old school CD mix as a Get Well gift for a friend. I included my favorite songs of this summer. I thought it would be fun to add them here for you to enjoy. These songs were not necessarily released in summer, but they got a lot of summer airplay on the alternative stations and they were frequent flyers on my summer playlist. Enjoy. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Atlas Genius – Molecules

Death Cab for Cutie – The Ghosts of Beverly Drive

Twenty One Pilots – Tear In My Heart

The Wombats – Emoticons

Florence + The Machine – Ship To Wreck (Live on SNL)

Coin – Run

Coleman Hell – 2 Heads

Wolf Alice – Moaning Lisa Smile

X Ambassadors – Renegades

Cheerleader – The Sunshine of Our Youth


Beck – Dreams

(Note: this song does have some language so make sure no kiddos are around.)

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads Letterboxd, Spotify or Instagram. ๐Ÿ˜‰

PPS โ€“ This post may contain affiliate links.

7 Quick Takes (4/10/15): Easter, Siblings & 20 Facts

I’ve got a small block of time so I am doing a quickie post, linking up with Kelly for Friday’s Quick Takes .


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Song of the Week (Part 1)

One of my faves from my walking playlistTojans by Atlas Genius.

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He is Risen!

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Happy Easter week! The kids are psyched that they can celebrate Easter for an entire week with no school and desserts every day. Although they were warned that come Monday, they are back in school and the sweets are getting thrown out. A person can only take so much celebrating. ๐Ÿ˜‰

We did have a really nice Easter. We were hoping we could bring Opa home to visit but he is too weak to travel and is just handling walking from one room to the next, let alone going to another house. So instead we came to his place and spent Easter afternoon with him. It was weird not doing the usual Easter festivities and big dinner at my in-laws but we are adjusting as best as we can. ๐Ÿ™‚

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No Mamarazzi this year.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take photos this year! However, I did get to snap one photo after Easter Mass when we got home.revolution of love blog - kids_4_5_15

I love the way Matthew grabbed his brothers hands and they let him. (They started wrestling soon after but the peace lasted for a few minutes at least.) ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Happy National Siblings Day!

revolution of love blog - car_fam_1_2015_WI’m so proud to be the big sis of 5 brothers and three sisters. Here we are at my brother Jake’s wedding where we welcomed a sweet sister-in-law Amanda. (I am the second on the left and Elena is the second on the right. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Memory Lane

Speaking of siblings, Elena and I were talking the other day and we were remembering how when we were kids, every Easter morning my mom would play this Easter song to wake us up. We couldn’t remember the band or the name of the song so this afternoon I was asking my mom about it. As we were chatting, she went in the garage and found her old record collection. She found the album. It was an old one from the 80’s when the folk Mass was popular, although this particular song wasn’t folk. The album was called The Love of God Will Rise Before the Sun. I looked up the song titles and tried to see if any were available online. I found a few but none of them were the one I remember her playing on Easter morning. Then finally, the last song I looked up, there it was on Youtube! For years I had been looking for this song and now I feel like a missing piece of my childhood puzzle was found.ย  Sniff.

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Song of the Week (Part 2)

It is Jesus Is Life by Carey Landry. Elena, this song is for you since I know you have been looking for it too. ๐Ÿ™‚


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20 Facts

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On Instagram, there is “About Me” game where you take a photo of yourself then list 20 facts about yourself and tag 20 friends. Well, I have been tagged four times this past week so I figured I’d better get my IG post up. I’ve already done this kind of fact list in the past here and here so some of these are repeats but it may be fun for new readers.

  1. “Bobbi” is not a nickname but my actual name. The first born child was going to be named after my dad, boy or girl.
  2. I’m the oldest of 9 siblings so having 4 kids of my own seems like a smallish family.
  3. As a kid, I loved desk items and school supplies and always wanted to be a writer. (Office supply stores still make me giddy.)
  4. I am impatient, nosey, messy and I’m always running late.
  5. On the other hand, I am caring, ย a good listener and I love doing little things to brighten a person’s day.
  6. I hate cats.
  7. My mom often told me I was a drama queen. (Sooo exaggerated.)
  8. I prefer daisies and sunflowers over roses.
  9. I can easily be moved to tears – both happy and sad.
  10. In school I was always the peacemaker who tried to bring arguing friends together.
  11. For a time, I was a sucker for guys with bald heads, tattoos and eyebrow rings yet I fell in love with a guy as clean cut as they come.
  12. After Brian left the seminary he did a novena to find his wife. The last day of the novena, we met on a Catholic online dating site.
  13. We did the long distance relationship for a year then I moved to Monterey one week before we were to be married.
  14. Fifteen years later, he still makes my heart skip a beat when he smiles at me.
  15. I love my four kiddos and my greatest (sort of irrational) fear is that they will be hurt while I am forced to watch.
  16. I de-stress by going to the movies after everyone is in bed.
  17. My movie candy of choice is peanut M&M’s.
  18. When I laugh my eyes water and I always bring a handkerchief to the movies when I see a funny movie…or sad one. (A real handkerchief. It is very Downton Abbey of me.)
  19. I’m an introvert that also needs to get out and mingle with people at times.
  20. I hate being mad at someone and I am eager to make up.

Okay, now it’s your turn. Tell me 5 (or more) facts about you in the comments! ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Online Daybook/Currently: Mid-March 2015

Better late than never, I always say! So I’m linking up with Kelly for Friday’s Quick Takes and with Jenny for Daybook Online Journal. I’d link up withย  Currently and Nell’s Week Eats but they are on a little break, so next time! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Oh, and a hat tip to Jenny at Call Her Happy for giving me the idea to do my Currently post as a Quick Takes and to my sis Elena at Barefoot and Sometimes Pregnant for the inspiration to make Currently photo labels I can use each week. Thanks, ladies!)

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It feels like ages since I’ve done an online Daybook. I have a rare block of time to myself so I will see if I can get of these cranked out. (UPDATE – I started this Saturday but didn’t finish it until Monday morning. Life happened.) ๐Ÿ˜‰


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Grateful for…

  • A lovely afternoon this weekend with Bella and her friends at the movies. I love the glimpse into their young hearts as they chat in the car. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Brian and his goodness and strength. Sometimes I just look at him and think, what have I done to deserve this??
  • For the beauty that surrounds me. It is a balm to my soul.
  • For God’s grace that come when we need it most.
  • For the things I take for granted – a home, running water, food on the table etc.

Praying for..

  • Those who do not have the essentials of life.
  • Those who are ill, especially for those fighting cancer, and that Brian remains cancer-free.
  • Those who are hurting, suffering or are far from God.
  • All our military and their families, especially for my brother-in-law in the Middle East that he comes back home safely.
  • All pregnant moms, those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies and for moms contemplating an abortion.
  • Some special intentions.


Thursday was a hard day for me. Life has been busy but bearable. However, on Thursday it was one of those days we all have…when we are pushed to the limit and think we cannot go any further. Life was already busy but the added responsibility of helping out my in-laws can sometimes be overwhelming, especially on a day when one thing after another goes wrong. After the last mishap I was just shaking my head saying, “Seriously, God?? You are going to make me carry one more cross right now??” My guardian angel whispered to me, “Well, it is Lent, you know.” Ugh, he can be cheeky like that. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The next morning was Friday and that is when I am able to stay home for four hours straight and catch up on a week’s worth of chores. However, before I got into it, I turned off the computer and my phone and finally sat down with my Lenten book (that has been gathering dust) – Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World (by Christian author Joanna Weaver.) I spent some time in prayer and then went through the first chapter. There are a number of points that touched me (I’ll go deep in another post) but the one thought that stayed with me is that the responsibilities I have right now are not going to change. My in-laws are needing more help and I am the one who must help pitch in and do it on top of caring for the kids and the household. So how do I get it all this done without losing my mind?

I admit that I have not spent time in pray like I should. Oh, I dash off “help Lord'” all the time but I never really stop and drink from the well of God’s grace. This paragraph really spoke to me:

“When we put work before worship, we put the cart before the horse. The cart is important; so is the horse. But the horse must come first, or we end up pulling the cart ourselves. Frustrated and weary, we can nearly break under the pressure of service, for their is always something that needs to be done. When we first spend time in his presence – when we take time to hear his voice – God provides the horsepower we need to pull the heaviest load. He saddles up grace and invites us to take a ride.”

Talk about hitting the nail on the head! It was just the encouragement (and reminder) that I needed. Blessed be God.


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revolution of love blog - od_logo_home2Around the House…

Spring cleaning has been going very slow for the simple fact that I seem to hardly be home! Last Friday I tackled the boys’ room and got about half way done. I do have a number of bags to give away so far. I should be half way to my 40 bags in 40 days but I think I only have 10 bags so far. I’ll have to do a final push the next couple weeks.

Family Chit Chat…

Some of you have been asking how my father-in-law is doing. Sadly, not very well. His stroke did more damage than we originally thought and he has weakened mentally and physically. We had hoped that he would get stronger and we’d be able to bring him home with hired care. However, at the moment, he is very far from being able to come home. Thankfully, he is on a nice place and they take good care of him. The woman who runs the small home is Catholic and every evening they say the rosary together. It has become like a second home since we try to visit Opa almost every day. Plus, for the last couple of weeks on Sundays, we’ve been able to bring him to our home and let him sit with the kids and watch a movie just like they used to do. They chat away and show him their Lego creations and cars. They do not see his limitations but just enjoy being in his presence. There is a valuable lesson to be learned right there. ๐Ÿ™‚


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In the Kitchen…

Saturday – Since Bella had friends over we got a treat of delivery pizza.

Sunday – Slow cooker BBQ chicken, roasted potatoes, green beans and salad.

Monday – Slow cooker chicken enchilada soup (new recipe to try).

Tuesday – Tacos, homemade beans, salsa and since it’s St. Patrick’s dayย  – lots of green guacamole!

Wednesday –ย Leftovers.

Thursday – Turkey burgers and broccoli slaw. Apple pie for dessert since it’s St. Joseph’s feast day. ๐Ÿ™‚

Friday – Minestrone soup (made with veggie broth).


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revolution of love blog - od_logo_sightsWatching…

movie_Cinderella_2015_1Bella and I just watched the new Cinderella movie this afternoon. It was really lovely and magical! To some it may seem a little boring since there were no epic battles, other than the interior battles that the characters had to endure. It was an old fashioned fairy tale where the prince is actually charming and not a psychopath in disguise. The heroine is good and kindย  and Christian morals are present. The girls loved it and so did I. I also had fun seeing actors who played on other favorite shows – Of course Rose from Downton Abbey but Daisy from Downton played one of the evil step sisters. Cate Blanchet was perfect as the wicked step sister and the actress that plays Agent Carter was Cinderella’s mom.)

Listening to …

I love the band Echosmith (even though I’m closer in age to their parents) and this song reflects how I am feeling at this moment. Blessed and happy. (It’s amazing what a change that prayer and a good night’s sleep will do.) ๐Ÿ˜‰

What else I am hearing that is making it hard to listen to my music playing?? The boys and Brian running up and down the hallway with light sabers as they wage a loud epic Jedi battle. (Our poor neighbors.) No wonder Bella and I like to slip away to the movies. ๐Ÿ˜‰


For my spiritual reading…

book_mary_heart_Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy With God in the Busyness of Life

For my fiction reading…

book_insurgentI still have yet to finish reading Insurgent so I better get it done before I go watch the movie later this month.

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Here are the last few posts.

Weigh-in-Wednesday & Five Favorite Exercise Tips

Register for the Catholic Conference for 4Moms & A Coupon Code for Purchases!

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 5, Finale Recap (Are you missing Downton too??)

7 Quick Takes (2/28/15): Tears, Conferences & Period Movies

A Look at My 2015 (Erin Condren) Planner


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As I mentioned in a previous post, the 2015 Catholic Conference for Women is now available for purchase. You can download (or listen online) to 27 speaker presentations, including favorite like Auntie Leila and Rachel Balducci). One of the cool things is that you also receive a discussion guide that contains questions and discussion starters for every presentation. It is a great resource for a mom’s group!ย  Simply show one of the videos, use the questions in the guide to prompt discussion and viola! Genius. You also receive other bonus items like e-books, podcast and coupons for various products.


The cost is $39.99 but as an affiliate you can purchase the package for $29.99 with the promo code “Revolution.” Check it out at


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Here are some Instagrams I’ve taken this past week.

revolution of love blog - instas_3_13_151. One of my favorite scriptures.

2. Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto thine.

3. The boys playing a Memory game on an iPad with Opa.

4. Ocean walk.

5. Our family altar in our home.

6. Sunset.

7. I was craving huevos rancheros.

8. Your ways, O Lord, make known to me…

9. When I can only focus on the things about me that are so far from perfect, I become my own worst enemy.


So that’s what I’ve been up to lately! What about you? What’s currently happening in your life? What are you reading or watching these days?

Have a happy Monday! (Wait, is that even a thing??)ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. ๐Ÿ˜‰

7 Quick Takes (2/13/15): Hubby Loving, Heartfelt Words & 50 Shades of Grey


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Happy Friday! I am gleeful because the kids are off school today and I have no pending appointments or errands so I am not stepping out of the house today! Instead I am going to catch up on all the things that have been neglected this busy week. You know it’s bad when no one has clean underwear and we each own at least 10 pairs…) ๐Ÿ˜‰ But before I start cleaning, let’s do a quick 7 Quick Takes, linking up with the sweetheart Kelly over at This Ain’t the L… (Um, yeah, I can never remember how to spell or pronounce that word so just go there and see for yourself.)

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Your Mess Is Mine

My song of the week is Vance Joy’s Your Mess Is Mine. It seemed perfect for Valentine’s Day. The official video was weird so I’m adding this lyric video instead.

I especially love this line

Youโ€™re the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that Iโ€™m hanging on…

Hold on, darling
This body is yours,
This body is yours and mine
Well hold on, my darling
This mess was yours,
Now your mess is mine

After the last couple of years Brian and I have had a number of crosses we’ve had to carry. It is said that when couples face very difficult situations it either drives them apart or brings them closer together. Thankfully, it has brought us closer together.ย  The “mess” of our lives belongs to both of us and we fully accept it and go hand in hand as we walk through it. I know that we can both say to one another honestly, “Youโ€™re the reason that I feel so strong, the reason that Iโ€™m hanging on.” (Happy – early – Valentine’s Day, my love!)

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Lovin’ my hubby.

I’m still doing my week of Instagram with the hashtag #ilovemyhubby2015. Here are the last four days’ photos.

revolution of love blog - qt_homeworkDay 3 – I love my husband because after a long day at work he comes home and helps the kids with their homework.

revolution of love blog - qt_angrybirdOkay, so I having a really rough day when I posted this one…

Day 4 – I love my hubby because when I have a bad day and feel like an angry bird he knows just what to do – don’t talk to me, don’t touch me, just leave me alone. When he sees I’ve cooled off, then he hugs me and comforts me and all the world is right again.

qt_tbt_kids_packerThis was Throwback Thursday from before Matthew was born. The other kids look so tiny!

Day 5 – Brian and his Packer fans. I love my hubby because he is an amazing father!

qt_boys_prayerDay 6I love my husband because he’s an example of a holy man to the kids. On his lunch break he stops at the chapel by Matthew’s preschool. Now the boys want to stop by the chapel after school to talk to Jesus just like daddy. (Matthew likes to sit on the kneeler and close his eyes in fervent prayer.)

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She Died, But She Also Lived

ec_coverPhoto Creditย  – Barefoot and Sometimes Pregnant

This morning, despite having the opportunity to sleep in, I automatically woke at 6 AM. Everyone was still sleeping and the house was quiet, the bedroom window was open a little and I could hear the breeze rusting through the trees. Ah, it was a moment of bliss. I took advantage to snuggle up in my bed and read on my phone.

I wanted to catch up on my sister’s blog since I haven’t had time to read anyone’s blog. Oh, my goodness! Yesterday’s post She Died, but She Also Lived had me in tears. Elena spoke about little Joan (who died just before birth.) Her words were so beautiful and heart felt. She also mentioned the memory book I made for her. Inside it were the prayer bouquets and notes of condolences that you asked me to give her. Thank you again for caring so much for my sister, including those that did not know her personally. Go read it for yourself, especially if you ever lost a little one of your own.

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Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

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Speaking of heart felt, this week it was confirmed that Kayla Mueller died while being held captive by ISIS. Whether they killed her or she was a victim of the Jordanian airstrikes remains unclear. However, Kayla smuggle out a letter to her family. I don’t know how much of the letter was influenced by her captors but this line really touched my heart:

I have been shown in darkness, light + have learned that even in prison, one can be free. I am grateful. I have come to see that there is good in every situation, sometimes we just have to look for it.

Read the whole letter here.


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Share the Lenten Love!

Can you believe that Lent is next week!! More poor sis Bridge celebrates her birthday that day. I’m guessing she’ll celebrate a day early on Fat Tuesday! Have you written any Lent-related posts?? If so you should link them up!!

Revolution of Love Blog - pinterest_lentFirst come on over to my Pinterest Party: Lent Edition. (Open until Easter Sunday.)


BISSISTERHOODThen head over to Blessed Is She for the #BISsisterhood: Lent. (Open until Mon 2/16)


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50 Shades of Grey

Everyone has been talking about 50 Shades of Grey. There have been some great articles about the movie. Some of them serious (putting a spotlight on domestic violence) and some funny (Hello, Dave Barry.) I’m including some of my favorites. The final link, a movie review from the Today Show pretty much sums it all up.

— “Some of the Red Room stuff was uncomfortable. There were times when Dakota was not wearing much, and I had to do stuff to her that I’d never choose to do to a woman.” – Jamie Dornan, Glamour, January 30, 2015

— “The first day [of filming] was kind of an out-of-body experience. I got there and they said, “Action!” I’m like, “What the fโ€”k is happening? I’m a dad. What?” – Jamie Dornan, Glamour, January 30, 2015

— (On visiting a sex dungeon.) “It was an interesting evening. Then go back to my wife and newborn baby afterwards โ€ฆ I had a long shower before touching either of them.” Jamie Dornan, Elle UK, January 2, 2015

— “Filming a sex scene is not a sensual or pleasurable environment. It’s really hotโ€”not in a steamy, sexual way. It’s just sweaty and it’s not ver y comfortable. And on top of that, my hands and legs were tied, and I was blindfolded, and I was being hit with this bizarre tool. … It was emotionally taxing. At first I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is the worst thing ever,’ and then I was like, ‘All right, let’s get on with it.'” – Dakota Johnson, TIME, February 2, 2015

— “I still can’t look at it objectively or wrap my head around it. The parts of the movie that are difficult to watch were even more difficultโ€”and emotionally taxingโ€”to shoot.” – Dakota Johnson, Vogue, January 20, 2015

My only question is why do it in the first place? Maybe they didn’t realize until they were already too into it. Well, I can only hope the movie fizzles out..

UPDATE – I am adding this post here that I just read. It really touched my heart.

Also, if you are looking to add a little spice to your marriage without the 50 shades, then check out Hallie’s post.


You know I am a movie lover but I definitely won’t be going near this one.ย  These are my sentiments, even though I technically have a soft spot for Mr. Knightly.

darcy_vs_grayPhoto Credit –

Instead of watching 50 Shades,

Kingsman_The_Secret_Service_posterI will be watching action movie The Kingsmen

The Secret Service KSS_JB_D01_00106.tif…with Colin Firth, thank you very much. (Read a review from Verily here.)*

UPDATE: A number of my friends saw The Kingsman and they all said that they wish they had not seen it. I read a many more reviews, which also did not recommend the movie so I decided to skip it and watch the old Pride and Prejudice instead. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Have a great holiday weekend!

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