Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

9/11/03 – We will never forget…

When I was younger I used to always wonder why people would ask “Where were you when Kennedy died?” I didn’t get what the big deal was. Now when someone asks me “Where were you on 9/11?” I understand perfectly what they were talking about. On 9/11 I was no where near NY. I was living in Pacific Grove, CA with Brian. I was almost 8 months pregnant with Bella. I woke up to kiss Brian goodbye for work and he told me I had better check the news because he saw online that there was news of a terrorist attack.
When I turned on the TV, I first thought a single terrorist flew his own plane into the Twin Towers. Then a realized a regular commercial flight with innocent people on board were made into human bombs. And not just one flight – many of them. I kept thinking that the Twin Tower workers probably never saw it coming but the people on the plane were aware and watching it unfold. I was dumbstruck until all I could do was sob. (Even now its hard to hold back the tears when I think about it.) I don’t think I ever got off the couch that day as I watched and cried. Brian came home and eventually made me turn off the TV so I’d stop thinking about it.
I remember at one point someone told me that it was a shame that I was bringing a baby into a world such as this. For a moment I thought she was right but as I came to my senses I thought – no! This child of mine is a sign of hope! It is a breathe of joy and peace in the midst of evil and darkness.
Two weeks later Bella was born a month premature. (I always wondered if my stress at that time had something to do with it.) Weighing only 3lb, 12 oz she was tiny but had a feisty, fighting spirit and came out fine. My beautiful little Isabella Rose Marie. She was my proof that no matter how troubling things may look or how small and insignificant we may feel, with God, you can find a purpose, a means, and always hope.

9/5/03 – Lord of the Rings

Hello, All. I am back from our trip a little earlier than expected. We were in great need of a little cooling fog! Actually we had a wonderful time. Brian said that this was one of his most enjoyable trips and it was. I get such a recharge seeing my family, although leaving them behind again is always tough. But I am thankful we live relatively close. Heck, what’s a 7 hour drive these days? And Bella is getting to be such a trooper in the car.
I am so proud of her! It is also nice to be back home. No matter where you go and how much you have it is always a wonderful feeling to return to your home and simple life. (Well, “simple” in theory, at least.)

I’ve been reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy and I just finished The Two Towers last night. I want to finish it all before I see the final movie. It was almost 1am but I could not put the book down until I finished it! (If you hate movie ending-spoilers, skip to the next paragraph!) I was heartbroken when Sam thought Frodo was killed by Shelob. I couldn’t believe that he would die that way! There was no way that stinkin Shelob was going to end it all like that! But the tragic ending was filled with hope that all is not yet lost and Frodo could still be saved! Man, I can’t wait for Bella to go to sleep tonight so I can catch a few more pages! There’s nothing like reading an incredible story for the first time and not really knowing how things will turn out.

It’s funny but watching Lord of the Ring and Two Towers has been incredibly uplifting for me lately. The way society is going with so much evil and sin around that it sometimes feels like we are helpless and hopeless. It’s as if there’s a huge dam with a growing crack and we’re trying to repair it with a band aid. You know it’s only a matter of time until the dam breaks and you’ll be swept away in a tide of water.

Yet when I see Frodo, Sam and the company working for a common, almost-impossible, goal and fighting a larger-than-life evil, I see us. God has placed a task in our hands (loving Him above all else and joining Him in heaven with as many people as we can help bring along with us) and in the meantime there is a powerful enemy hell-bent on making us fail. And just as Sam and Frodo had friends and gifts that helped them on the dangerous journey, we have the Sacraments and the Church to guide us and give us the strength we need to carry on and fight until the end of our days. It’s something I have to remind myself often. We’re in this together!

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8/22/03 – friday five: the “last” edition

the friday five
1. When was the last time you laughed? Last night with Brian. It doesn’t take much to get me laughing.
2. Who was the last person you had an argument with? Myself. Sometimes I am just sooo exasperating.
3. Who was the last person you emailed? My sister Bridgette.
4. When was the last time you bathed? About an hour ago. (I assume showers count. Actual sit-in-the-tub bathing?…who knows. A little thing called reality prevents that.
5. What was the last thing you ate? The last bite of Bella’s banana that she was about to throw on the floor. (No, I wouldn’t have eaten it if it actually hit the floor.)

8/1/03 – friday five: mornings edition

First day of August? Incredible! The summer will be over before you know it! Although the way the weather has been lately, I think we’re going to have an early autumn. I’m keeping this post short since I’ve got a lot to do around the house. But here’s one question for you moms of toddlers out there – how do you keep your kids from climbing the furniture? Bella is climbing everything – from chairs to the kitchen table. It’s gotten to the point where I have tipped all the kitchen chairs over so she can’t use then as ladders but this is so inconvenient (not to mention sloppy looking). She has her own mini table and chairs but lately she’s been using those as ladders as well. She’ll climb anything that will hold her and I don’t know what to do! I’d be happy for any advice! Thanks so much. Have a great weekend! love, b.
the friday five
1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings?If I went to bed by midnight, 7am. If up later, then by 8am. (I’m a night owl and it’s hard for me to get to bed early.)
2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late? On Saturday I’ll sleep in until 8:30 unless we have an early outing planned. Sundays I wake up earlier to go to 8am Mass.
3. Aside from waking up, what is the first thing you do in the morning?Say my morning prayers.
4. How long does it take to get ready for your day?About half an hour to an hour (depending if I showered the night before or not.)
5. When possible, what is your favorite place to go for breakfast? A little cafe in Carmel called Em Le’s. They have the most delicious breakfasts there! We used to go there all the time but we go less frequently with Bella, although she’s getting better and better at restaurants! Hey, if the locals can bring their dogs I can certainly bring my baby!

6/27/03 – friday five: summer edition

1. How are you planning to spend the summer [winter]? We leave next week for a trip to So Cal. The rest of the summer we’ll be here. Since we live in a tourist town it gets hectic so we like to go to the out of the way places or walk downtown in the eve when all the shops are closed. I hope to enjoy the beach more. We went last weekend and it was so beautiful. It’s warm enough to wear shorts but the water’s too cold for swimming so no bikinis in sight (except for a few hardcore Europeans not exactly built like models. egads.)

2. What was your first summer job? Hmm…did I have one? I was probably babysitting. I was always babysitting…mostly my many siblings!

3. If you could go anywhere this summer [winter], where would you go? I desperately want to go camping in the redwoods in No. Calif like we used to when I was growing up. I loved camping! However, Brian has never been camping (I cannot imagine my mother in law going anywhere where you couldn’t call down to the front desk for something!) So I’m slowly talking Brian into the idea. Next year he gets an extra week of vacation so I’m hoping we can do it!

4. What was your worst vacation ever? One doesn’t come to mind…perhaps when I was a kid I used to get car sick on curvy roads. Even today I can’t read in the car or move around while its moving. If Bella is really fussing in the backseat Brian needs to let me drive and he sit back there with her. I get a headache reading the map and he could write a novel in the car without the slightest bother. Go figure.

5. What was your best vacation ever?I would say the time my whole family (all 11 of us) went camping across country with nothing more than a 11 passenger van and a huge 3 bedroom tent that slept 12. It was hilarious. Man, I really should write all these memories down before they fade away! Now I am looking forward to making new vacation memories with Brian and Bella!