Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

11/19/04 – My Morning “Prayer”

I first read this prayer years ago but it has since become a favorite. šŸ™‚

Dear God,
So far today, I’ve done all right! I haven’t gossiped, I haven’t lost my temper,
I haven’t cheated, I haven’t been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or
overindulgent. I am thankful for that. But, in a few minutes Lord, I’m going to
get out of bed…and from then on, I’m probably going to need a lot more help!

11/11/04 – Angel in the Waters

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There’s a great new children’s book out called Angel in the Waters. It is published by Sophia Press and it’s about the experience of a baby and his guardian angel from the moment of conception until his birth. You can read the whole book online at It’s truly a beautiful story! (Not just for kids, it would be a great gift for a pregnant or new mom or dad too.)

10/20/04 – Child-like Faith

Okay, okay, just one more quick post since I’ve got to get packing. (I’m leaving early tomorrow morning to visit my family in So Calif while Brian is away on a men’s retreat for 3 days. Please keep us both in prayer!) Here’s a little story from a homeschooling mom about the simple wisdom of children. She wrote:

My son and I were finishing up our religion time, just the 2 of us, by discussing the Catechism questions. The topic was Sanctifying Grace. I was telling him that although Baptism gives us the Mark of Christ, after removing original sin, and allows us to go to heaven, it’s no “free ticket”. We have to work on knowing, loving and serving God every day.
He looked real serious for a moment. Then he said, “Mom, it’s kinda like playing Chutes and Ladders, isn’t it?” I sat there like one electrified.
“Yes, CJ, it is. Most days we move forward a space or two. Sometimes we even get caught on that spot were you have to roll double to get to move again. BUT, eventually the day will come… when you will slide down a chute or ascend the ladder. And, if you’re REALLY lucky, you’ll get to go up one of the BIG ones and your life will never be the same again.”
Next time you wanna illustrate “getting to heaven” for your little ones, pull out your Chutes and Ladders game. Come to think of it, I CAN’T think of a better analogy. Outta the mouths of babes.

Yeah, the kids will really teach us. I’ve been working with Bella on making the sign of the cross and saying her simple prayers throughout the day. The other day I was in a hurry and gave her her lunch and walked back into the kitchen. She then said to me, “Wait Mama, you forgot da pwayers” (the prayers). I apologized to her and we said our grace. After she made the sign of the cross she smiled and said, “Now Jesus happy.” Yes, I’m sure He is.

3/19/04 – Bella Stands Her Ground

Hey guys. Hope you are all doing well. I should have slept in this morning because I got to bed late and am tired, but I woke at 6:30 am and was wide awake so I figured I’d let Bella sleep in and I’d get some work done. It’s been a busy week although yesterday was fun since I went to the beach with some other moms and their kids. We had a great time although my face is a little burnt – I don’t think I put enough sun screen. ugh.
Bella had fun too and it was a nice little lesson for her to learn to share her sand toys with the other kids and get along with others. Being an only child at the moment she is still learning the finer points of “the world doesn’t revolve around me.” She’s not mean about it but just needs gentle coaxing and reminding that she has 2 shovels and can certainly share one of them or that baby Joe can sit in her beach chair for awhile.
Although there was one moment when one of the sweet 7 yr old boys “John” was playing around with Bella and sort of tickling her. She thought it was funny at first but after a minute or two wanted him to stop and pushed his hands away. He kept on, but before I could say something to him, she bit his finger as he poked her. I had her say “sorry” and asked John not to tickle her anymore. There was no harm done and they were soon laughing and playing again.
However, I have to confess that later I was inwardly proud of my baby girl for defending herself against unwanted “attention” and hoped she’d remember that 10 – 15 years from now. Not saying she should bite a guy, mind you, but have her limits and know how to defend them. I, in the meantime, will be on closer watch!

9/11/03 – We will never forget…

When I was younger I used to always wonder why people would ask “Where were you when Kennedy died?” I didn’t get what the big deal was. Now when someone asks me “Where were you on 9/11?” I understand perfectly what they were talking about. On 9/11 I was no where near NY. I was living in Pacific Grove, CA with Brian. I was almost 8 months pregnant with Bella. I woke up to kiss Brian goodbye for work and he told me I had better check the news because he saw online that there was news of a terrorist attack.
When I turned on the TV, I first thought a single terrorist flew his own plane into the Twin Towers. Then a realized a regular commercial flight with innocent people on board were made into human bombs. And not just one flight – many of them. I kept thinking that the Twin Tower workers probably never saw it coming but the people on the plane were aware and watching it unfold. I was dumbstruck until all I could do was sob. (Even now its hard to hold back the tears when I think about it.) I don’t think I ever got off the couch that day as I watched and cried. Brian came home and eventually made me turn off the TV so I’d stop thinking about it.
I remember at one point someone told me that it was a shame that I was bringing a baby into a world such as this. For a moment I thought she was right but as I came to my senses I thought – no! This child of mine is a sign of hope! It is a breathe of joy and peace in the midst of evil and darkness.
Two weeks later Bella was born a month premature. (I always wondered if my stress at that time had something to do with it.) Weighing only 3lb, 12 oz she was tiny but had a feisty, fighting spirit and came out fine. My beautiful little Isabella Rose Marie. She was my proof that no matter how troubling things may look or how small and insignificant we may feel, with God, you can find a purpose, a means, and always hope.