First day of August? Incredible! The summer will be over before you know it! Although the way the weather has been lately, I think we’re going to have an early autumn. I’m keeping this post short since I’ve got a lot to do around the house. But here’s one question for you moms of toddlers out there – how do you keep your kids from climbing the furniture? Bella is climbing everything – from chairs to the kitchen table. It’s gotten to the point where I have tipped all the kitchen chairs over so she can’t use then as ladders but this is so inconvenient (not to mention sloppy looking). She has her own mini table and chairs but lately she’s been using those as ladders as well. She’ll climb anything that will hold her and I don’t know what to do! I’d be happy for any advice! Thanks so much. Have a great weekend! love, b.
the friday five
1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings?If I went to bed by midnight, 7am. If up later, then by 8am. (I’m a night owl and it’s hard for me to get to bed early.)
2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late? On Saturday I’ll sleep in until 8:30 unless we have an early outing planned. Sundays I wake up earlier to go to 8am Mass.
3. Aside from waking up, what is the first thing you do in the morning?Say my morning prayers.
4. How long does it take to get ready for your day?About half an hour to an hour (depending if I showered the night before or not.)
5. When possible, what is your favorite place to go for breakfast? A little cafe in Carmel called Em Le’s. They have the most delicious breakfasts there! We used to go there all the time but we go less frequently with Bella, although she’s getting better and better at restaurants! Hey, if the locals can bring their dogs I can certainly bring my baby!