Okay, okay, just one more quick post since I’ve got to get packing. (I’m leaving early tomorrow morning to visit my family in So Calif while Brian is away on a men’s retreat for 3 days. Please keep us both in prayer!) Here’s a little story from a homeschooling mom about the simple wisdom of children. She wrote:
My son and I were finishing up our religion time, just the 2 of us, by discussing the Catechism questions. The topic was Sanctifying Grace. I was telling him that although Baptism gives us the Mark of Christ, after removing original sin, and allows us to go to heaven, it’s no “free ticket”. We have to work on knowing, loving and serving God every day.
He looked real serious for a moment. Then he said, “Mom, it’s kinda like playing Chutes and Ladders, isn’t it?” I sat there like one electrified.
“Yes, CJ, it is. Most days we move forward a space or two. Sometimes we even get caught on that spot were you have to roll double to get to move again. BUT, eventually the day will come… when you will slide down a chute or ascend the ladder. And, if you’re REALLY lucky, you’ll get to go up one of the BIG ones and your life will never be the same again.”
Next time you wanna illustrate “getting to heaven” for your little ones, pull out your Chutes and Ladders game. Come to think of it, I CAN’T think of a better analogy. Outta the mouths of babes.
Yeah, the kids will really teach us. I’ve been working with Bella on making the sign of the cross and saying her simple prayers throughout the day. The other day I was in a hurry and gave her her lunch and walked back into the kitchen. She then said to me, “Wait Mama, you forgot da pwayers” (the prayers). I apologized to her and we said our grace. After she made the sign of the cross she smiled and said, “Now Jesus happy.” Yes, I’m sure He is.