Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Slow Cooker Recipes

Now that the weather is cooling down, it is the perfect time to dust off the slow cooker and whip up some tasty meals. I asked my sis EML to send me her fave recipes and she did. So now I’m sharing them with you! The charizo one looks really yummy although I have to tone down any spiciness right now or else JP will let his disapproval be known loud and clear. šŸ˜‰

Slow Cooker Lentil and Ham Soup
(Bobbi’s note: I think I’ll try this one first.)
Slow-cooker Turkey Chili
Slow Cooker Black Bean Soup
I added some cooked chicken and cheese to each bowl when I served it.
Peppered Beef Soup
These three aren’t slow cooker, but they are good and I assume you could throw everything in the slow cooker and cook it that way.
Devilish Chorizo Chili with Hominy
Edith LOVES this soup. (Bobbi’s note: Edith is my adorable niece.)
Potato Broccoli and Cheese Soup has a slower cooker section that has some good recipes.
This site ( also has some good recipes.

Food Network News: The Spice Smuggler

Bob Tuschman’s blog announced the following about that runner up NFNS Jeffrey Saad:

OK, OK, we heard you! Despite Melissa’s win, there are still a lot of Jeffrey fans out there. As I’ve always said, Jeffrey is bursting with knowledge he wants to share. You wanted more and Jeffery was game, so we produced a mini-series of videos based on Jeffrey’s pilot episode. Presenting: The Spice Smuggler.

Jeffrey Saad takes you on a journey with Anise seed spice, Paprika, Garam Masala and Five Spice powder. He takes spices off the rack and brings them center stage. And as always, Jeffrey makes you need to taste the food.

Perhaps if it gets enough positive feedback we can get Jeffery on FN too!

7 Quick Takes Friday – 8/7/09


*** 1 ***

For the first time in a long while, it actually feels like summer is here. It has been cold and foggy much of the time and it is a welcome change to see the sun shining. I certainly don’t long for hot summer days but a little warmth is appreciated!

*** 2 ***

I love using Facebook to keep up with my family and what they are doing each day. But I don’t understand how people can keep track of their friends when they number into the hundreds. I decided to have more than one account. One if for family and friends I am close to and see frequently. The other is for friends/acquaintances/old classmates that I don’t talk to often but I’d like to keep in touch with them as time permits. This week I came across a number of old classmates from my old elementary/junior high. It is so funny to catch up with them twenty years later!

*** 3 ***

I have been listening to the newish Copeland album but it just finished. Next on my ipod is The Cure…”Boys Don’t Cry”.

*** 4 ***

For the last year I have been wanting to upgrade my phone to an iphone but it was too expensive. However, yesterday my old 2-yr contract expired so the price I’d pay was cut in half. Last night Brian asked me what I wanted for my bday and I told him I wanted an easy baby delivery but since he can’t guarantee that, I’ll take an iphone instead. LOL!

*** 5 ***

Speaking of delivery, the pregnancy has been going well so far but I can tell I am in the 9th month. My energy level has been a lot lower and I ache a lot more. The braxton hicks have been present for months but now they are more frequent and a lot harder. The baby will be full term next Friday so I am hoping it’ll be soon after. We’ll see.

*** 6 ***

My father-in-law is picking up Bella and Andrew this afternoon and having them play at his house for a couple hours. He loves having them over and it is a blessing for me to have a little time to myself. There’s Eucharistic Adoration at our church since it is First Friday so I think I’ll try to make a visit before Brian gets home and I have to make dinner.

*** 7 ***

For dinner tonight I am going to try a new recipe I saw on Food Network’s show “Giada at Home.” It is Turkey Meatloaf with Feta and Sun-Dried Tomatoes. It looked delicious so I’ll give t a try. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Have a blessed weekend!