Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Now That the Election Is Over… - flag_peace

Now that the election is over, I have friends who are rejoicing and friends who are weeping. Whether you feel victorious or punched in the gut after last night, our mission has not changed – love God and love one another. So be especially kind without gloating or complaining. We are still one family and have to learn to respectfully get along and work together. Spread some love, people.

One things we can all do together is say this Prayer After an Election from the US Conference of Bishops.

God of all nations,
Father of the human family,
we give you thanks for the freedom we exercise
and the many blessings of democracy we enjoy
in these United States of America.

We ask for your protection and guidance
for all who devote themselves to the common good,
working for justice and peace at home and around the world.
We lift up all our duly elected leaders and public servants,
those who will serve us as president, as legislators and judges,
those in the military and law enforcement.
Heal us from our differences and unite us, O Lord,
with a common purpose, dedication, and commitment to achieve liberty and justice
in the years ahead for all people,
and especially those who are most vulnerable in our midst.


PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰


Ways to Help the Victims of Sandy Hook & Newton



What Can I Do?

All of us have been affected by this tragedy and it is only natural that our first reaction (after the shock, horror and tears) is ask what can I do to help ease the suffering? There have been a number of initiatives spring up and here are a few of them.


Our first response, particularly as Catholics is to pray. Leila at Little Catholic BubbleĀ had a beautiful Quick Takes this week dedicated to the Newton tragedy. Her first Take says:

In First Century Palestine, the evil King Herod ordered the slaughter of all the male children two years and under, hoping to kill the Christ Child. Horror and grief filled the land, and their mothers could not be consoled. We ask the Holy Innocents for intercession in our own day.

A Prayer To The Holy Innocents

Holy Innocents, you died before you were old enough to know what life means, pray for all children who die young that God may gather them into His loving arms.

Holy Innocents, you were killed because one man was filled with hatred, pray for those who hate that God may touch their hearts and fill them with love.

Holy Innocents, you experienced a violent death, pray for all who are affected by violence that they may find peace and love.

Holy Innocents, your parents grieved for you with deep and lasting sorrow, pray for all parents who have lost young children that God may wrap a warm blanket of comfort around them.

Holy Innocents, those around you certainly felt helpless to prevent your deaths, pray for all who feel helpless in their circumstances that they may cling to God for courage and hope.

Holy Innocents, you who are now in Heaven, pray for all of us that one day we may join you there to bask in God’s love forever.



Our Catholic Family

I first heard about this from Allison but it has seen been posted all over the internet. I am posting it again here in case some of you havenā€™t seen it yet.

When I first saw the photos from the tragedy at Newton, I noticed this one of two priests. I figured they must have been local priests who came to help support the families. Later, on Facebook, there was a letter posted from the sister of the younger priest in the photo. It reads:
My friends,

All of you, I am sure, have heard so much about the tragedy in Newtown, CT. Many of you have received emails from me about my younger brother, Father Luke Suarez, who is a priest at St. Rose of Lima parish, a Catholic church just down the road from Sandy Hook Elementary. He, and his pastor, Monsignor Weiss, arrived at the school within moments of the shooting, and have been caring for the community ever since. The picture I have included was taken at the school.

Father Luke has an impossible task before him. His diocese is without a bishop right nowā€¦. Monsignor ā€¦ is personally devastated by the losses. The parish is very largeā€¦. The rectory has received serious threats, and as my brother gave the homily Sunday at the noon mass, the church had to be evacuated by SWAT teams. After experiencing identity theft and online hacking incidents, he had to erase all of his internet accounts. After a weekend of endless media requests, notifications and vigils with heartbroken families, and little sleep, he now has two wakes and two funerals every day, until the fourth Sunday of Advent. Father Luke has not even been ordained two years.

My large family has been trying to send Father Luke our love and support from afar, and one of my brothers was able to visit with him briefly a couple times. All he asks for is prayer.

I have been wracking my brain, trying to think of a way that our beautiful, loving community could tangibly reach out to Father Luke, Monsignor Weiss, and the St. Rose parish, to support them in this most awful of times. I have sent many prayer requests, and I am asking for more prayers again. But I also want to ask everyone to search their hearts, and if the Holy Spirit moves you, please consider sending one of your familyā€™s Christmas cards to the rectory, with a few words of love and encouragement. Here is his address:

Father Luke Suarez
46 Church Hill Road
Newtown, CT 06470

My brother has said over and over again that without the prayer support he is receiving, he could not keep going. And this week is only the beginning. Everyone there is still in shock. Their peaceful home has been desecrated by violence. They will need to live with this sorrow forever.

But in our weakness is His strength. Grace abounds. Can you help me carry him through this time of trial?

On a hopeful note, Father Luke did say that no media coverage has even touched the deep, beautiful awakening of faith that has occurred there. Their tiny church, where my children have received sacraments and where Luke was ordained, has been full of people in prayer without ceasing since this tragedy happened. Love is stronger than death.

Please feel free to share the address with your family, friends, and community. An outpouring of love will sustain these good priests through their impossible ministryā€“impossible on their own, but possible with God.

I am so grateful to live in this community. We are all so blessed with one another. Every day, I see you all loving one another as Christ loved. Thank you for letting me reach out to you now.

With humble appreciation.

There is also an article about Fr. Weiss, the older priest in the photo, here.

Sandy Hook Students’ New School

Members of Connecticut’s Parent Teacher Student Association have posted ways people can help out the community of Newton. There website states:

Connecticut PTSA is deeply saddened by the tragedy that has struck our Newtown community. We have met with the PTA and community leaders in Newtown and Sandy Hook Elementary to offer our assistance at this very difficult time. They have asked us to spearhead the following efforts on their behalf:

Snowflakes for Sandy Hook

Please help the students of Sandy Hook have a winter wonderland at their new school! Get Creative!! Make and send snowflakes to Connecticut PTSA, 60 Connolly Parkway, Building 12, Suite 103, Hamden, CT 06514, by January 12, 2013. Snowflakes can also be delivered to CT PTSA. Please call us before for office hours at 203-281-6617.

Coins for Sandy Hook

Students can collect spare change to support their peers at Sandy Hook. Other fundraising ideas include Walk- A -Thons, Spirit Days, Pajamas Days, etc. Please send contributions to ā€œConnecticut PTSA Sandy Hook Fundā€ by February 14, 2013.

There are more ideas and direct link to donate here.



Ann Curry of NBC News has suggested that we do 20 acts of kindness in honor of the 20 children who were killed at Sandy Hook. (It was later changed to 26 to include the adults.) People have joined in and posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #26Acts or #26ActsofKindness. (I added an extra act for the gunman’s mother who was killed.)

Some people have complained that it is merely a trend and that we as Christians/Catholics should be doing these things anyway without publicly boasting about them. Thatā€™s true but the brutal violence of Newton has shaken people to the core and they are feeling vulnerable, cynical or depressed. It difficult for people who have some concept of the value of redemptive suffering and the hope of the cross, so imagine how it is for those who don’t have God in their lives.

I see these acts as a reminder that there is still good in the world and that God can bring light and hope out of evil. These acts allow the Holy Spirit to work in people who donā€™t even know who the Holy Spirit is. As for wanting to keep it private, I have offered up acts of kindness that I kept to myself. Others I have posted on Twitter to inspire someone else to join in. With each act I tried to add a specific prayer.

Here are a few ideas Iā€™ve done so far:

  • Tried to spend the day caring for my rambunctious boys without complaining. Prayed for the mamas who are no longer able to hold their babies in their arms.
  • Gave an extra large tip to my food server. Prayed for the dads who came home from work and no longer had their son or daughter waiting for them.
  • Helped an elderly woman at Costco. Prayed for the service people who first responded to Sandy Hook.
  • Sent a $50 gift card to a family that is struggling financially. Prayed for those who are suffering from despair.
  • Gave money to a homeless person and talked to my kids about respecting human life and treating all people with love and dignity. Prayed for those suffering from mental illness and for moms contemplating an abortion.

There are numerous things you and your family can do and they donā€™t need to cost any money and you donā€™t have to post it anywhere, unless you want to. We can all use that reminder to put the corporal and spiritual works of mercy into action.

If you need a few ideas to get inspired, visit here and scroll down.

Whatever you chose to do just pray, actĀ  and pay it forward.




7 Quick Takes (7/20/12) – CO Tragedy, Prayer, Blogs & Recipes

Hosted by Jen at Conversion Diary.

– 1 –

Tragedy – I woke early this morning to take my walk and I read the news about the horrible shooting in Colorado. I am speechless. Patrick at had a sobering commentary, but his last paragraph was the hardest. He says:

Again, the speed of things is startling. I found this unsettling story about a young woman killed in the shooting last night. We see her last tweets from the theater and even more bizarrely, we see her last blog post in which she wrote about barely escaping the gunman in that Toronto mall just six weeks ago. So sad, so bizarre, and so quick. /

I read the article about Jessica and it was eerie. She just escaped death at another tragic mall shooting just six weeks ago and now she is believed to be one of the fatally wounded victims last night.
(UPDATE: Jessica was killed. She was an intern at a Fox affiliate.)
It seems even more tragic that some of the injured were not just teens or adults. There was a 3 month old and a six year old hurt. (And I can’t help but wonder who would take a 3 mo old or 6 yr old to that movie, let alone at midnight.)
All this just breaks my heart but my kids are asking me why I am crying, I know I have to get a grip and take care of my little ones. I can mourn and cry for them in private later. But I can at least remember them throughout the day and offer up my tiny crosses for them.
In the meantime, I’ve got a house in desperate need of cleaning and kids with no clean clothes so I am not to leave the house or get back on the computer until I am done. Instead I’ll leave you with links to places I’ve visited online this week.

– 2 –

Prayer – This morning Fr. Jonathan Morris posted the Prayer to Put on the Armor of God on Facebook. It seems especially appropriate these days.
Prayer for Friday, July 20, 2012 (Prayer to put on the Armor of God)
Heavenly Father, I praise and worship you because you are God.
I am honored to be your servant and I take my stand.
Father, as I take up each piece of the armor, please secure it in place on me.
I take up the shield of faith and extend it over myself. It extinguishes all the fiery darts of the evil one.
I put on the helmet of salvation, which protects my mind from the enemy’s attacks. I have the mind of Christ.
I put on the breastplate of righteousness, which covers my body with the righteousness of God. In Christ, every foothold of evil has been washed away and I am clothed in righteousness.
I gird my loins with the belt of truth. Your word, O God, is truth.
Father, sanctify me according to your word and remind me through the Holy Spirit of the truth that destroys the lies of sin.
I shod my feet with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. I have peace with God through the blood of Jesus. I walk in my inheritance as an adopted son of God and have authority over evil in Jesus’ name.
I will use the Sword of the Spirit by speaking the Word of God as it applies to whatever situation I may face today. Father, please remind me of your Word via the Holy Spirit.
I will continue to pray in the Spirit throughout the day, and intercede for all Christians as the Holy Spirit prompts me. I believe that the Holy Spirit is interceding on my behalf according to my prayers.
Thank you, Father, for the whole armor of God. Please surround me with your hedge of protection as I move forward on the spiritual battlefield today.
I praise and worship you now and forever, Amen

– 3 –

Video– Fr. Morris also talked about the shooting on Fox News this morning. Here’s the link:

– 4 –

Making It Count – This week I discovered a number of new blogs that I started following. The first is I first found the blog because of the series Sarah cohosts – Making it Count. Sarah says:

I spend a significant amount of time online- reading blogs, checking email, writing posts, editing photos, and sharing. While online, I seek inspiration to live this beautiful life to its very best- to squeeze every last drop out of these wild and glorious days. It’s far too easy, of course, for that time online to be counted as a waste. A click here, a click there- and suddenly the hours have gotten away from me. I shut my computer and walk away to do the very real and messy living of hours with these precious people in my life.
And what of the time online? Was it wasted? What of all the inspiring ideas and projects that I collected like berries from a bush while I was clicking away? Do they stay locked up in the computer while I live out my days with my family? Or do I bring them to life? Do I seek out inspiration and then allow that inspiration to overflow into my real world? I’d hate to think that the time I spend online hunting and gathering beauty is going to waste.
So, it won’t. I won’t let it.
Here is my chance. Here is your chance, too. Start with any one of those fabulous ideas you have found online. Then, do it. Make it. Cook it. Create it. Take it from the screen, give it life and let it bless your world. When you’re done, snap a photo, write about it and share it with us. Make your time online count.
Twice each month, Pam and I are co-hosting the Making It Count Tuesday link-up. We’d love it if you would join us. Check out the rules, grab the graphic, and then get to work. Make that time you spend online count, and then show us what you’ve been up to! We’re meeting the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Everyday Snapshots, and the 4th Tuesday of each month here, at Amongst Lovely Things.

(I already have a little project that I finished that I’ll post on Tuesday.)

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Binders & Recipes – Last week Pam at hosted Making it Count. That is where I saw Sarah’s link to these great recipes she tried out. They looked so tasty that I made two of them last night. (By the way, if you homeschool, you should especially check out Pam’s blog since she has a lot of great ideas. I don’t homeschool but I loved her binder ideas for general use!)

– 6 –


Yum – I tried the recipe for this Slow Cooker BBQ chicken. I think this is actually the recipe I tried to make last year but I got mad because all my pantry ingredients were gone or expired. Well, this time it all worked out and the family loved the dish.


I also made this Greek salad. It was really tasty but I think I put a little too much dressing on the salad because it was a little strong. I’ll try it again for lunch and put less dressing this time.
I think I might also try The Pioneer Woman’s version of Greek Salad next time I make this.

– 7 –

Keeping it in the Family – The other blog I started reading is It is a blog done by six sisters. So cool! I will try and stay healthy and make their slow cooker roasted vegetables and not their cake-mix-cinnamon-rolls.

That’s it for today. Have a great weekend and don’t forget to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you because life is short!
