Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Weekend Recap & Answer Me This (vol 1)

I’m making a quick post today with a weekend round-up and a link up with Kendra for Answer Me This.

1. What time do you prefer to go to Mass?
That’s a tough one, depending on what we have scheduled for Sunday, we’ll either go to the Saturday vigil at 5:00 or Sunday morning at 8:00. We never go to the later morning or afternoon masses.

2. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too cold. I hate extreme heat. (Granted I think extreme heat is anything over 80.) 😉  Although if you meant cold as in snow, I’ll take the heat. Even the thought of dealing with snow scares me.

3. How many brothers and/or sisters do you have?
I have eight – three sisters and five brothers. Being the oldest I am old enough to be my little brother’s mom since there is 20 years difference in our ages. LOL. I’d post a photo of all of us but the majority of them like their privacy. I have one brother that is an instagramming king and my sis Elena blogs too but the rest aren’t as public. I’ll be seeing all of them (except for Elena, boo!) in two weeks when we meet in So Cal for a graduation party for my brother Rob and a going-away party for my bro-in-law Mick who is being deployed to Afghanistan. (You’ll be seeing some Disneyland pics soon too!) 😉

4. If you were faced with a boggart, what would it turn into?
Okay, I had to google “define boggart” because my first thought was Humphrey. Hmm..I don’t know if it is possible but my boggart would turn into either a confined space and smother me, a tunnel that collapses on me while I’m driving during an earthquake, thousands of bugs hiding in my bedroom while I sleep or a crazed psycho that will harm my children and force me to watch.

5. Barbie: thumbs up or thumbs down?
Down but not in principle but circumstance. I have a house of boys so we live in a sea of Star Wars figures, super heroes and Legos. Even when Bella was little she preferred Disney cars and Thomas the Train over Barbies. (I, on the other hand, still have fond childhood memories of the one Christmas where I got a Barbie dream house AND the Barbie corvette.)

6. If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?
You’ll be happier in life if you are loving, grateful and able to laugh at yourself. 🙂

Weekend Round- Round Up

The Week’s Posts

CAY’s {My Questions for You} Link-up

Pinterest Party & Link-Up (Vol 22): Emergency Car Bins & Operation Clean and Organized

(Note: The link-up is open for another week.) 🙂

Sat – Restore Workshop: Lessons Learned (Vol 3): Self Care & Prayer and A Day in the Life

* * *

Kid Conversation of the week:


Matthew: “Mama, I got a booger.”

Me: “Did you put it in a tissue?”

Matthew: “No.”

Me: “Did you wipe it on the wall again?”

Matthew: “No.”

Me: “Where did you put it?”

Matthew: “I ate it.”

Me: (Thinking) Ga-ross. I guess Kristoff was right. Guys do pick their noses and eat it.  😉


Photo of the Week

Yesterday Matthew celebrated his 3rd birthday. Happy birthday, my sweet super hero! 🙂

Question of the Week

Help a blogger out. I need to update my profile pic on the blog and social media. Which one do you think looks best? I’ll let you and my instagramming buddies decide. 😉 Thanks! xoxo.




Enjoy the rest of you Sunday! 🙂

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd or Instagram. 😉

CAY’s {My Questions for You} Link-up

NOTE – If you are looking for today’s Pinterest Party post, I am a day late on everything so it’ll be up by late tonight or tomorrow morning. 😉

* * *

Kendra at Catholic All Year always has fun link-ups. You know I am a sucker for link-ups and I could use a few minutes of blogging fun so I’m here to play along. These “about me” posts may seem a bit narcissistic but I personally love reading other bloggers’ answers because it gives me more insight into people I consider long distance friends. 🙂 Anyway, for those of you who have been reading this blog for awhile, you can just skip this post since you’ve probably heard it all before. I don’t want this to happen…

(Yeah, even the meme is a repeat.) Well, for the newbies here who want to waste ten minutes or their lives that they’ll never get back, carry on. 😉


1. Where do you live? And why do you live there?

I’m a native Californian and grew up in So Cal. In my late 20’s I met Brian online and we long distance dated with 400 miles between us. In fact, the anniversary of our first in-person date is next week on 4/16. 🙂 After we got married I moved to the Monterey Peninsula  in Central California and I’ve been happily living here for 14 1/2 years.

 * * *

2. What are you currently watching and/or reading?


The Everyday Catholic’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours

Insurgent (Divergent Series)


We are re-watching Season 1 of Bletchley Circle (which is on Netflix) to ready ourselves for the start of Season 2 on Sunday (4/13/14) on PBS. (Disclaimer – The main characters are trying to solve murders by a serial killer that also violates his victims. It is not graphic but the aftermath of the crime is present.)

We are watching this video of Spiderman and his baby mini me over and over and over again. Matthew is obsessed with it. I don’t know what is funnier, the actual video or Matthew dancing along in his Spiderman costume (and Incredible Hulk physique.) 😉

.* * *

3. What kind of Catholic are you: cradle, or convert? (Or considering?)

I was born Catholic and went to Catholic school although my family didn’t start practicing the faith until I was a tween. I was close to God then but fell away in my early 20’s. When I was at my lowest  I had a reversion back to the faith, contemplated a religious vocation, then realized I was called to be a wife and mother. My conversion continues slowly each day.

* * *

4. Can you point to one moment or experience that made you a practicing Catholic? (Or want to be?)

See #3.

 * * *

5. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Let’s see…I have 1 walking shoes, 1 converse, 2 dressier shoes, and about 6 flats in various colors so I’d say 10. I don’t wear them as much as I used to but I still love my converse and buy them for the kids too. 🙂

* * *

6. Are you a good dancer?

Only when no one is looking. 😉

* * *

7. Who usually drives, you or your husband?

90% of the time the hubs drives. On road trips, he’ll drive the first half while I sit with the kids, unless I have to keep turning around to help them. In that case we need to switch ASAP  because I get car sick if I move around too much. Otherwise, I’ll wait and drive the second half, especially when we are going to So Cal since he hates driving in LA and I’m used to it.

* * *

8. What’s your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate it?

Thanksgiving because it is the beginning of the holiday season. It’s a tradition to spend the week of Thanksgiving with my family. We spend a couple days at Disneyland with all the Christmas decor then we head to my parents for a few days to celebrate the holidays and enjoy each others company. I think I love this time even more than Christmas. 🙂

* * *

9. Which is correct? Left or right?

Definitely the left. I remember as a kid, every time I went to my great-grandma’s house I’d switch her toilet paper roll around because she always had it in wrong. 😉

* * *

10. Do you have any scars?

Well, I have a crooked finger with a broken nail. When I was in pre-school a kid and I were looking at a bike that was upside down with the wheels turned up. The kid spun the wheel around while my hand was on it and my finger got caught and bent on a spoke. It’s been messed up ever since. It’s also the reason I never where nail polish, because of the one wonky nail. Go figure.

* * *

11. What’s the most famous thing you’ve ever done?

(L to R) a.) poem in my journal, b.) “evasion” on the song list in back of CD, c.) page from “handmaid” newsletter/zine, d.) album cover

Hmmm, nothing really. Well, unless you count the time years and years ago after my reversion, I got into the local alternative Christian music scene. I put together a zine about faith and music and poetry. I interviewed one of my favorite hardcore/punkish bands at the time and they asked if they could use one of my poems as lyrics to a song. I was ecstatic. Although I pictured my words being sung by a female singer strumming a guitar, having four awesome hardcore guys yelling into the mic while I took photos onstage was just as cool to me. Sigh, that was a long, long time ago. These days I feel hardcore when I blast the music in my mini van on the way to Target. LOL 😉

If you didn’t get enough you can read my other Leibster/Questionnaire posts –

Make sure to visit Kendra on Sunday where this will be a regular fun activity. 🙂

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd or Instagram. 😉

Five Favorites & Five Things & Liebster Award

NOTE: This is my second post today. If you are looking for a substitute for your Google Reader check out this post – The Pros and Cons of Feedly and Bloglovin’.


Everyone has been playing the “5 Things about Me Game” and Jessica tagged me next.  Fun! Then Rebekah (with the cool new blog banner) nominated me for a Liebster Award. (”Liebster” is a German word meaning “sweetheart, beloved person, darling.” The award is passed on from blogger to blogger to smaller blogs with less than 200 followers.) Yay! I’d love to make 3 separate posts with 5 Faves, 5 Things & Liebster but mama ain’t got no time for dat so you are getting the combo deal.

Here are 5 Favorites that I haven’t already shared on my about me page.

~~ 1 ~~

My Favorite Flowers

I’m not a soft pink and delicate flowers girl. I love red gerber daisies and other bold red and yellow flowers that make you smile. 🙂

~~ 2 ~~

Favorite Icons in My Home (We have quite a few.)

It’s a tie between this icon of Our Lady that has been with me during all the birth of my children…

Or this Divine Mercy icon Brian and I bought on our honeymoon.

~~ 3 ~~

Favorite Retro TV Show


Hands down I Love Lucy. It reminds me of home since we watched it all the time growing up. Whenever I am missing my mom I just pop in the DVD and feel like she’d here laughing with me. (We still quote lines to each other when we talk on the phone.) 🙂

~~ 4 ~~

My Favorite Book

 As much as I love Jane Austen, my all time favorite novel is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. When I was younger I was intrigued by the drama and mystery. However, I was more touched that Jane endured a broken heart and forsake the only man that ever loved her because she would not break God’s commandment. It made a deep impression on me.

~~ 5 ~~

My Favorite Childhood Memory to Relive with My Kids

Source: My sis JC

If you don’t count going on nature walks or going for a drive then going to Disneyland!

If you are short on time or prone to boredom, stop here.

So you’re still with me? All right,  chica! Poor yourself another coffee/juice/wine and enjoy.

Next is the Liebster Awards. Now the official rules are –

  • Thank/link the person that nominated you (Thanks, Rebekah!)
  • Tell 11 things about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked of you
  • Make 11 questions for your own 11 nominees.
  • Link to those 11 nominees, and tell them about it at their blogs.

11 Things about Me

(I actually did a meme like this last year but I’ll only repeat 1 or 2.)

  1. “Bobbi” is not a nickname but my actual name. I love my name and I’m happy that the first born child was going to be named after my dad, boy or girl. (Thanks for not naming me Roberta, mom and dad.)
  2. I’ve never had a professional manicure or pedicure. (But considering that I had my first professional haircut just two years ago,  there may still be hope.)
  3. I am impatient, nosey, messy (close to hoarder territory) and I’m always late. (Although I admit that I’m working on those faults.)
  4. On the other hand, I am caring,  a good listener and I love doing little things to brighten a person’s day.
  5. I’m not a pet person. If it can’t wear a diaper or go in the toilet, I don’t want it in the house. (Although I finally let the kids get two fish. But again, I am stuck cleaning the poop.)
  6. My mom often told me I was a drama queen. (Sooo exaggerated.)
  7. I’m a sucker for guys in jeans, white tees, high hair and  horn rimmed glasses. (Sweetie, guess what you are wearing for Easter? ;-))
  8. I have two weird driving fears. One is when I’m under a tunnel I fear we will have a big earthquake and I’ll be crushed to death. The second is when I’m driving behind a truck with long objects in the bed of the truck (like planks of wood) I’m afraid the driver will get into an accident, the long objects will come loose, crash through my windshield and decapitate me. (Aren’t you glad you don’t live in my head? And now that I think about it, maybe #6 wasn’t so wrong.)
  9. I sometimes watch Disney shows like “Good Luck, Charlie” and “Austin & Ally” even when the kids aren’t home. (omg, did I just admit that out loud?)
  10. If I could eat any convenience store junk food without worry I’d have chili cheese fritos and an orange crush. (I’m so hungry right now.)
  11. I can easily be moved to tears – both happy and sad.

Questions from Rebekah

1. What is your very first memory, even one people deny you can actually remember? My most vivid early memories are riding in the back seat of my dad’s Chevelle and scooting to the edge of my seat and leaning my head on his head rest and feeling the wind blow on my face. This was before the days of mandatory seat belts!

2. What is a talent of yours you feel others underestimate? I don’t know if I’d call it a talent but people don’t know I can be  funny until they get to know me. I remember when I switched departments at work before I got pregnant, my new boss told me that she always thought I was quiet and reserved but after she got to know me she realized what a funny cheek I could be. I am still reserved with new people to this day. I feel better expressing myself writing. (Is that a blogging prerequisite?)

3. What fictional character would you like to spend an afternoon with? Mary Poppins. I’d love her to clean my house and tame my kids. 😉

4. Kirk or Picard? Han Solo, baby.

5. What song can you not stop listening to right now?

Hmmm…if the kids are in the room I’d say TobyMac’s Eye on It. when I am cooking dinner I usually turn on the radio and the boys (Andrew is particular) love to come and “break dance” while I sing along. This is their current fave.

But if I’m alone and in a mellow mood I am still in love with this song from The Lumineers.

6. What day in your past would you like to relive?  My wedding day. It was hands down the best day of my life and I’d love to relive all those memories again.

7. When you were little, what did you enjoy telling people that you wanted to be when you grew up? I planned to be a mother, a teacher and an author. In school I wanted to be a psychologist but worried that I wouldn’t be able to stay emotionally detached from someone’s pain.

8. What advice would you give yourself as a first time mother? Take a deep breath and stop worrying. You are more capable than you think. Trust your gut. And when you can’t take one more day of sleepless nights, crying fits (the baby’s, not yours) and not showering for days, just keep repeating to yourself, “And this too shall pass.”

9. What is your most looked forward to moment of the day? When I kiss the kids goodnight and I receive their hugs and “I love yous” and then I get to snuggle on the couch with Brian and watch a movie (provided Matthew is asleep and didn’t take a late nap.)

10. Who would play you in a movie about your life? many short, plus-sized comedic actresses are there? I don’t know! But since I did mention “Austin and Ally” above , if you take the actress that plays Trish and cut her hair into a dried out frizzy bush, then heck, you’ve got me as a kid!

Now I’m supposed to tag 5 bloggers for Five Things about Me and 11 bloggers for the Liebster but I’m just tagging 5 people. You can do The 5 Thingy or The Liebster or Both. (Or none, if you poop out at parties.) Have fun! 😉

Oh, and if you’ve already been tagged. Sorry. You can skip it too.

I would like to tag Hallie but being in the pregnant state that she is in, I will leave that to her discretion. In the meantime, I tag my sis EML, Andrea, Missy, Colleen, and Kelly.

Here are the questions:

1. Where were you on 3/13/13 when you saw the white smoke or heard that we have a pope?

2. If you had a whole day to yourself (without your kids or hubby) what would you do?

3. What was your favorite childhood cartoon?

4. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

5. What is your favorite prayer or devotion?

6. What is your favorite “go to” outfit to wear?

7. What is something that not many people know about you?

8. Are you a Downton Abbey fan or a “what’s all the fuss about” girl?

9. How did you meet your hubby?

10. What was your favorite song/album/band/artist growing up?

11. What is a lesson you’ve learned that you want to pass on to your children.

That was fun! I hope you enjoyed it too. 🙂

The 10 Commandments for the Digital & Social Media Age

I have been reading about many bloggers who have given up social media for Lent. Alas, I am not that holy and I’m not sure if I would have made it through Ash Wednesday. However, I do think that there needs to be some guidelines for social media use amongst Catholics. Here are my suggestions.


The 10 Commandments for the Digital and Social Media Age

  1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or blogging before Me.
  2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God as OMG.
  3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day and dare to unplug.*
  4. Honor thy father and mother with a real phone call instead of a text, instant message or Facebook post.
  5. Thou shalt not obsessively kill Angry Bird pigs.
  6. Thou shalt not commit adultery by sleeping with your smart phone.
  7. Thou shalt not steal illegally downloaded content.
  8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor and make your Facebook photos, profile and updates seem picture perfect.
  9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s newest electronic gadget.
  10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s Pinterest home décor, body image, fashion style, cooking skills, crafting project or witty sayings.

If you check your phone, you may be able to download a burning bush app to go with this.

*PS – Here’s an update. Shortly after writing this I heard about the National Day of Unplugging. Check out my 7 Quick Takes (3/1/13) for more info.





Love Song Link-Up

Hallie at Betty Beguiles has set up a Love Song Link-Up. How fun! It was hard to narrow it down since my “amore playlist” on my ipod is pretty long but here are some of my favorites. Some may not seem like love songs but they hold meaning to why I love my man.

Love Song by The Cure
This is my ringtone for Brian. He makes me whole and I will always love him.


London Calling by The Clash
I love this because when I met Brian he was an ex-seminarian who listened to Gregorian chant. Later I found out he had a passion for the Clash. I love that (somewhat hidden) bit of rebel rock and roll in him.


Sway with Me by Michael Buble
So fun and flirtatious.


Hey Mama by Mat Kearney
I love Mat Kearney. This song reminds me of the man that made me a mama. (BTW, Andrew and JP love this song and ask to hear it all the time as they sing “Hey Mama, hey, hey Mama…” To them it is their Mama kissing them good night.)


Dream by The Cranberries
I’ve listened to the Cranberries for years but this song in particular reminds me of the movie “You’ve Got Mail” about an online romance. I went to see that movie just after receiving a package and love letter in the mail from my own online suitor.


Return to Me by Dean Martin
Being 400 miles away from one another, it was hard to be apart. Brian sent me a cassette (remember those?!) of a Dean Martin album with special emphasis on this song.


Signed, Sealed, Delivered by Stevie Wonder
A week before we were married I finally moved to Carmel and after our wedding I could finally say, “Ooh, baby, here I am. Signed, sealed. delivered. I’m yours.” 😉


The Everglow by Mae
“So be here by my side, and watch the stars…”


My Idea of Heaven by Leigh Nash



My honey gives me a taste of heaven on earth.


One and Only by Adele

After all the many years of trying to find love and feeling like giving up, God had mercy on me and gave me my one and only.


A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
I’ve technically only known Brian for a little over 13 years yet it feels like I’ve known him my whole life and more.


You Are loved by Josh Groban
This song always brings a tear to my eye. It first reminds me of God’s love and how I had to fall in love with Him first before I was ready to find the man who would love me more than any other woman in the world.
