Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Posts in 7 Days (Day 1): Mommyhood Butt Kicking & Spiritual PMS

The other day the marvelous Jen challenged fellow bloggers to take the 7 Posts in 7 Days Challenge. I wasn’t going to do it but after I read her post I could not help but laugh because all her reasons why you should are things that I have thought to myself many, many times. Then when I saw my sister join in and so many of my favorite bloggers join in, I wanted to be a part of it too. The only problem is that I made that decision early this morning but I have not had a chance to get on the computer until now…11:29 PM to be exact. My eyes are heavy and my pillow is calling my name so I will allow myself exactly 11 minutes to write then I am calling it a night.

Here we go…

It’s been a weird couple of weeks for me, interiorly, I mean. There were a few days when mommyhood was giving me a serious butt kicking and I just could not take another minute of it. I love being a mom but there are moments that I just want to shut the bathroom door and have a good cry. Thankfully, those days are few and far between but I always enjoy hearing when other moms say that they are having a tough time with motherhood too. Not because I relish in their struggle but because I look up to these moms and I sometimes feel inferior to them and if THEY have struggles, then I feel like it is okay that I do too.

Sometimes we just need a break away from it all. A couple weeks ago Brian could see that I was struggling and he told me that he’d put the kids to bed and that I could go out to the movies. Instead of playing the martyr (like I sometimes do) and complain that I couldn’t possibly get away I gave him a big kiss, grabbed my jacket and ate popcorn while I watched zombies try to take over the world. That little break was just what the doctor ordered.

Other times it’s not a movie I need but it is quiet time with Our Lord. When I was really struggling I also knew that my date for monthly confession was coming up. It is like I have spiritual PMS. The week before my scheduled monthly visit to the confessional I get extra cranky, impatient and generally difficult to live with. (I have even checked my chart to make sure it wasn’t real PMS but no, it did not coincide. ;-)) Plus, after I’ve gone to confession I can feel a weigh come off me and my spiritual cramping subsiding. (Okay, this is getting weird. I am more tired than I think and my time is up.)

So I guess my point is – don’t feel guilty if you don’t always feel bright and cheery in the midst of the battlefield. Sometimes you just need a break to recharge. Also, make sure you are getting to Confession at the very least once a month, more if needed. That along with prayer and extra Masses when you can (I could use improvement on that score) will do wonders to give you the grace to not only survive but thrive in your vocation.

Okay, that’s it for tonight. Have a blessed sleep! xoxo

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Five Favorites, Vol 4


~~ 1 ~~

Flor Larios

One of my favorite etsy artists is Flor Larios. I love her colorful, Mexican style. I have this cross hanging up in my kitchen. I wanted to get my newly engaged sister one for the kitchen of her future home so I bought her this one since she and her fiance have a devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe.


Here is some of her other artwork I’ve purchased.

(Photo Credits: Flor Larios.)

~~ 2 ~~

Crunchmaster Multi-Grain Crackers

I picked up a box of these crackers at Costco on a whim and the family and I fell in love with them. Even my picky Andrew enjoys them. Add a little hummus or slice of low-fat cheese and you have snacking deliciousness. Plus, they also happen to be Gluten -free if that is a concern for you.

~~ 3 ~~

The Voice


While I am snacking on my cracker goodness, I like to watch The Voice. In the past I have watched two or three seasons of American Idol but it got old, especially after Simon left. And now that Nicki Minaj is on it, I certainly won’t watch. (I like to relax in the evening, not be annoyed.) I saw the first season of The Voice but let the other seasons pass. Then the other night I was came upon the show again and was hooked. All the singers are actually talented. I like the two new judges and the playful banter between all the judges is fun to watch. It’s a nice little diversion from the busyness of life.

~~ 4 ~~

Inside Out Bag

I saw this bag being modeled on Instagram by Karianna over at (who sells Thirty-One Products) and I couldn’t wait to order one. I had been looking for a simple bag that size and the colors are so spring-ish, it’s perfect. The fact that it is reversible is an added bonus!

~~ 5 ~

Succulent Plants

I love that we live in such a green area. I love taking photos of gorgeous spring flowers. I’d also love to plant flowers and herbs in the spring. What I don’t love? That I forget to water my plants and garden every freakin year and my lovely flowers die and my luscious herb garden soon becomes a bed of dried herbs. I finally gave up the gardens for now and instead invest in nice succulent plants that are forgiving of my forgetful nature. I just picked these three up at Trader Joe today. Score one for Bobbi Green Black Thumb.

Thanks to Hallie and sweet Baby Charlie for hosting!

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Theme Thursday: Hats or Scarves

One of my favorite gals (wow, that sounded a little Barney Fife) is hosting another FUN photography link-up called Theme Thursday. Thank fully, you don’t actually have to be a photographer to link up a photo. This week’s theme is Hats or Scarves.

On Sunday, Brian and I had the opportunity to go out to dinner at Pebble Beach (where Brian works.) It was much needed outing after Brian’s surgery and all the stress we’ve been under lately. I love the Spanish Bay Inn there and they have a great restaurant called Sticks.  It is a tradition that each evening The Bagpiper plays at sunset to close the day. While we were walking to the restaurant I saw him heading over to the greens in his full outfit, hat included. I wanted to get a snapshot of him close up but there were all these crazy people with their iphones getting up close and personal. (At least I do my stalking from a distance.)

I gave up on the idea and enjoyed my meal instead. But then I realized that paparazzi had left and The Bagpiper was alone. I snapped this photo of him. Sorry, I couldn’t get you a nice photo with a real camera, instead you get a shot from inside the restaurant, against a smudgy window, using my iphone but it was fun none the less!


Thanks again to Cari for hosting! Come back next week when the theme is “Leaves or Trees.”



Catholic Woman’s Almanac (11/12/12) – Vol 4


Hosted by Jenny at Suscipio.

Moments of Gratitude…
~ For all the sacrifices made by our veterans, the military and their families.
~ For mornings with no alarm clocks.
~ For snuggles and kisses from your babies.
~ For seven short days until I can see my mom, dad and siblings again! (Except for you EL, I miss you!)
Beauty in the Ordinary…
It may be a little early but a beautiful Christmas carol can stir your heart with love of God and neighbor. Who couldn’t use more of that??
From the Kitchen…
I have been craving something pumpkin – so either cookies or muffins.
~ For all the souls of veterans, especially those most forgotten.
~ For our military and their families, especially our friends and loved ones.
~ For a friend who just discovered she has liver cancer.
Nothing profound, rather, I am wondering why I am making a post when I should be packing for our trip to So Cal next week. (This time next week we’ll be in Disneyland!)
The Christmas issue of Real Simple magazine.
The Story of A Soul by St. Therese
Around the House…
I woke up this morning and I am still smitten with happiness over the new corner of my bedroom. The more I try to clean, declutter and organize, the more I understand what already organized people say – in the long run it will make your life
easier and happier! LOL.
Listening to…
The sounds of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and the kids exclaiming, I wish we could have popcorn and jellybeans for Thanksgiving!
Working on…
I am moving the blog over to WordPress but I still have bugs and many pages to clean up. It should be up and running in a few weeks.
Oh, and I just remembered that tomorrow is Making It Count Tuesday. I’ve got to get my post and the link-up done to post tonight! Be sure to share any recipes, projects, crafts or lessons you’ve been working on!
Posts I’ve Starred in Google Reader…
Being Thankful [Free Printable Thankful Cards]
Advent and the Year of Faith from
2012 Printable Advent Chain from
Items I’ve Pinned…
Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle Soup Great for cold season.
Slow Cooker Pizza Soup Never heard of that before but looks tasty.
Hot Cocoa Cookies Can you say YUM!!
Trader Joe’s Paper Bag Gift Wrap Love!
Arripidae dress from Shabby Apple I couldn’t pull this off but what a cute Christmas or New Years dress this would be!
What I’ve Been Watching
This weekend I wanted to catch up on my DVR-ed Calling the Midwife but I realized the final episode didn’t get recorded. Grr. I just finished watching the episode with the brother that died and Chummy with the pig. I think this was my least favorite episode so far. The brother and sister storyline, well, I couldn’t really wrap my head around that. I felt like I was being emotionally manipulated to think it was okay. And Chummy…I love the girl but she drove me crazy with that darn pig. She couldn’t take a moment to change her flippin dress?! But her boyfriend, what a sweetheart. I’ll have to see if I can find the show online. I am dying to see how it goes when Chummy meets her boyfriend’s mother.
Plans for the Week…
~ Pack!! (Preferably not at the last minute.)
From my walk the other day…


They’ve been doing construction on the Mission’s roof to make everything earthquake safe.

Have a great day!


Prayer After An Election



Here is a prayer from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) website.

After Election Prayer

God of all nations,
Father of the human family,
we give you thanks for the freedom we exercise
and the many blessings of democracy we enjoy
in these United States of America.
We ask for your protection and guidance
for all who devote themselves to the common good,
working for justice and peace at home and around the world.
We lift up all our duly elected leaders and public servants,
those who will serve us as president, as legislators and judges,
those in the military and law enforcement.
Heal us from our differences and unite us, O Lord,
with a common purpose, dedication, and commitment
to achieve liberty and justice
in the years ahead for all people,
and especially those who are most vulnerable in our midst.