Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Friday Favorites & Link-up (Vol. 21) & 7QT

Happy Friday! I haven’t done a Friday Favorites since last year so today’s the perfect day to catch up.

Since I have seven faves, I’m also linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

(Note: Revolution of Love is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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This Week’s Fave Activity

Being Creative

I’m not an artist, but I have a need to create, whether it is a blog post, hand lettering, taking a photo, decorating my planner or making our home look pretty. It brings me joy to make something new or bring a little beauty to my surroundings. How do you express your creativity?


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This Week’s Etsy Artist


I have lots of totes, but this is one of my favorites. I bought it a couple years back, but I still love using it. I have many pieces from Flor Larios in our home and just purchased a couple more small pieces that were on sale. Some of her items would make great gifts for Confirmation or Mother’s Day.

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This Week’s Fave Book

Go Bravely by Emily Wilson Hussem

When I was at last year’s Blessed Is She’s Wild retreat, I heard Emily Wilson Hussem speak. We knew each other online, but it was the first time we met in person. She is an amazing woman of God, beautiful inside and out. I happily purchased her book Go Bravely to give to my teenage daughter. However, I wanted to read it first. Unfortunately (or fortunately,) I landed out having to buy a second copy for my daughter because I made so many underlines and notes in the margin. I am a couple decades over the target audience, but this book touched me deeply. Emily speaks with such love, compassion and fire that you cannot help but be motivated to be braver in your life and in your relationship with God. Granted, there are a couple of chapters that did not apply to me (ie. dating,) but those chapters were great to share with my daughter. Whether you are a young adult or far from it, there is wisdom and truth to be found in Go Bravely. I highly recommend it.


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This Week’s Fave Children’s Books

California Young Readers Nominees

Once a week, I lead a library class at my son’s school. All month we’ve been reading nominees of the California Young Reader’s Medal. This week the students voted for their favorite story. They were all really funny or sweet books, but my personal favorite was Mother Bruce. ๐Ÿ™‚

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This Week’s Fave Saints

St. John the Baptist and St. John the Apostle

My two saints of the year have been praying along side me this Lent. St. John the Baptist has been inspiring me to be courageous and make straight the way of the Lord. St. John the Apostle has been challenging me to love God deeper and to remain faithful to Him even when life gets rough. What saints have been helping you lately?

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This Week’s Fave Show


Earlier this month, one of my online friends suggested that I might like the show Supernatural. I had seen commercials for it over the years, but never sat down to watch an episode. Since I enjoyed shows like Vampire Diaries, The Originals and Grimm, I gave it a try. After the first episode, I was hooked. I waited for Brian to watch any more and now we are both hooked. We suddenly understand what all the Supernatural craze is about. We have been binge watching it in the evenings after the kids go to bed and this weekend we will finish season 2. My goal is to catch up over spring and summer so we can watch the final season 15 live. I’ll keep you posted. (Content warning: I’ve only seen the first two seasons, but so far there is TV14 bloody violence and some episodes have adult situations. The theology of the afterlife, demons, spirits and such is not completely in line with Catholic theology, but it definitely is a reminder of the reality of spiritual warfare. This is not everyone’s cup of tea, although it is mine.) ๐Ÿ˜‰


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This Week’s Fave Recipe

Slow Cooker Lentil Soup

It’s a Lenten Friday so we’re going with a meatless meal of slow cooker Lentil soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. I love this soup! It is really tasty. In fact, I need to start cooking, so I’d better wrap it up!

Those are my favorites of the week! What have you been enjoying?

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Want to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with your Friday Favorites.

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.

3. If you want to add the logo to your post, here is the html.

<p style=”text-align: center;”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-10649″ src=”” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ /></p>

4. Make sure youโ€™re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. The link-up will be open for two weeks. Have fun!

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Friday Favorites & Link-up (Vol 19)

Happy Friday, friends! I’m glad you could join me! Here are this week’s favorites.

Since I have seven faves, I’m also linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

(Note: Revolution of Love is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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This Week’s Fave Activity

Decorating the House & Prepping for Advent

Yesterday, I spent the day decorating the house and setting up our Advent activities. (This extra week between Thanksgiving and Advent really gave me a boost, since I’m usually really behind!)

I shared the process on Instastories and many of you asked for the links to various items I used. You can find them all here – What are your favorite Advent activities?

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This Week’s Fave Advent Activity with the Kids

Revolution of Love Blog - A letter to Baby Jesus (Instead of Santa) - letter_baby_jesusW

Letter to Baby Jesus

This remains not only a fun activity for my boys, but one of the most popular posts on my blog. Instead of having the boys write the traditional letters to Santa, I put together a simple form letter that I could print off and give everyone in the family to fill out.ย  We decide on a spiritual we’ll work on during Advent as a gift to Jesus, who we will especially pray for and what presents we hope to get to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. When they were done, they folded up their letters and put them in their shoes for St. Nicholas to deliver to Baby Jesus.

If you’d like to print of a copy of the Letter to Baby Jesus for your little ones, I posted the PDF here. Also, I made a second version for those who don’t want the Santa aspect. It can be found here. ๐Ÿ™‚ For the full post, click here – A Favorite Advent Tradition: A Christmas Letter to Baby Jesus (Instead of Santa)

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This Week’s Fave App

The Christmas List App

Now that my Advent items are ready and my house is almost decorated, I am ready to tackle the Christmas shopping. For the last few years I’ve been using The Christmas List App.

I keep track of my gifts and categorize them by groups – family, friends, school, etc. I have shopping lists organized by store. I set a budget and keep track of my progress. I am usually always about the paper and pencil, but in this case, I love this app!


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This Week’s Fave Movies with my Kids

The Grinch and Ralph Breaks the Internet

The popcorn has been flowing with two movies in two weeks. I was dragging my feet with The Grinch, but it was cute and funny. The Grinch was more grouchy than down-right mean, but it still worked. We all enjoyed it. Besides, it has Benedict Cumberbatch and Christmas. What more could you want? ๐Ÿ˜‰

I was not a huge fan of the first Ralph movie. There was nothing wrong, it just didn’t grab me as something I’d watch twice. However, I did enjoy the sequel Ralph Breaks the Internet a lot more. Maybe it was all the funny social media references or it could have been the show stealing Disney princesses, but I actually had fun and enjoyed it as much as my kids. Thumbs up on both movies.

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This Week’s Fave Online Shopping Destination

I am a huge fan of Amazon, but this year I bought a number of unique gifts from Etsy shops. If you are looking for some new shops to browse, check out Blessed Is She’s Catholic Holiday Gift Guide. Many of my favorite shops are listed in there! Here are some of the gifts I bought this year:

Marian Journal Set and Stickers by Be A Heart

Mother of Our Savior by Brass & Mint Co

ย Punch the Devil in the Face Mug by Just Love Prints

Verso L’alto Embroidered Baseball Cap by Just Love Prints

FOREVER ONE BLESSINGS for Mr. & Mrs. by My Saint My Hero

Adore Him Red Beaded Bracelet ย by Pink Salt Riot

God Walks Among the Pots and Pans by Rose Harrington

Sacred Heart & Immaculate Heart Pouch by Someday Saints Designs

Sacred Heart Pin and Print Bundle by Wild Hope Co

There are so many other great gifts to choose from! Check it out.

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This Week’s Fave Christmas Album by a Male Artist

The Advent of Christmas by Matt Maher

We love listening to Matt Maher and were excite to see that he came out with a new Christmas album. It is already a family fave. My favorite song on the album? The catchy rendition of Hark the Herald Angel Sing.


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This Week’s Fave Christmas Album by a Female Artist

Behold by Lauren Daigle

There are two new amazing Christmas albums this year! I love Lauren Daigle’s voice and her new Christmas album is a welcome addition to our collection. My fave song on the album? The toe tapping Jingle Bells.

Okay, all this talk about Christmas albums makes me wonder, what are your favorite Christmas albums? Mine include the above two and…

Those are my favorites of the week! What have you been enjoying?

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Are you ready to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with your Friday Favorites.

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.

3. If you want to add the logo to your post, here is the html.

<p style=”text-align: center;”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-10649″ src=”” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ /></p>

4. Make sure youโ€™re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. The link-up will be open for two weeks. Have fun!

Friday Favorites & Link-up (Vol 18)

Happy Friday, friends! I’m glad you could join me! Here are this week’s favorites.

Since I have seven faves, I’m also linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

(Note: Revolution of Love is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to


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This Week’s Fave Liturgical Print

All Souls Day Prayer & Family Photos

For All Souls Day, I made a print using PicMonkey to display the photos of relatives who have recently died, along with The Faithful Departed prayer. We placed the photo on our little prayer table in the family room (next to where we eat) and we recite the prayer during our nightly family prayer. We’ll continue to do so for the month of November.

A couple people asked me about the print when I showed it on Instagram, so I downloaded the photo to Google Drive. You could download the photo template and use PicMonkey to make your own version, like I did, or you can simply print out a copy and write in the name of your loved ones or even tape their photo(s) to it. You can do it now and use it for the remainder of November or save it for next year.

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This Week’s Fave Photo Challenge


This month Iโ€™m focusing on being grateful, especially when Iโ€™m tempted to complain or focus on the negative. I’m doing a photo challenge for the month of November with no prompts, simply take a photo of something youโ€™re grateful for and tag it #rolgratitudechallenge.

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This Week’s Fave Journal

Photo credit:

Lara Casey’s Write the Word Journal (Cultivate Gratitude)

I have long been a fan of Lara Casey’s Goal Planning and Powersheets, but she also has lovely Write the Word Scripture Journals.

Each day there is a Scripture verse for you to write. Writing it out helps to to not only remember it, but ponder it as you are writing. There is also space to journal or be creative. There are a number of different subjects for each journal (Hope, Joy, Prayer, Forgiveness, etc) but I chose to use the Gratitude Journal during November.


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This Week’s Fave Subscription Box

Feast Day Box

Subscription boxes are big these days and you can pretty much find ones in any subject matter. In our house, we’ve purchased boxes for planner addicts (me), Disney lovers (me and Bella), and football fans (Packers – Brian & Chargers – Andrew). I’ve seen some really nice Catholic boxes, but they would have suited our family when the kids were younger.

The Feast Day box is both fun and spiritually uplifting. Each monthly box contains food items to help you celebrate a liturgical feast and a spiritual item to help you prayerfully celebrate the feast. It’s the best of both worlds and I love it. You can find the box that fits your price range and family size. We subscribe to the Memorial Boxes.

Here is the October Memorial Box.

Here is the November Memorial Box.

The food treats were eaten and enjoyed. The book is being readย  and the candle is lit during our night prayers.

The Thanksgiving Cornucopia box just arrived int he mail so we’ll be doing a box opening on Instagram this weekend. ๐Ÿ™‚

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This Week’s Fave Spiritual Tool

Every Sacred Sunday Mass Journal

Of all the journals I have ever owned in my life, the Every Sacred Sunday Mass Journal has been the most life changing. I kid you not. I am the type of person who always absorbs information better when I am visually looking at it and not just hearing it audibly, so having the Mass readings is a must for me. Of course, I could have just followed along in the church missal, but with the journal I can underline, write notes in the margins and handletter favorite Psalms. The book also has a notes section, which I use to take notes about the homily. (No more zoning out or dozing off.) ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s really helps me to focus on the Mass, the homily and what the Holy Spirit is trying to teach me. I have friends who can’t take notes during Mass because they are wrangling babies and toddlers, but they love the Mass Journal because it gives them a chance to go over the Readings before Mass, or after, so they can still be blessed by studying God’s Word. The 2018-2019 Edition is available to pre-order. I bought one for me, and Bella asked for one as an early Christmas gift. Love it.

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This Week’s Fave Non-Journaling Sunday Missal

St. Joseph Sunday Missal 2019

For the man and boys in our family, they don’t want a journaling Sunday missal. They wanted something small with the Mass readings. Brian has been using the St. Joseph Sunday Missal 2018 Edition this year and the boys really wanted to graduate from the Magnificat Magnifikid Missal, which we loved, into one like their father’s so Brian ordered a copy of the 2019 St. Joseph Sunday Missal for each of them. They only coast $1.99 at Amazon, so you can’t beat the price!


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This Week’s Fave Necklace

Jane Eyre Quote Necklace

When I posted a photo on Instagram, a couple of you asked about the necklace I was wearing. It’s from the etsy shop AnnaAzure.

Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books and I love this quote, “Wherever you are is my home – my only home.” They have a lot of many other great book quotes. Check it out.

Okay, that’s it for now!

Those are my favorites of the week! What have you been enjoying?

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Are you ready to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with your Friday Favorites.

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.

3. If you want to add the logo to your post, here is the html.

<p style=”text-align: center;”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-10649″ src=”” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ /></p>

4. Make sure youโ€™re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. The link-up will be open for two weeks. Have fun!

Friday Favorites & Link-up (Vol 17)

Happy Friday, friends! I took a month off from posting but the kids are home from school and I’m warm and cozy on this cool fall morning so I thought I’d get back at it. Since it’s Friday and I have so many great items to share with you, this is the perfect opportunity. I’m glad you could join me! Here are this week’s favorites.

Since I have seven faves, I’m also linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

(Note: Revolution of Love is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to


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This Week’s Fave Books

Little Women and Anne of Green Gables

Okay, I’ll admit that I’ve already read both of these books before, but Costco was promoting “The Great American Read” and had these gorgeous books on sale. They added beauty to my book shelf and have inspired me to add them to my “read again” book list.

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This Week’s Fave Happy Mail (Part 1)

Someday Saints Designs Accessories Pouch

I have long been a fan of Gina from SomedaySaints and have enjoyed the products in her etsy shop Someday Saints Designs.

Me with Brittany, Blythe and Gina. Gotta love that playful smile!

We’ve kept in touch online for years, but last month I finally had the chance to meet Gina face to face at the Blessed Is She Team Retreat in Arizona. I pictured her much taller but she is petite, beautiful, loving, fun and talented!

I am a sucker for a cute accessories pouch to corral all the loose items in my tote bags or car or a kids’ backpack. When I saw her Sacred Heart Immaculate Heart Pouch, I bought it to put the smaller items from my prayer/adoration time tote bag. She added her “Mother’s Litany” as an added gift. Love it!


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This Week’s Fave Happy Mail (Part 2)

JoyfulHopeLettering Print

Sarah from JoyfulHopeLetting had an Instagram Giveaway for one of her lovely prints and guess who won?! Yours truly. Woohoo! I was having a rough day when her lovely package came in the mail. She even took one of the quotes from a Blessed Is She devotion I write and wrote it in her pretty lettering. I was really touched. Thank you, Sarah.


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This Week’s Fave App

A screenshot of my notebooks.

Notebook by Zoho

I’m all about old school paper, journals, pens and using hardcopy planners, but I am also attached to my phone and the convenience of digital. Although I use paper and pen, it is not always convenient to jot down notes when I am in the middle of working or brainstorming while I am taking a walk on the beach. That is why I love the Notebook app by Zoho. When I am out and about and think of something I need to do or have a blog idea I want to capture, I use the app to get the info down.

I used to just use the notes section on my iPhone, but I found this app to be more versatile and enjoyable to use. I have different notebooks for various subjects and have the option to use different templates such as text, check lists, voice notes, draw or capture a photo. At the end of the day I can review my notes and add any pertinent information into my planner. For me, it’s the best of both worlds.

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This Week’s Fave Netflix Binge (that Brian will watch with me)

The Good Cop

It seems like so far, my friends either love this show or are indifferent. Personally, Brian and I both loved it. Josh Groban and Tony Danza pay father and son police officers and they are literally the “good cop/ bad cop” odd couple. First, I have a soft spot for Josh Groban, so I love his squeaky clean character. And Tony Danza is hilarious as the morally ambiguous father that you can’t help but love, despite his ethics. It’s fun, playful and cleaner than some of the other shows we’ve tried. Check it out on Netflix.

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This Week’s Fave Photographer

Lexy Popa Photography

Speaking of the Blessed Is She Retreat from #2, on the last day we had headshots taken by Lexy Popa. She was so sweet and fun and she did an amazing job capturing all the ladies. I felt a little silly posing as she instructed, as you can tell from the shot she got of me laughing, but in the end I was happy with the results. If you live in the Arizona and need a photographer, don’t hesitate to contact her!

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This Week’s Fave Advent Prep

Blessed Is She Advent Journal/Bundle

At midnight on November 1st, it is officially the holiday season in our house. (Although, I may have snuck a few Christmas carols ahead of time.) ๐Ÿ˜‰ But along with the holiday season, I am preparing for Advent too. I know it may seem early but dang it, time is just flying by so freakin fast! It’ll be Advent before you know it. There are a number of great Advent journals and tools, but you know that I am partial to the Blessed Is She products. I purchased my Advent Bundle that included the gorgeous journal (written by Shannon Evans and designed by Erica Tighe), the Magnificat beeswax candle made with frankincense and myrrh essential oils, and a imago Dei canvas wristlet pouch. Make sure to get your before they sell out. ๐Ÿ™‚

Okay, that’s it for now!

Those are my favorites of the week! What have you been enjoying?

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Are you ready to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with your Friday Favorites.

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.

3. If you want to add the logo to your post, here is the html.

<p style=”text-align: center;”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-10649″ src=”” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ /></p>

4. Make sure youโ€™re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. The link-up will be open for two weeks. Have fun!

Friday Favorites & Link-up (Vol 16)

Happy Friday Saturday, friends! Yes, I’m a day late so it is Friday Favorites on a Saturday. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad you could join me! Here are this week’s favorites.

Since I have seven faves, I’m also linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

(Note: Revolution of Love is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to


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This Week’s Fave Fall Preview

Fall Colored Flowers

Yesterday, I went to our local farmers market and I couldn’t resist bringing home some fall colored flowers. I love they way they brighten the room and make it feel like my favorite season.

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This Week’s Fave Activity

Morning Beach Walks

I haven’t been on my morning beach walks for almost a month, but the other day I was just feeling overwhelmed with stress and tough things happening in life and I needed to get away. This is my favorite spot to take a deep breath and center myself back on God. You can’t help but take one look at the mighty power and vastness of the ocean and think – the God who made that it certainly able to get me though whatever problems I have right now. Balance restored. Plus, living near the coast, our summers are usually gray and foggy. Once September arrives the fog is lifted and we have sunny days again.


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This Week’s Fave Listen

Rosary Army’s Audio Rosary

One of my goals this month was to more often turn off the TV or music playlist and pray the rosary instead. Sometimes, I pray in our local chapel and sometimes I pray while I’m doing laundry and dishes. When I can’t keep track of the rosary, I like to listen to an audio rosary. The old one I used to listen to no longer works so I was looking for a new version. I was excited to find the Rosary Army App. I’ve long been fans of Greg and Jennifer Willits and their work with the Rosary Army. I tried their rosary app and love it. All the mysteries are available. There is a page with the prayers in writing – I use this during our school rosary group for those parents who are unfamiliar with all the prayers. There’s even a page with pictures of the mystery for visual inspiration. It’s great and I use quite often.


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This Week’s Fave Accessory

Marian Bandana from Be A Heart

Anyone familiar with Blessed Is She, most likely is also familiar of the beautiful artwork of Erica Tighe. She designed the amazing planners, journals, prints and more. She has a company called Be A Heart and she is selling these adorable Marian Bandanas. It is made of 100% cotton and is 22in x 22in.

And if you know me, you also know that I wear bandanas as scarves in my hair all the time. I got one for my bday and I love it! It can be used as a scarf, kerchief or handbag tie, to name a few ideas.Get one before they sell out. ๐Ÿ™‚

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This Week’s Fave Bracelets Bracelet

Speaking of my birthday, when Brian asked me what I wanted, I told him that I’d love a “gift card” to purchase something at the SCRC Conference we were attending the following week.

One of my favorite vendors table was from who sold beautiful items such as rosaries and jewelry.

I love beaded bracelets and bought these three – a navy, a multicolored and a double wrap pink one.ย  I’m thinking of special ordering the multicolored beads in a double wrap bracelet. They’re so pretty!

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This Week’s Fave Netflix Binge

Kim’s Convenience

The other day I was looking for a new comedy that I could binge watch as I did housework (after my rosary ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). I found Kim’s Convenience and thought it not only hilarious but heartfelt. Netflix describes it as such: “While running a convenience store in Toronto, members of a Korean-Canadian family deal with customers, each other and the evolving world around them.” There is some TV-14 humor, but nothing explicit. It’s a lot of fun.


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This Week’s Fave Weekend Activity

Movie Date with My Son

With four kids, we often enjoying doing things as a family but just as I need time alone with Brian, I think it’s good for the kids to have time alone with me. It can be as simple as going to the market together or taking a walk. It’s easier to do that with my younger boys, but as my oldest boy enters the pre-teen years, it’s a little more challenging. When I saw the preview for Alpha, I knew this would be a movie Andrew would enjoy and being rated PG-13, it was something we could do without his brothers. So this afternoon, we’ll be having some mom and son bonding over popcorn, peanut M&M’s and movie viewing.

Okay, that’s it for now!

Those are my favorites of the week! What have you been enjoying?

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Are you ready to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with your Friday Favorites.

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.

3. If you want to add the logo to your post, here is the html.

<p style=”text-align: center;”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-10649″ src=”” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ /></p>

4. Make sure youโ€™re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. The link-up will be open for two weeks. Have fun!