Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Friday Favorites & Link-up Vol 3: Lent Edition & #7QT

I’d love to make Friday Favorites a regular thing so I’ll be (attempting) to post it every 1st and 3rd Friday. I’ll keep it a link-up so you can join along if you’d like. Okay, here are this week’s favorites: Lent Edition.

(Note: Revolution of Love is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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This Week’s Fave Meme

 Farewell, Sweets


As a family we give up sweets for Lent. It is day three and I’m already Jonesing for some chocolate. It’s going to be a looong Lent. 😉

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This Week’s Fave Retreat

Pray More Lenten Retreat

Lent is the perfect time to stop, recharge my spiritual batteries and abide with HIM. Being able to attend an online retreat at my own pace is priceless so I registered for the Pray More Lenten Retreat, a self-paced online retreat. (And it is literally priceless. You pay what you can afford.) Speakers include Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck, Fr. Thomas Quinn, Beth Davis (of Blessed Is She), Allison Gringras (of Reconciled To You), and Dr. Scott Powell. Will you be joining me?

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This Week’s Fave Praying Tool

Blessed Is She Lent Journal

I have been using BIS journals since they started years ago, so I am a bit biased about how amazing they are. I love them and always get so much out of using it. (FYI, the journal is sold out but the digital version is still available.)

Although I am using the BIS Lent journal, there have never been so many great options! There is also Elizabeth Foss’ Above All, authored by a number of lovely Catholic ladies. There are many other Catholic blogs and communities offering Lenten resources to make this a holy Lent.


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This Week’s Fave Journal for Kids

Selah: A Prayer Journal for Kids

I love the Blessed Is She Selah journal that I use when it’s not Advent or Lent. Now there is a companion journal for your kids!

BIS just released Selah: A Prayer Journal for Kids. I love that it is gender neutral so I can buy it for my boys to use during Lent.


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This Week’s Fave Spotify List

Lent Season

Along with sweets, I have also given up the radio/secular music for Lent. Instead I will listen to podcasts or praise and worship/ Christian music. I made a Lent playlist to get me started. Some songs are upbeat and some are mellow but they all turn my heart to God.  I’d like to add more songs so if you have a favorite song or Lent playlist (or Catholic podcast) you think I might enjoy, please share it with me in the comments or social media. (You can find me at all the usual hangouts @bobbi_rol.) Thanks! 🙂


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This Week’s Fave Books

I am also adding some spiritual reading. These are the first two on my list.

Praying With a Pen Paperback by Mary Beth Weisenburger


Little Sins Mean a Lot: Kicking Our Bad Habits Before They Kick Us by Elizabeth Scalia


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This Week’s Fave Prayer Place

Mission Chapel

This morning I had a full schedule and was debating whether or not I should go to Mission Chapel to pray my morning prayers. Everything in me wanted to skip it, rationalizing that I wouldn’t get all my stuff done in time. But I could feel Our Lord tugging at my heart… “You can’t spare 15 minutes of your 24 hour day to sit with me?” Sigh. I couldn’t say no. I went into the Chapel and apologized for my reluctance.

I read through my BIS Lent journal/devotional and poured my heart out to God. I was surprised to realize I had been in there for over 1/2 an hour and Benediction with Jesus in the monstrance was about to happen. That prayer time touched my heart so deeply, I walked out in tears. God was moving in me in ways I would not have experienced today had I skipped that morning prayer time. I had to rearrange my schedule a bit but it all worked out in the end. So the next time God tugs as t your heart, listen. 🙂

Well, that’s it for now! What have you been enjoying this week?

And don’t forget to enter the contest to win these two 11×14 prints from Welcome Bee.


Lastly, I’m linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify. 😉

Are you ready to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with your Friday Favorites.

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.

3. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. The link-up will be open for two weeks. Have fun!

Friday Favorites & Link-up Vol 2 & #7QT

I had so much fun last week with Friday Favorites, I’m back again, although a little later in the day than expected. Here are the things that I am loving this week. 🙂

(Note: Revolution of Love is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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This Week’s Fave Charity

Children of Compassion

For the last couple of weeks my boys have been raising money for Children of Compassion, which helps orphaned and disabled in Africa get a Catholic education. What I loved about the experience  was that it was more than a nameless charity. The boys had a number of Facebook Live sessions in the classroom where they met, talked and sang songs for the kids in Africa. When a financial goal was met and another scholarship was paid we knew the child’s name and saw their picture. It brought the experience to life and gave heart to the boys’ charitable endeavors.

Today, after finding sponsors to donate money (thank you, generous givers if you happen to be reading this!) they ran a mile to complete their fundraiser. It was a great way to end Catholic schools week! (I love this charity so much I’ll be writing more about it in a separate blog post.)


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This Week’s Fave Old School Activity

Letter Writing

This month is International Correspondence Writing Month (known as InCoWrMo.) For the last couple of years I have participated in the #InCoWrMo challenge in which I pledge to mail or give one letter, card or note to someone every day this month. With Valentine’s Day and numerous family birthdays in February, I’ve got a head start, which is good because except for Christmas cards, I haven’t sent out much mail this year. (Although I am happy that my Catholic pen pal group has recently turned one year old!)

mail_vs_emailSource: Unknown

But this month is my chance to make up for it! Do you want me so send you a note saying hello? I’ll send a short note/card to the first ten readers who email me their mailing address {rol (at)} or you can DM me on social media. (I’m on all the basics @bobbi_rol.) I’m ready for some happy writing!


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This Week’s Fave Book

A Man Called Ove

Last week I asked for recommendations regarding which classic book I should read next from a list of unread titles. The most votes went to Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and second place to Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I added both to my 2018 Reading List. However, I took so long to decide and check out the book, I started reading A Man Called Ove since it was already on my book shelf. I’m halfway though and really enjoying it so far. I will tackle Frankenstein once I’m done. (And thanks for the recommendations!)


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This Week’s Fave Catholic Item/ Print

Love Endures by Welcome Bee

February is here so it’s time for Valentine decor in the house. I bought a pretty frame on clearance last year but didn’t have a 11×14 print to go inside it until now. Welcome Bee is having a sale so I picked up this Love Endures print. It’s perfect!

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This Week’s Fave Snack

Kirkland Organic Nacho Cheese Multigrain Tortilla Chips

It’s Super Bowl weekend so you know what that means… the big party game! Yeah, I’m not much of a sport fan unless it’s the Packers (gotta root for hubby’s fave) so I won’t really be watching the game. However, I will make sure there’s plenty of tasty treats! In the chips department we’ll forgo Doritos and instead have these delicious new organic nacho cheese chips from Costco. Warning: grab a few then close the bag or else you won’t want to stop. (Ask me how I know.) 😉

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This Week’s Fave Kid-Friendly Song

Witness by Jordan Feliz

When I am in the car I usually listen to SiriusXM Alt Nation but it’s not always kid friendly so I stick to the Christian station when they are in the car. My boys love Jordan Feliz and they were all excited when his new song Witness came out. They ask to listen to it every time they come into the car. Luckily, I like it too so that’s ok. 🙂 


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This Week’s Fave TV Show

Young Victoria

Okay, so I’m super late to the game. Victoria, Season 1 has been sitting in my DVR for a year. When Season 2 started recording I figured I’d better get going. I don’t know why it took me so long but I’m a few episodes in and I’m loving it. I hope to finish Season 1 soon so I can catch up on Season 2. If you’re watching too, did you like the second season as much (without giving spoilers!) 😉

Okay, that’s it. What have you been enjoying this week?

If you’re a blogger, I’d love for you to link up.

And if it’s before Sun, Feb 4, then link up with Ashley for January’s Five Favorites. (She has a give-away going on too!)

If you post about 7 favorites, link up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

Source: CBS/Big Bang Theory

Have a great weekend and enjoy the big game!


PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, 😉

Are you ready to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with your Friday Favorites.

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.

3. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. Have fun!

Friday Favorites & Link-up Vol 1 & 7QT

It’s been another busy week and I needed a break so I thought I would do a short but fun post with my Friday Favorites. Here are the things that I am loving this week. 🙂

(Note: Revolution of Love is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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This Week’s Fave Anticipation

Hints of Spring

It’s been rainy the last few days but there are signs of spring around as tiny buds are showing and a few are beginning to bloom. I can’t wait until March so I can start planting flowers on our deck garden.

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This Week’s Fave Lotion

“Happiness” Aromatherapy Lotion

For Christmas I received a new lotion called Happiness from Bath and Body Works. It has Bergamot Essential Oil, which creates a sense of well being and Mandarin Essential Oil, which helps improve mood. I’ve gotta admit, I think it works! I love the fresh, citrusy smell and so do my boys. Each of my three little guys came up to me (at different times) and hugged me and said I smelled really good. So either this stuff is great or… I normally smell like crap. 😉


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This Week’s Fave Book

Harry Potter

For the last three months my Reading List has been dominated by the Harry Potter series. In November I read the first book for the first time. After that I couldn’t put them down until I finished them all. (I can’t imagine how hard it would have been to wait a year between books.) Today I officially finished all the books (and the movies) with plenty of tears shed in between. After so much HP, I am not sure what book to tackle next!

I want to do a classic I have yet to read and looked over Modern Mrs. Darcy’s suggestions and have narrowed it down to either Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy or The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton. Any suggestions on which one to pick?

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This Week’s Fave Catholic Item

Photo credit: smallthingsgr8tlove

“To Jesus through Mary” Rosary Pouch

I bought this cute canvas rosary pouch from smallthingsgr8love on etsy. This would be a great little gift for Valentines or in an Easter basket.

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This Week’s Fave Comfort

The Sisterhood/Brotherhood of Prayer

This morning Brian is going for another one of his big cancer tests. He’s taken this test three times in his life so far. The first time is when they first found the cancer. The second time was when the cancer came back after his surgery. The third time they didn’t find cancer but on that same day his dad had a stoke and was changed forever. Sooo this test has very unhappy memories for our family!

Cancer is such a roller coaster ride. Even when it is gone, you can never feel fully “free” from it since there is the constant testing to make sure it hasn’t returned. It is a good thing so it can be detected early and dealt with but it also makes it harder because you’re constantly thrown back into “what if” mode every time a test date approaches.  In the meantime, I am thankful for the prayers of my family and friends who pray not only for a positive outcome but for our family to not let fear overtake our hope and faith in God. I am so thankful to all of those lifting us up in prayer. May the end of this test be filled with joy and thanksgiving.

UPDATE: Brian’s procedure/testing went well and the doc said everything looks great. No signs of cancer. Blessed be God!

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This Week’s Fave Learning Tool

Home Organization

In January, after the holidays and all the excess, I always get the itch to purge, simplify and organize. These two books have been my reading material and motivation.

Organized Simplicity: The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living


A Simplified Life: Tactical Tools for Intentional Living

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This Week’s Fave Challenge

Organized Simplicity Challenge (Jan 22 – Feb 2 2018)

To put what I am learning into action, I have joined Stephanie Wood Weinert’s #organizedsimplicity Challenge. She is following the Organized Simplicity book (above) and has a Facebook Group for participants to follow along. Full disclosure, I can never seem to get all the work done on the days assigned since there are some days I am not home at all but I do what I can.

Katheryn Whitaker is joining Stephanie and the other day on an IG Live she said three things that really stuck with me. Paraphrased:

  1. Strive for better not perfect. Even if only a small amount of progress is made, it is still better than when we started.
  2. Purging is a process. We’re never really “done” because as time passes our family’s needs changes and the purge continues.
  3. When you have order in your home, you leave space in your heart for Christ.  (I especially love that one.)

There’s more I want to share but I’ll save that for later in a separate post. 🙂

Okay, that’s it for this week. I’d love to hear what your favorites are this week. I added a link-up for anyone interested.

And if you happen to list 7 favorites, you can also link-up with awesome Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

Then go and link up with one of my favorite bloggers, Ashley for January’s Five Favorites. I’m so excited! I didn’t realize she was still doing Five Favorites. Plus, she is also doing an awesome give away!

Happy Friday!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, 😉

Are you ready to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with your Friday Favorites.

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.

3. Link up below. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. Have fun!